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Potential Allies


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Would they carry over if you allied with a successor chapter?


I.e Would a Priest for a BA force affect allies from a Flesh Eater force? Fluff-wise it would and should, but would the rules stop that?


That said, would a successor chapter even count as an ally? (What better way to start the day then to fire off some daft questions...)

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Battle-Brother allies in essence function as one unified army, they benefit from each others Psychic Power, leadership, can join each others squads, board each others transports, use each others universal special rules and so on and so forth.


Allies of Convenience can work together with no detriment but essentially act as two separate armies on the tabletop, they don't use each others rules or assets, merely fight alongside each other.


Desperate Allies means the two armies are barely trusting each other enough to fight together, each turn you roll a dice for the ally and if you fail the role (not sure what the needed score is yet) then the ally army just stands there this turn and does nothing, as they are watching their ally for betrayal rather than fighting the common foe.


On special rules it looks like it battle brothers only that can use each other special rules

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Our very own BnC source has posted the exact rules- and theyre ambiguous at very best. SO, it will have to wait for FAQ.


Battle Brothers (not Brothers in Arms, whoops)


This category covers the strongest of alliances, two or more armies striving for a common goal. Battle Brothers have utter trust in their comrades, treating them as an extension of their own forces. Such alliances are always voluntary, born out of an unyielding desire for victory.


Battle Brothers are treated as "friendly units" for all points of view. This means that, for example, Battle Brothers:

Can be joined by allied Independent Characters.

Are counted as being friendly units for the targeting of psychic powers, abilities and so on.

However, note that not even Battle Brothers can embark in allied transport vehicles.

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Battle Brothers (not Brothers in Arms, whoops)


This category covers the strongest of alliances, two or more armies striving for a common goal. Battle Brothers have utter trust in their comrades, treating them as an extension of their own forces. Such alliances are always voluntary, born out of an unyielding desire for victory.


Battle Brothers are treated as "friendly units" for all points of view. This means that, for example, Battle Brothers:

Can be joined by allied Independent Characters.

Are counted as being friendly units for the targeting of psychic powers, abilities and so on.

However, note that not even Battle Brothers can embark in allied transport vehicles.


Looks like Priests will work on allies: "All friendly units within 6" are subjet to the Furious Charge and Feel No Pain special rules."

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Battle Brothers (not Brothers in Arms, whoops)


This category covers the strongest of alliances, two or more armies striving for a common goal. Battle Brothers have utter trust in their comrades, treating them as an extension of their own forces. Such alliances are always voluntary, born out of an unyielding desire for victory.


Battle Brothers are treated as "friendly units" for all points of view. This means that, for example, Battle Brothers:

Can be joined by allied Independent Characters.

Are counted as being friendly units for the targeting of psychic powers, abilities and so on.

However, note that not even Battle Brothers can embark in allied transport vehicles.


Looks like Priests will work on allies: "All friendly units within 6" are subjet to the Furious Charge and Feel No Pain special rules."

I think Priests will only work for Battle Brothers.


But I hope a FAQ makes Priests Blood Angels only.

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I think Priests will only work for Battle Brothers.


But I hope a FAQ makes Priests Blood Angels only.


Yes, sorry, I meant allies at the Battle Brothers level.


I'm hoping there is no such FAQ - I want to share my toys.

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I think Priests will only work for Battle Brothers.


But I hope a FAQ makes Priests Blood Angels only.

The page that GW showed in their video seems to suggest that the Priest bubble would effect Allies of Convenience (but the priest couldn't join them).


Fluff wise: I don't mind if our Priests can share their FNP bubble (meaning we have the best apothecaries). But I hope that they only give Furious Charge to Blood Angels.


Also, I wonder if there are going to be limits set on SG. It seems fluff breaking to be fielding Dante and 60SG members in a 2k list when there are only 30 in the entire chapter. (However, seeing that sea of gold flying across the table? Be still my beating heart!)

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Also, I wonder if there are going to be limits set on SG. It seems fluff breaking to be fielding Dante and 60SG members in a 2k list when there are only 30 in the entire chapter. (However, seeing that sea of gold flying across the table? Be still my beating heart!)

Imagine it this way. Dante calls in the SAnguinary Guard from the Blood Angels and successors at once!

