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Please help with some questions about the rules


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I versed Orks yesterday With 1400pts of Nurgle based Chaos Marines wiping out my opponents entire army winning my 3rd out of 6 games losing a dreadnought, land raider, 2 squads of 7 plague marines with 2 Flamers and a rhino transport each (I had another dreadnought, Nurgle sorcer with wind and rot plus 7 plague marines with 2 flamers, champ with plasma pistol and fist with a defiler for support) but a few questions were raised that I thought I should ask for advice


1. If a tank moves 12 inches can it still fire smoke launchers and does it count with a dreadnought that ran in shooting phase


2. I wounded gazgkull with my Chaos sorcerer twice she failed both invulnerable saves but a spectator said Gazghkull's invulnerable save is a 2+ due to prophet of the waagh rule ( in the end we agreed gazgkull failed so was killed by my Chaos Sorcerer helping me win with her warboss left who was crushed by my last Dread) so who's right the spectator or me


3. Finally since All Orks gain Fleet during Waagh and Gazgkull benefits from furious charge since his power claw gives him strength 10 does it make him strength 11 just was curious as he destroyed my landraider, a dreadnought, and rhino charging them (yes he destroyed them at strength 10 rolling 6s for each one on the damage chart) just being curious


4. Finally if a shaken or stunned result is rolled on the damage chart and of it was a glancing hit does the shaken or stunned get ignored due to the -2 for glancing hits


( she took power claw warboss with 20 Ork boyz, Gazskull with 10 nobs with painboy, another 10 Ork Nobz one with claw, 2 squads of 10 Ork each with a power claw Nob, 10 gretchin with runtherd and 3 Death kopters)


(sorry if I spelt something wrong)

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1. Yes, yes.

2. 2+/5++ only. Prophet of the Waagh makes the orks fearless and 6" for their waagh movement. Not sure where the invulnerable save thing came from.

3. Nope. 10 is max. I believe at one time he could -- you could also get a Strength 12 for a zapp gun -- but anything over 10 strength is just 10.

4. No. When dealing with modified die rolls, you can never roll less than 1 nor more than 6.



I got out the Ork book to look. Pg 58, under Prophet of the Waaagh! Second paragraph. "Ghazghkull's Waaagh! lasts the remainder of that player turn and all of the following player turn. During this period Ghazghkull's saving throw is invulnerable."


I told you wrong. It is 2++ during the Waaagh.

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1: Yes, smoke can be popped anytime as long as the vehical is still funcional in some way. (although the image of a wrecked husk popping smoke is highly amusing)

2: I would double check the rules, but I'm fairly sure the orks have no 2+ invuln. saves, and that the Prophet just allows you extra waaaghs.

3: BRB states that there is no way to get higher then a 10 of any state, further more the rules for a power fist(klaw) state that it increases the users str to a maximum of 10. Also, the effects of furious charge would be added in first before the effects of the power klaw, so ether way it ends at a 10

4: That is a subject of much debate, but the way I have always played it is if you take 2 and subtract 2 you have 0, sense there is no zero, the hit is ignored.

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1. If a tank moves 12 inches can it still fire smoke launchers and does it count with a dreadnought that ran in shooting phase
Yes, a vehicle can use smoke launchers no matter how far it moves. No, a Dreadnought cannot use smoke launchers during the shooting phase because they must be used at the end of the vehicle's move during the movement phase.


2. I wounded gazgkull with my Chaos sorcerer twice she failed both invulnerable saves but a spectator said Gazghkull's invulnerable save is a 2+ due to prophet of the waagh rule ( in the end we agreed gazgkull failed so was killed by my Chaos Sorcerer helping me win with her warboss left who was crushed by my last Dread) so who's right the spectator or me
When Ghazghkull calls his WAAAGH!!!, his armor save turns into an invulnerable save for that time period, giving him a 2+ inv save.


3. Finally since All Orks gain Fleet during Waagh and Gazgkull benefits from furious charge since his power claw gives him strength 10 does it make him strength 11 just was curious as he destroyed my landraider, a dreadnought, and rhino charging them (yes he destroyed them at strength 10 rolling 6s for each one on the damage chart) just being curious
No. No stat, other than Attacks, can go above 10.


4. Finally if a shaken or stunned result is rolled on the damage chart and of it was a glancing hit does the shaken or stunned get ignored due to the -2 for glancing hits
No. Everything defaults to 1, ie Shaken.
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4. Finally if a shaken or stunned result is rolled on the damage chart and of it was a glancing hit does the shaken or stunned get ignored due to the -2 for glancing hits
No. Everything defaults to 1, ie Shaken


Wow! I just looked it up and the damage table does indeed say "1 or less". We've always played that glances are ignored if the final (modified) roll is<1.

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Also, the effects of furious charge would be added in first before the effects of the power klaw, so ether way it ends at a 10


Sorry to nitpick, but this is incorrect. A Marine with Furious Charge and a Power Fist strikes at S9 on the charge, not S10 (Fists, etc double your base strength, modifies are added on afterwards). So I can't see how it would be different for an Ork.

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I edited the first reply but wanted to make sure the edit was seen.


I got out the Ork book to look. Pg 58, under Prophet of the Waaagh! Second paragraph. "Ghazghkull's Waaagh! lasts the remainder of that player turn and all of the following player turn. During this period Ghazghkull's saving throw is invulnerable."


I told you wrong. It is 2++ during the Waaagh.

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Read the ork codex and get to know Ghazgul Thraka better! Probably the best character in the game. Ghaz can call a Waauugh at any point in either player's turn, and for the next full turn his save becomes 2++. Because of toughness, Ghaz is typically never insta-killed by anything. A very tough Hombre! Also, his Waugh give every affected unit a 6-inch fleet, etc. Far better than a basic warboss.
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Read the ork codex and get to know Ghazgul Thraka better! Probably the best character in the game. Ghaz can call a Waauugh at any point in either player's turn, and for the next full turn his save becomes 2++. Because of toughness, Ghaz is typically never insta-killed by anything. A very tough Hombre! Also, his Waugh give every affected unit a 6-inch fleet, etc. Far better than a basic warboss.


I agree he is very tough to kill, the dread that was charged by him failed to even hit or wound him being destroyed in return I was very lucky she used Waauugh halfway though the game as it was in the last turn turn that My sorcerer managed to luckily hit and wound him who failed his 5+ inv saves dying after Gaz killed my land raider in the previous assault phase. The only units of hers that actually killed anything of mine was Gaz and her other warboss but they managed to kill alot of my army

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