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Whirlwind issues


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After using the search I can't seem to find the answer to my question so I will ask it here. I started 40k not long ago and today I purchased a whirlwind. After looking through my Codex it is indicated it is in Ordnance weapon, but it also says it is a barrage.


Now here is where the confusion starts for me.


It says on page 58 (of the small rule book). ' Unless their profile specifies otherwise, all ordinance blast weapons use the large blast marker.


Now I can't find anything that says to use the small marker but it doesnt say anywhere, and it also falls under the ordinance barrage weapons rule (on the same page) and it doesnt say what size template to use. So am I right in thinking its the large one?


Problem number 2.


What is a barrage? It says your can fire directly (ordinance barrage rule) or you can fire as a barrage. So what is the difference? Does it still use the same large blast marker? I am so confused as to what the difference is, seeing as I cant seem to find a clear explanation.


Problem number 3.


How does line of sight work for a whirlwind? I was told that I can just say hide behind a building and fire over it? Is this true and what are the limitations of this?




Thanks so much

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You need to read the Barrage rules, wich are on pg. 32. This will tell you the following things:


1) You dont need line of sight to the target, though it helps increase your accuracy.

2) You always use a blast marker *and as ordnance, its also large* for barrage weapons unless it specificly says otherwise.

3) When firing indirectly you have a minimum range *noted as 12" for whirlwinds*.

4) Its also pinning, wich is awesome.


This is further elaborated on the top right of pg. 58, and noted on pg. 60 is that you roll 2d6 and pick the highest for armor penetration using an ordnance weapon.

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Also cover saves are taken from the direction of center of the hole in the middle not from the whirlwind. So if you have orks/IG/Nercon warriors holding up behind some trees get that blast hole behind the trees and it negates the cover save from them on any you hit. :cuss I find this often over looked when it comes to barrage weapons.
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Don't forget that opponents can negate the centre of the blast negation of cover by going to ground. It's only a small save but can make the difference between annihilating a unit or not as happened to me. If their armour save is low enough use the castellan to make sure they can't go to ground for a save :)


Though this could all be moot as of Saturday I'm sure Whirlwinds will continue to be just as effective in 6th.

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