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Getting together a chaos warband


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Few weeks ago i decided to sell off my grey knights and tau armies mainly because i didnt like how they looked. Now i got some spare cash to start something new or expand my old armies. I went to look my cellar to see what models i had for what armies and i uncovered old Slaves to Darkness book and few older chaos codexs. That got me thinking about starting a chaos army again. So i checked what i had at the storage and i found the following models.


Un-assembled rhino

5 chaos terminators - the old metal ones

fabious bile

parts for maybe 10-15 chaos marines - metal ones, few got autocannon look a like heavy weapons and few plasma i think

few noise marines

3 bikers



So, my question to you fellow chaos worshippers is what should i get to boost this pile in to something of a fighting force? Im aiming towards 1000-1200 points. Im going to get my hands on newest codex at friday.

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So, my question to you fellow chaos worshippers is what should i get to boost this pile in to something of a fighting force?
Nothing else at this time, I'd paint what you have first (if unpainted), and use that as a motivator to get them done so you can expand your force.
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So, my question to you fellow chaos worshippers is what should i get to boost this pile in to something of a fighting force?
Nothing else at this time, I'd paint what you have first (if unpainted), and use that as a motivator to get them done so you can expand your force.


yes, nearly all of them are painted. only those random marine parts are not. originally my small chaos warband was fallen that we used in few campaigns.

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Honestly, I might consider selling off the chaos, too. Maybe keep bile, certainly the unassembled rhino, maybe a couple other individual models you like, and then start more or less completely from scratch after seeing what the new rulebook looks like. Maybe even wait a couple months for the new codex and Dark Angels / Chaos starter set. Nothing's more annoying then buying a bunch of stuff only to find it's the wrong bunch of stuff due to a new set of rules only a short time later.
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