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Predictions for 6th Edition

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This is not a rumor thread.


With the release of 6th edition imminent, how will the new rules affect Chaos armies? We've all read the rumors, what do you guess is going to happen to our foul legions?


Here's my predictions:


- The cost of units will go down across the board, evening the odds with our Imperial counterparts. Some of the more excruciating imbalances, like the cost of noise marine weapon upgrades, will go be mitigated.


- Vehicles in general are going to be more fragile, since hull points will reduce their survivability. Land Raiders are going to suddenly face issues where multiple low strength weapons can put them out of action. Rules for demonic possession will be important but be poorly aligned with the new vehicle mechanics.


- Likewise, new rules around wound allocation will make some troop upgrades impractical. Since you can reliably blow up Land Raiders with missile launchers, there will be less need for things like power fists. There will be fewer ACs carrying them them and more heavy weapon squads appearing in army lists.


- GW will find some way to take away the best HQ options. Double Demon Princes with wings will become impractical, while Lucius and Fabius will become a logical choice for some horrible reason.


- The elimination of random movement is going to make units like dreadnoughts more competitive. GW will find some way to keep them from being really good, but they will be far better than they were in the 4th ed codex.


- Cultist blob squads will be an important part of most armies. They will be meat shields with some awesome, unaffordable upgrades that can give them several tactical roles.


- Psychic attacks will be an important part of many armies. Sorcerers will be able to draw from a deeper pool of talents at a lower points cost. Thousand Sons armies will be much more flexible and have options for how to be used in battle.


- Khorne Berzerkers are going to be less useful due to new rules around shooting and the order of turns. Assaulting before shooting means they won't be able to charge into units that have been softened up by supporting fire, and rules that allow enemies to shoot before a charge are going to put them at a serious disadvantage. There's a chance they will no longer be worth the cost.


- GW is going to find some way to make plague marines tougher but less useful. We have seen the rumors about them getting true grit and slow and purposeful. I just have a feeling they will be tougher but not able to foot slog effectively.


- Regular CSMs are going to be a lot less useful. People will be picking certain HQs all the time to get access to cult troops as troops.


- Bikers are going to suffer. New rules around movement are going to make other units much more attractive, and we will find new ways to complain about them compared to other units.


- Raptors are suddenly going to be useful, with better rules around movement, jetpacks and CC. They will get rules that allow them to have extra attacks when they land that attack at a higher initiative, and it will be easier for them to perform hit and run style attacks that make them more survivable.


- Possessed are going to be able to select their own upgrades and be worth the points. They will be spectacular in CC and start appearing in competitive lists again.


- Spawn will become even harder to field. They will stick around as a unit that takes no FOC slots, but will get some other USR that makes them utterly worthless. The USR might actually be called Worthless and impose penalties on the player that makes the mistake of choosing them.


- Demon bomb armies will be made possible again through the use of allies. Chaos will again be able to field a Bloodthirster alongside our troops with real rules to make him terrifying. He will bring all manner of horrors with him.


- There won't be too many new models, but whatever new models are released will be unaffordable for most people. That dragon thing will cost upwards of $90, that thing that replaces dreadnoughts will cost about $50, there will be some new troop models that cost more than $4 a mini. This will mean smaller armies for a lot of folks.


- There's going to be some important, Chaos specific scenery that ties into the rules for summoning and reserves.

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I talked to Fateweaver and one of his head's said we can expect a well balanced (internally and externally), competitive codex and great, reasonably priced models.



lol... it seems like a such a pipe dream with the codex we have know but i hope so


either way with the new allies chart my word bearers and plenty of other chaos players will be pleasantly surprised with 6th edition

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I have been working all night and am on my way to my warm and cozy bed, but I just want to address some of your "predictions" before I "zzz".


No, even with hull points land raiders will be tough, and low strength weapons can't even glance it so it doesn't have to worry much about that. Missile launchers(which are NOT low strength weapons) will not be a "reliable" way of killing off LRs, neither will fists, or have ever been...


Khorne Berzerkers less useful because of assaults before shooting? People were removing models in the front to make it harder for the zerkers to reach anyway, there were hardly any situations where you actually used their bolt pistols for shooting. Shooting from other units worked the same way, each model removed made it harder for them to reach their target. Besides, I haven't heard anywhere that they have flipped the turn order, on the contrary I have heard it stays the same...


There is a lot in your post that relies heavily on rules we haven't even read the whole part of yet, or anything at all in some cases. I use the big salt shaker while reading it...

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Missile launchers(which are NOT low strength weapons) will not be a "reliable" way of killing off LRs, neither will fists, or have ever been...


Everything that is a not a lascannon or a melta is a low strength weapon to the guy driving the Land Raider.


There is a lot in your post that relies heavily on rules we haven't even read the whole part of yet, or anything at all in some cases. I use the big salt shaker while reading it...


Yeah, you know, these are straight guesses about the impact of new rules on Chaos Armies. Happy to be wrong on any / all of these points.


Do you have any thoughts about the impact 6th Edition may have on the game? Or do you just want to complain about what I said?

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got my rulebook ordered!! $54.95 :)


what i really really want more than anything out of 6th edition is a large community in my area of fluff based gamers who care more about fun than winning! a man can dream though.... a man can dream....

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There's pretty much only one prediction I can really make for the next Chaos codex, everything else I could add are more along the lines of hopes.


With the increasing occurance of retinue units (honour guard, command squads, Archon's court, etc.) I see Chosen becoming such a unit with every model essentially counting as a champion able to take whatever gear they want, sort of like Wolf Guard without the splitting off to lead other units part. The current Chosen will likely become something along the lines of Sternguard and be renamed, probably just as veterans, retaining their extra weapon choices and infiltration.


