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Sorceress conversion

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I know, I should be working on my vow, but the top of her staff broke off, then the front of THAT broke off, so it needs replacing completely. :) very demoralising.


In the meantime, I was taking some photos of my other stuff and included this WiP... thought I'd get your opinions. It's an Aspiring Sorceress, to lead a unit of Armour Wraiths (Rubriks).



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Hehe, well, I have two other sorceresses (the Sorceress for my painting vow, and one with a two close combat weapons converted from the classic Seraphim Superior with the plasma pistol), but neither of them are even half as done as that one. ^^;


Regular Rubriks will just be helmeted Battle Sisters with the iconography filed off (which is a PAIN, especially the chaplets). Really hoping for a plastic Penitent Engine kit at some point to make some Daemon Engines (Dreadnoughts) since, while I've never built one I'm told the Penny is hell to build. Suggestions for other units would be appreciated, but the army is meant to be 100% Tzeentch themed... Retris just don't quite work as Obliterators the same way Terminator Sorcerers do.

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For me the pose looks as if there is a blitz of incoming rounds but she's just standing there 'matrixing' them and calmly returning well placed shots. Though she should watch out for the wychfire on her blade cos her hair might catch fire lol :P
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So, opinions time. Do the fraters prefer black or silver armour?


sisterbeta.php?bpe=436276&bpj=436276&bp=436276&bpc=436276&hdt=9BA0A3&hdm=991115&hdl=9BA0A3&ey=436276&er=436276&pi=436276&reb=436276&nk=436276&ch=9BA0A3&abs=9BA0A3&bt=436276&is=436276&sk=436276&ull=9BA0A3&lk=9BA0A3&lll=9BA0A3&lft=9BA0A3&url=9BA0A3&rk=9BA0A3&flk=231F20&lrl=9BA0A3&rft=9BA0A3&slt=0B4849&sli=9BA0A3&fs=436276&srt=436276&sri=9BA0A3&iss=436276&slv=436276&ula=9BA0A3&lla=9BA0A3&lh=9BA0A3&ura=9BA0A3&rla=9BA0A3&rh=9BA0A3&ri=FFFFFF&tr=FFFFFF&gr=FFFFFF&rb=FFFFFF&bg=FFFFFF& or sisterbeta.php?bpe=436276&bpj=436276&bp=436276&bpc=436276&hdt=3B4145&hdm=991115&hdl=3B4145&ey=436276&er=436276&pi=436276&reb=436276&nk=436276&ch=3B4145&abs=3B4145&bt=436276&is=436276&sk=436276&ull=3B4145&lk=3B4145&lll=3B4145&lft=3B4145&url=3B4145&rk=3B4145&flk=231F20&lrl=3B4145&rft=3B4145&slt=0B4849&sli=3B4145&fs=436276&srt=0B4849&sri=3B4145&iss=436276&slv=436276&ula=3B4145&lla=3B4145&lh=3B4145&ura=3B4145&rla=3B4145&rh=3B4145&ri=FFFFFF&tr=F9F9F9&gr=F9F9F9&rb=FFFFFF&bg=FFFFFF&


Bearing in mind that the red on the helmet will be on the lining of the robes, and the Sorceresses won't be wearing helmets (to differentiate them from the AWs)?

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I quite like them both, although I think the Silver looks better. Perhaps a compromise and have a "dirty/dark" silver?


In either case, I really like the shade of blue ^_^

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I had a thought. How about black armour for the sorceresses, and silver armour for the rubriks/armour wraiths?


:) That would work. The Blue would unify both black and silver together nicely :sweat:

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