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=][= Legio Imprint 2: The Eye of Terror =][=


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As can be seen here, the second issue of the Legio Imprint is out. There's lots of Chaotic content, though some of it may be familiar to long-time board members.

What's in this issue?

Interview: Aaron Dembski-Bowden


An Introduction to the Eye of Terror

The Black Crusades

Beast Marines Tutorials

A Guide to Creating Mutations

Renegade Chapters

Paths of Glory: Chaos Legion Rules

The Making of Magmatrax

The Astartes Praeses

Codex: Exorcists

Codex: Iron Hands


The Steel Dogs

The Heralds of Light

The Lions of Alba

Going on a Lion Hunt: The Nemean Campaign

The Battle of Jamshyd’s World


Editorial FAQ:

So the Legio Imprint isn't just about the Dornian Heresy?

It is not.

Octavulg, what took so long?

It's the Eye of Terror issue. The malign influence of the Warp is to be expected.

Where can I download that sexy Lions of Alba chapter symbol?

Why, right here! The charming and talented Dracul made a decal sheet.

So what's next for the Legio Imprint?

It's a secret. But you'll like it. Though, of course, volunteering to help out is a good way to find out. :ermm:

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