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BA psychic powers in 6th


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I Really hope this is a mistake and Mepheston can use three Psychic powers instead of the two they are seeming to give him in this:




I guess we will see when we get the FAQ. The question is do you cash in your three powers you always know you have or do you get two random ones ...and Mepny can use three powers a turn still. Does that mean he could use the same one twice ?



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As I understand it, he can keep his current 3, or he gets 2 rolls if he choses to take new powers. Incentive to keep his base powers I guess.


Assuming no change to the rules (this may change in 6th I don't know) Mephiston will not be allowed to use the same power more than once a turn. But if you swap him to 2 random powers you would still have the force weapon for a third.

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I guess it just really depends on what the new powers are. I just thought it was a bit sad that Mephy could not get 3 powers like he normally has. Although the more I thought about it the more it sounded bad to give him a power set without a 12" jump pack move .



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Depending on what they are, would anyone bother with the new powers seeing as Shield of Sanguinius is a stable power for most builds?

I don't know. I'm a big fan of Shield, Fear and Unleash rage. We'll see what the new powers do.


It may be that the random powers are better for some books, but not for others...

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Kinda odd that Meph only gets 2 while Eldrad gets 4...


Not sure about Tiggy, but it appears Zeke and Njal also only get 2. So, we're not in too bad company. I wont begrudge the space elves too much considering they only got two groups to chose from and we got four ^_^

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Depending on what they are, would anyone bother with the new powers seeing as Shield of Sanguinius is a stable power for most builds?


I really won't. I only run 2 libbys at 2k (and no one where i play has time for that), and I rely on that 5+ cover and unleash rage to make my assault marines as scary as any khornate beserker unit. The only school that looks good is telepathy.

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Depending on what they are, would anyone bother with the new powers seeing as Shield of Sanguinius is a stable power for most builds?

There appears to be a power like the Shield of Sanguinius. Instead of 6 inches it is 12 inches. Instead of a 5+ save, it offers a 4+ save.

The new 12 inch bubble with 4+ cover save?


The old 6 inch bubble 5+ cover save?


The caveat is that you have to roll for the new powers so you will only have a 1/3 chance to get this new awesome power.


Huge edit: I totally misread your post and changed the whole thing.

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Not sure about Tiggy, but it appears Zeke and Njal also only get 2. So, we're not in too bad company. I wont begrudge the space elves too much considering they only got two groups to chose from and we got four :o
the limited selection hurts a bit. Plus adding new powers to such a beatstick like mephy could result in some balance issues too.


I really don't like the idea of random powers at all (or the cards), especially for the tournament scene. I hope I'm wrong and it will be all fun and new and shiny. I guess as long as the codex makes it optional, no harm done.

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I really don't like the idea of random powers at all (or the cards), especially for the tournament scene. I hope I'm wrong and it will be all fun and new and shiny. I guess as long as the codex makes it optional, no harm done.



Red - as far as we know at the moment, its completely optional. You can choose to go the psychic power card route, or choose your standard two powers as per the codex.

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Kinda odd that Meph only gets 2 while Eldrad gets 4...


Not sure about Tiggy, but it appears Zeke and Njal also only get 2. So, we're not in too bad company. I wont begrudge the space elves too much considering they only got two groups to chose from and we got four :o


Tiggy gets 3 powers. Last line just above "Mat says..."

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Psy powers


caster gets D3 str and toughness

target unit get -1 str and toughness

target unit get FNP

assault 2 every unsaved would heals one off caster

pysker get +d3 init

target makes toughness test or take 1 wound no save, if slain jumps to model with in 2' and make save. continue till someone saves or no targets left




primary target unit rerolls failed hits

psycher and unit gain counter attack and get full BS for overwatch

target unit gain 4++

target unit must reroll passed armor saves

psycher and unit ignore cover

psyker rerolls failed failed hits, wounds and armor saves

psyker roll 3 dicechoose the result you want when rolling for reserves, outflank and mysterious terrain



primary flame breath (flamer)

psyker gains 4+ invo

target unit gains 4+ cover save

flame attack assault 1, sould blaze (no idea) blast, ignore cover

target model takes 1 wound , no armor or cover save allowed, place small blast template anyone hit takes a str 4 ap 5 hit

assault 2d6, blind, ignore cover attack

str 8, ap 1 assault 1, melta



assault 1 str 6 . strikedown (halves init and target moves as if its dangerous terrain)

roll 2d6 target takes hit equal to strength (11 or 12 auto wound) ap is equal to seperate dice roll

remove models from table, deepstrike within 24 inchs of where they were

hostile unit must reroll hits and wounds of 6

assault D6 pinning attack

all friendlies with 12 inchs get 5++

str 10, heavy 1 blast



primary 3d6 - target leadership wounds to target unit

target unit has to make leadership roll or do nothing

target freindly stops falling back and gets fearless

hostile model makes an attack as if it owned by psyker

target hostile losses fearless and treats all units as fear causing

invisibility gains shrouding and stealth, hostiles charged by this unit lose counter attack and fight at WS 1

roll on table 1-2 unit pinned, 3-4 cannot run, shoot or stirke blows 5-6 attack own unit.