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Battle Brothers will be allowed to share special rules, etc. (Like presumably the Sanguinary Priest?)





Why, wrongs wrong with that? A only thing that changes a Sang Priest from an Apothecary rules wise when it comes to use is that they aren't attached to the command squad, and instead their ability works with a bubble. As if they are running up to each person.


You seem to forget about FC...which makes no sense that anyone else should have it. Imagine some guardsmen firing in line, suddenly the commissar orders the charge:

- hey man, we gotta charge these greenskins! For the emperor!

- dude, who's that guy in red armour? That one with the pimp cup...he's screaming some stuff about a dead dude with wings and :cuss....I'm feeling angry right now!

- Yeah man me RAAAAAARGH!!


yes, sounds about as fluffy as a GK Grandmaster leading an allied army of Deamons on Cadia. ;)



By the way I demand that Priests should not be allies for anyone, neither should their special rules.






Ok yeah, I did forget about the furious charge part. The furious charge is the psych part though, not the healing.


But, I can see (though not for psychic reasons), a Sanguinary Priest screaming about Sanguinius (and they are pretty much the chaplains of the chapter) motivating the IG enough to have a crazy charge. The Imperium is said to revere Sanguinius as one of the highest standing primarchs for his sacrifice, almost all citizens know and revere him, and shrines to him rise next to shrines to the Emperor.




But yes, I agree. The Sanguinary Priest should NOT give Furious Charge to anyone else.

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Ok yeah, I did forget about the furious charge part. The furious charge is the psych part though, not the healing.


But, I can see (though not for psychic reasons), a Sanguinary Priest screaming about Sanguinius (and they are pretty much the chaplains of the chapter) motivating the IG enough to have a crazy charge. The Imperium is said to revere Sanguinius as one of the highest standing primarchs for his sacrifice, almost all citizens know and revere him, and shrines to him rise next to shrines to the Emperor.




But yes, I agree. The Sanguinary Priest should NOT give Furious Charge to anyone else.


Well, at least we're in an agreement over one thing. :D


It's just my opinion that giving away BA toys(and other armies giving away theirs) takes a lot of flavour off that army. I mean, that's what codizes are there for, aren't they? They don't just provide a rules section, but a background section as well(which seems to be missed by some people quite often). Each codex is different. Each army plays different, and the units that you are able to use are different as well. That's what makes the game a good game, where you can be jealous of some units, but you have your own to cope with it.


Now, we have just a great bunch of 'I want this, I want that, I don't care, just 'cause I can' going on. I'm not saying that this refers to everyone, but there are these kind of people. I mean, Grey Hunters are good enough, they don't need FnP and FC on top of that. Or Codex assault marines, that's better left to us.

The Sanguinary Priest is the backbone of what made us strong in 5th, not Razrspam or some hybrids lists or DoA. It was the Sang-Priest. Now we're losing it to the pups, to the dress-wearers, to the smurfs and to lesser men of the Imperial Guard.


It's not a good system from a gaming point of view. IMHO, it absolutely devastates any in-game balance.



But again, we'll have to wait for the actual wording. Hope dies last. ;)






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I agree.


I mean, I think this is good to a degree from a story perspective, so long as players keep BA stuff as "BA" stuff in their story and not repaint all of it and say, "Well, rule wise they are allies, but they are really part of my chapter."


And I hate sharing my stuff too when it comes to that. For example, I was so peeved and almost decided not to play DoW EVER, because they had dreadnaughts with two CC weapons. However, I made my Sanguinary Crusaders Chapter, and so it made it ok for me.

(I also played the FoK mod which made it closer to codex, added in more codex units, and made IG die MUCH faster than space marines, and a squad of space marines can pretty much hold off against several platoons of IG. But the Emperor protect you if you fought Chaos or other marines. Or basalisks. Or a baneblade. Or, you know, other big stuff like that).



My question is, though: Would an apothecary of ANY chapter be able to help an IG trooper? I mean, they certainly wouldn't get the furious charge from the Sanguinary Priest, but even a codex chapter wouldn't be able to efficiently help one, I would think.