Another possible prediction, though probably completely wrong, is that Raptors become the undivided cult unit, with regular Chaos assault marines becoming a seperate choice and staying as Raptors currently are. Raptors will likely regain the hit-and-run rule and maybe furious charge, actually becoming the elites they're made out to be, becoming the Chaos version of Sanguinary Guard or Vanguard veterans.

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There's pretty much only one prediction I can really make for the next Chaos codex, everything else I could add are more along the lines of hopes.


With the increasing occurance of retinue units (honour guard, command squads, Archon's court, etc.) I see Chosen becoming such a unit with every model essentially counting as a champion able to take whatever gear they want, sort of like Wolf Guard without the splitting off to lead other units part. The current Chosen will likely become something along the lines of Sternguard and be renamed, probably just as veterans, retaining their extra weapon choices and infiltration.


So you think it'll pretty much be 3.5 edition again when it comes to chosen? I'd like that.



Another possible prediction, though probably completely wrong, is that Raptors become the undivided cult unit, with regular Chaos assault marines becoming a seperate choice and staying as Raptors currently are. Raptors will likely regain the hit-and-run rule and maybe furious charge, actually becoming the elites they're made out to be, becoming the Chaos version of Sanguinary Guard or Vanguard veterans.


This would be awesome although it'd be a bit like copy and pasting loyalist stuff and adding spiky bits to it. But hey as long as we get decent rules I'll make up my own fluff.

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I predict a new special rule... We shall call it "let's hug it out". It basically means that if your Chaos Lord and a loyalist Chapter Master are locked in HtH combat for 2 rounds, you must roll a D6. On a 1-4, combat continues and if neither is slain in the next round, you roll again. On a 5 or 6, they decide to "hug it out", which may end in dinner and a movie of their choosing.
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Missile launchers(which are NOT low strength weapons) will not be a "reliable" way of killing off LRs, neither will fists, or have ever been...


Everything that is a not a lascannon or a melta is a low strength weapon to the guy driving the Land Raider.


There is a lot in your post that relies heavily on rules we haven't even read the whole part of yet, or anything at all in some cases. I use the big salt shaker while reading it...


Yeah, you know, these are straight guesses about the impact of new rules on Chaos Armies. Happy to be wrong on any / all of these points.


Do you have any thoughts about the impact 6th Edition may have on the game? Or do you just want to complain about what I said?

Of course I'll complain about it when someone says something I think is wrong, what else should I do...be silent?


Melta weapons and missile launchers have the same strength, lascannon has just one point higher strength. You don't destroy land raiders very reliably with lascannons either. The melta rule on the other hand, half range meltaguns and multimeltas, or chainfists and monstrous creatures, that's what you kill land raiders with...



Wishlisting at this point is rather useless, the codex will be out soon, and nothing we say can change the content at this point. The 6th edition will change a lot of things, but how it will change we will know first on saturday, when we have the complete ruleset in our hands...

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I predict a new special rule... We shall call it "let's hug it out". It basically means that if your Chaos Lord and a loyalist Chapter Master are locked in HtH combat for 2 rounds, you must roll a D6. On a 1-4, combat continues and if neither is slain in the next round, you roll again. On a 5 or 6, they decide to "hug it out", which may end in dinner and a movie of their choosing.


Khârn would be the worst person ever for this, but I think Typhus would be the huggy type.

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Also, it seems as if the turn sequence has not changed, so the Berzerkers can still 'soften up' their enemies with bolt pistols. What I like is the new rapid fire rules, which make basic CSM much better. They will fill the roll of all-round troops even better now, especially compared to Plague Marines who seem to have been nerfed somewhat.


Being a huge fan of Chaos Space Marines (the troop choice), this makes me happy. As it is now, they are still only really useful for the two meltaguns and the powerfist inside a rhino. The basic dudes are just ablative wounds. These new rapid fire rules might make it more tempting to leave the rhino before it gets destroyed, as there will be some sort of benefit as compared to 5th.

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got my rulebook ordered!! $54.95 :)

How? Is your local store taking pre-orders?


yea. pre ordered get here the day after release. got it from texas toy soldiers.

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I predict a new special rule... We shall call it "let's hug it out". It basically means that if your Chaos Lord and a loyalist Chapter Master are locked in HtH combat for 2 rounds, you must roll a D6. On a 1-4, combat continues and if neither is slain in the next round, you roll again. On a 5 or 6, they decide to "hug it out", which may end in dinner and a movie of their choosing.


Khârn would be the worst person ever for this, but I think Typhus would be the huggy type.



Might want to be careful if Lucius tries it...

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I predict a new special rule... We shall call it "let's hug it out". It basically means that if your Chaos Lord and a loyalist Chapter Master are locked in HtH combat for 2 rounds, you must roll a D6. On a 1-4, combat continues and if neither is slain in the next round, you roll again. On a 5 or 6, they decide to "hug it out", which may end in dinner and a movie of their choosing.


Khârn would be the worst person ever for this, but I think Typhus would be the huggy type.



Might want to be careful if Lucius tries it...


I don't think Lucius calls for separate taxis home after the movie...

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I am looking forward to 6th should be very interesting ok it might be annoying with some rules but I play for fun so should make a game more challenging. I have already got it ordered from my local comic shop but am still waiting for the cost of it. One thing which sucks is if the people in my gaming club don't like 6th they will refuse to play it only playing 5th which will be annoying as I will have the 6th ed rulebook but no one will want to play a game using it B) ;)
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I shouldnt worry teutonic, lots of people said they wouldnt play 5th. no one is playing 4th any more. the same will happen with 6th.
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