BA get access to everything except Pyromancy.



Can you say Toughness 9 Mephiston? MwuahahhaAHhahahahha


Im also guessing there was method in Ward's madness making libby dreads 175.

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Im also guessing there was method in Ward's madness making libby dreads 175.

I don't really see a lot of help for the dread. Actually, a lot of these can't even be used by a dread with no gun and no T. Here's my take on it:


Psy powers


caster gets D3 str and toughness already S10 and has an AP value

target unit get -1 str and toughness S10 crushes everything already

target unit get FNP dreads don't need that and priests are all around already

assault 2 every unsaved would heals one off caster Dreads don't have wounds to heal

pysker get +d3 init That's a good one, good luck rolling for it :D

target makes toughness test or take 1 wound no save, if slain jumps to model with in 2' and make save. continue till someone saves or no targets left Is that roll equal to or lower than T, kinda ok.




primary target unit rerolls failed hits ala rage

psycher and unit gain counter attack and get full BS for overwatch probably need a gun for this

target unit gain 4++ can I target myself? This is a good one!

target unit must reroll passed armor saves good one, kinda like null zone

psycher and unit ignore cover shooting or moving? or both? this needs a psychic test?...meh

psyker rerolls failed failed hits, wounds and armor saves Good but with a high WS, S10 and ignores saves...not great for a dread

psyker roll 3 dicechoose the result you want when rolling for reserves, outflank and mysterious terrain do you have to be on the board for this?


pyromancy not for us :devil:

primary flame breath (flamer)

psyker gains 4+ invo

target unit gains 4+ cover save

flame attack assault 1, sould blaze (no idea) blast, ignore cover

target model takes 1 wound , no armor or cover save allowed, place small blast template anyone hit takes a str 4 ap 5 hit

assault 2d6, blind, ignore cover attack

str 8, ap 1 assault 1, melta



assault 1 str 6 . strikedown (halves init and target moves as if its dangerous terrain)only assault 1, not great

roll 2d6 target takes hit equal to strength (11 or 12 auto wound) ap is equal to seperate dice roll I'm really not sure what this is, could be a good shooting attack for the dread with no guns

remove models from table, deepstrike within 24 inchs of where they were move 'em closer!!

hostile unit must reroll hits and wounds of 6 what about ap roll of 6? That would stop some pens

assault D6 pinning attack lots of shots and pinning so you can charge them, good one

all friendlies with 12 inchs get 5++ ala shield

str 10, heavy 1 blast I hope I can roll a 6 for this one every time!!!



primary 3d6 - target leadership wounds to target unit LD test or take a wound, meh

target unit has to make leadership roll or do nothing ok, stand still so I can catch ya! I'm sure they can fight back in CC though?

target freindly stops falling back and gets fearless meh, could come in handy but not enough

hostile model makes an attack as if it owned by psykerour own mindshackle to play with, ok

target hostile losses fearless and treats all units as fear causing not sure if this is very handy

invisibility gains shrouding and stealth, hostiles charged by this unit lose counter attack and fight at WS 1 good one! no shooting when you charge 'em and ws 1, I like it

roll on table 1-2 unit pinned, 3-4 cannot run, shoot or stirke blows 5-6 attack own unit. once again its "hold still so I can smash you! or "why are you punching yourself?" fun but, meh



Telekenisis looks good to me. If I could maybe keep wings and roll for one of those, that could be good. (I'm not on the up and up on all the rumors, so don't know if that's how this works)

The others don't really look good for the dread though. So it's looking like just some shooting power options to me, but with lance and smite or even MoH already available, I don't think the gamble would be worth it.

What's your take on it?

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The -1 str power is amazing for the dread, for the simple reason that it reduces powerfists to str 6 making him immune to terminators, nobs with powerclaws and so on.


But preferably you want someone else casting it :cuss

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Quite nice combo for Mephiston; "caster gets D3 str and toughness" and "target unit gain 4++".

Or must 1 psyker take both powers from the same psychic tree? The thought of Mephiston with

T9 and a 4++ save seems almost a little... Cheesy? ;)

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Hey, can you decide to have one power from our own, and one from the random chart? Or does it have to be both powers from the same pool?


If I recall correctly it's either your codex or the BGB can't mix and match.

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