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My question is, though: Would an apothecary of ANY chapter be able to help an IG trooper? I mean, they certainly wouldn't get the furious charge from the Sanguinary Priest, but even a codex chapter wouldn't be able to efficiently help one, I would think.


Probably not. Think about it, at the time a Marine is wounded enough to need the Priest's help, the Guardsman is already dead, torn into irrecognisable pieces and a cloud of blood in the air.

Then, the Narthecium is quite more complex than some linen cloth and morphium, and the substances used in the healing process of a Marine would probably kill the guardsman. All in all, no FnP and FC for Guard.

From another POV(mine), no Sanguinary Priests for anyone. ANYONE!




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Meanwhile, on our side of things. I'm pondering the Codex: Angels of Death days (yes, I know I wasn't even around then, but still!) and browsing.


I could be wrong, but at a glance Sammael on a jetbike and a Ravenwing detachment of 3 bikers and a multi-melta Attack Bike doesn't seem like a bad deal for 375 points.


And if all Snorri's fears come true, a Sanguinary Priest on bike could even hang around, that could be neat. If nothing else, it's like nothing I've ever fielded before.


EDIT: And if Dark Angels are in fact getting a new codex very soon, this might only improve! Or be terrible. Hmmmmm...!

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I must say this before I comment on my Ally choice: GW has trouble balancing codexes (codices?) by themselves, let alone withh all the zany Ally combos people are going to come up with.


That being said my BA will team up with TAUUUUUU. Everyone loves railguns and meltaguns.

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Meanwhile, on our side of things. I'm pondering the Codex: Angels of Death days (yes, I know I wasn't even around then, but still!) and browsing.


I could be wrong, but at a glance Sammael on a jetbike and a Ravenwing detachment of 3 bikers and a multi-melta Attack Bike doesn't seem like a bad deal for 375 points.


And if all Snorri's fears come true, a Sanguinary Priest on bike could even hang around, that could be neat. If nothing else, it's like nothing I've ever fielded before.


EDIT: And if Dark Angels are in fact getting a new codex very soon, this might only improve! Or be terrible. Hmmmmm...!


I'm also excited for Dual Angels, whether Ravenwing or Deathwing.


Ravenwing bikers with DoA Assault Marines, Sanguinary Guard and Death Company sounds awesome, backed up with either Jump Priests or Bike Priests.


Alternatively, take Belial and some Deathwing Terminators to provide fire support with Cyclone Missile Launchers. Too bad they can't enter Storm Ravens :rolleyes: Maybe they'll get their own Land Raider though...

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  • 2 weeks later...
I dunno if you guys have checked out the FAQ, but Sanguinary Priests FNP rules apply only to units from the C:BA. That being said, it's pretty dope having Blood Angels Fight alongside my Eldar (even though it doesn't make much sense)
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I dunno if you guys have checked out the FAQ, but Sanguinary Priests FNP rules apply only to units from the C:BA. That being said, it's pretty dope having Blood Angels Fight alongside my Eldar (even though it doesn't make much sense)


Yup, we did. It's great, isn't it? Every 'bubble' special rule is codex-only, so no rule- :cuss ing with our fluff. It's...satisfying. Smells sweet...smells like...victory.





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Would they carry over if you allied with a successor chapter?


Cant ally with same codex.


But it should be OK to just have two different chapters (using the same Codex) using two separate primary detachments or even mixing them within a single detachment. After all, they use the same rules - why not? This way the priest auras are also shared, which is also logical between BA and successor chapters.

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I dunno if you guys have checked out the FAQ, but Sanguinary Priests FNP rules apply only to units from the C:BA. That being said, it's pretty dope having Blood Angels Fight alongside my Eldar (even though it doesn't make much sense)


Fluffilogically speaking (yeah I borrowed that term... but it is priceless) you can make the Eldar/ BA thing work or just about any other twist of the allies chart. Abnett did it beautifully with Gaunt's Ghosts and the Eldar (for those that haven't read it, SPOILER ALERT...... the Ghosts thought that the Eldar were fellow humans).


I have not read all of the 40k books out there, but having GM'd multiple game systems in roleplaying scenarios I know it is not that hard to come up with a logical reason why two groups work together, even if it is just for a single fight. So if you want to ally with something, I say "Do it".

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