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Predictions for 6th Edition

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I wanted to touch on some of your predictions specifically.


- Vehicles in general are going to be more fragile, since hull points will reduce their survivability. Land Raiders are going to suddenly face issues where multiple low strength weapons can put them out of action. Rules for demonic possession will be important but be poorly aligned with the new vehicle mechanics.


Don't think this will be the case at all. Most of the rumor-givers are saying quite the opposite. Since it sounds like AP 1,2,3 weapons will be the only ones doing damage to vehicles (the new vehicle damage dice only come in these varieties), and I highly doubt Lasguns, or even Bolters will be AP3 all the sudden, it'll be tougher to take vehicles out than it is now. Plus, it'll take upwards of 4 hits at a Land Raider (the rumored number of Hull Points for them) instead of 1 shot--potentially; I'm still not clear on how those new dice mesh with a Hull Point system.


- Likewise, new rules around wound allocation will make some troop upgrades impractical. Since you can reliably blow up Land Raiders with missile launchers, there will be less need for things like power fists. There will be fewer ACs carrying them them and more heavy weapon squads appearing in army lists.


I think the good AP weapons will still be in high demand, and obviously, I believe vehicles will still be tougher to take down as I mentioned. There have been rumors of a 'Look out, sir' type rule, as well, where basic troop types can shield their Champs and take the hit instead. This means champs will still lead from the front in close combat armies. No need to hide a powerfist in the back, and somehow work that model around to the front before the charge.


- GW will find some way to take away the best HQ options. Double Demon Princes with wings will become impractical, while Lucius and Fabius will become a logical choice for some horrible reason.


I'm with ya here ... I really think Daemon Princes will become 0-1 in our new codex. With the new ally rules, though, we can always grab another from Codex: Daemons, so that'll be nice.


- The elimination of random movement ...


Haven't heard anything about that. It seems there's even more random movement with 2d6 charge distances.


- Psychic attacks will be an important part of many armies. Sorcerers will be able to draw from a deeper pool of talents at a lower points cost. Thousand Sons armies will be much more flexible and have options for how to be used in battle.


With the new generic psychic schools, this definitely seems to be the case. While the White Dwarf wording (links to pics are all over rumor threads/sites), it's confusing, but it seems Chaos will be able to mix and match, too--taking one power from the 'dex, and getting a generic power for each they bought. Sorcerer HQs may come back in style big time.


- Khorne Berzerkers are going to be less useful due to new rules around shooting and the order of turns. Assaulting before shooting means they won't be able to charge into units that have been softened up by supporting fire, and rules that allow enemies to shoot before a charge are going to put them at a serious disadvantage. There's a chance they will no longer be worth the cost.


More recent rumors have stated the turn order is not changing. That would have caused way too many bad things for 40k (flamers ... all the assault weapons ...). Berserkers might get the short end of the stick if they need to walk a good distance across the board, getting shot up all the while, but 2d6 charge ranges could benefit them greatly, and there's still Land Raider, and Rhino deliveries.


- GW is going to find some way to make plague marines tougher but less useful. We have seen the rumors about them getting true grit and slow and purposeful. I just have a feeling they will be tougher but not able to foot slog effectively.


FnP might be going to 5+ :( , but I've also heard it might work vs everything except double toughness/instant death (no more AP 1,2 exclusion ... hopefully). Only time will tell on this one.


- Regular CSMs are going to be a lot less useful. People will be picking certain HQs all the time to get access to cult troops as troops.


I'd say they'll be way MORE useful. They might get to shoot their bolters at 24", and while some cult troops also get that, Snap Shot, or whatever that new rule is going to be called, means they shoot Heavy Bolters, Lascannons, Autocannons, or Missle Launchers (with Krak) on the move! Sure, all that is at BS 1, but getting to do anything with those weapons instead of nothing is an improvement.


- Raptors are suddenly going to be useful, with better rules around movement, jetpacks and CC. They will get rules that allow them to have extra attacks when they land that attack at a higher initiative, and it will be easier for them to perform hit and run style attacks that make them more survivable.


Yeah, I'm looking forward to the new Jump Pack rules (at least as they're rumored). Plus, rumor has indicated Chaos will have more options outside of Raptors for Jump Troops.

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