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Draigo Wing Vs. BA


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My buddy Dolf (the bugger who stole my #2 spot in the country's rankings with his cursed Paladin army) challenged me to a rematch since he kicked my ass so badly in the last regionals (Played him Kill Points :) ).


He is rocking this:



10 Paladins - 3x Psycannons, 1 Incinerator, 2 Hammers, a few swords, a few halberds and 1 pair of Falchions

5 Paladins - 2 Psycannons(1MC), 2 Hammers, and other stuff.

Dreadknight - Swrd, Hvy Incin., Jump Pack thingy

Dreadknight - Heavy Psycan, Hvy Incin., Jump Pack thingy


18 models. 1750 points.


I chose to rock my Regionals 4 list against him (with a small tweak)



Libby Dread - Shield/Wings

Libby Dread- Fear/Wings


7 DC - PF, TH


5 RAS - MG

Razor - TLLC

5 RAS - MG

Razor - TLLC (this used to be a TLAC)

5 RAS - MG

Razor - TLPG,LC

5 RAS - MG

Razor - TLHF



Pred - AutoCan/LCSS







We rolled for mission and got 4 objectives.

We placed (him first).

I placed them as far apart from each other as possible- trying to play against Pally strengths and towards my strengths of mobility/speed.



(ignore my models in the corner)


Board set up was DoW.

I won the first turn dice roll, and gave it to my opponent.


Dolf and I play in different parts of the city, and as is the nature of different gaming groups, there are small interpretive differences regarding some rules. Unfortunately the first rules contention came 5mins into the game when he deployed.


This was his set up:



He had deployed the 5man squad, then the 10man squad- and then combat squadded (putting draigo with one).

To me, I thought this was 3 Troops on the board. His argument/interpretation was that CS states the decision to CS is made when you deploy, and he was deploying 1 unit, which then CS. I wasn't going to try argue tooo much one way or another- id just never ever played it like that (or seen it played like that) - likewise he had never played it the other way. (maybe a question for the OR). Also didnt really want to push it further, cause in 1 week it makes no difference. The part that didnt make sense was counting units on the board (3 Troops).


His DKs were off for 1st turn, coming on from the board edge. I decided to put my entire army, aside from mephy, off board (mephy hiding behind cover). My Baal I chose to outflank (hoping to mess with contestation late game).






In turn 1, his DKs come in behind the Fortress. His Pallies march forward where possible, staying in cover.


My turns 1, I initially think to split my forces and try throw some las fire the one side, and throw all my fighty stuff the other side.

I realised that Pally shooting is just nuts and decided against it, so went all hard on one side.



My Flamer razor i blaze up the top right, to concentrate on objectives at the back.

Everything else with a lascannon lines up for shots - as does my libby dread with fear.

My nightfighting rolls are crap, and I fail to see with 3 units (even though I needed about 18") - including my laspred.

I manage to kill a paladin.




Dolfs a notoriously good(/lucky)roller as well as a top,top player. Like- one of those good dice karma guys. And Pallies just play into his hands perfectly.

He boosts his dreadknights right into my lines in the space in front of his pallies and in front of my tanks- he then marches forward with the Pallies.

He takes shots at various things- blowing them up. (a Razor and a Pred and a RAS squad in the razor) - one man survives that carnage.


In my turn 2 the baal comes on from the left flank - not ideal, but now I can harass the pallies that were marching from the left to the right. My dreads trundle out from the cover. Mephy jumps out too- to engage the other dreadknight that the 2 Libby Dreads arent dealing with. The DC reckon its also now or never and charge out of their rhino to attempt to attack the 4man pally squad.


The Baal lays down a mad barrage of fire, and does 3 wounds. Woot!


DC charge.

Mephy Charges.

Libbies Charge.

Mephy passes sword.


The one libby dread gets an arm torn off, but they do enough attacks between the two of them to cause a wound. This allows me to try FW the DK and I do! It pops.

Mephy does the same- and it pops.

The DC take some casualties (3) but do a bunch of wounds in return - the GK break! Luckily for me, the DC dont catch them!!!


Unluckily for me, Mephy's roll for consolidate is a 1 which puts me out in the open -a 2 would have gotten me into cover.

Everything else rolls high and repositions.

He's lost around 7-800 points of his army in a turn. But he has Draigo - and 10 pallies still.




His guys fall back more.



He takes shots where he can - unluckily for me, the guys falling back were psycannons -he stuns, and immobs the closest razorback.

Far squad takes shots on Mephy taking a few wounds away from him. He ignores the DC to try focus on Mephy- doing a few more wounds - Mephy is now on 1.


My turn 3, I mount a counter- mephy's last stand. I get the DC ready to attack, the dreads and Meph. (I think in retrospect my positioning was a bit poor. )

My razorback (tllc) zooms up to keep the pallies running.

Baal still inches to take shots at the guys on the left.

My other razor reverses over the crater that was its friend razor, and rolls a 1 :).

my DC rhino reverses to pick up a lone surviving RAS member.

The Baal continues to take wounds from the squad!!


I charge! Everything is in range.

Mephy gets off sword! woot!

He fails rage :P Damnit!!!!!


Then, he duffs his attacks, only hitting with 3 :(

The dreadies and the DC dont do too much better either

With 10x s10 attacks hitting on 3s and 6x S8 attacks hitting on 4s I was expecting to just have Draigo standing there.

I have a poor, poor bout of rolling combined with good saves from Dolf and I wind up with a total of 2 Pallies killed :(


Draigo thumps my dready a bit.





His draigo guys are trapped in combat- so whatever can shoot does - including the falling back guys who blow up the razorback escort with ease. <_<

The other guys blow up the TLPG razor.

Draigo stomps the dread opponent in his face, but he duffs his roll against the last DC member.


In my turn 4, I have a last ditch effort on the Draigo combat. I need to keep in combat for another turn. So, i need to feed draigo more souls. My guys move up from their razors. The one going to engage draigo, the other to claim an objective. The escort razor squad moves forward to keep the pallies fleeing and also stay on an objective.

The DC rhino with 1 RAS zooms to the right to try make a late game attempt at scoring the objective on the far left.

The baal takes more wounds from the left squad- I manage to kill a pally and take them down to one wound each!


Nothing else is left but to charge.

I fail the charge on draigo :( Needed a 3 or more.


Draigo and his remaining pallies make short work of the Dread and the last DC member.




His left side squad make a run for the objective, but roll poorly in DT. He is now faced with a choice of shooting my DC rhino gunning for an objective, attempting to run for his objective, hoping he is within 3" or hoping for a 6th turn should the game end.

He chooses to hope he's within 6"and instead take out the DC rhino. Draigo splits to deal with the 5man squad, and the Pallies move off to deal with the other 5man squad.

His fleeing squad- still on the bloody board thanks to 3x really low fall back rolls shoot at my RAS on objectives. They take 2 casualties.

He blows up the DC rhino, and he takes out 2 or 3 of the RAS with shooting from Paladins. Luckily, the RAS that will be charged by pallies break!!!

Draigo charges and cleans up 3, and they break too. They all fall back.


In my turn 5, I rush things, overeager.




I regroup - move my 3" and make a run for the Pallies, as do my other remnant squad. The lone guy runs towards the objective - still a turn or so away.

I miss with all melta guns - the baal keeps shooting guys up- but fails to do wounds this turn.

In my overeager state- i fire with the one MG RAS squad instead of running them onto an objective an inch or 2 away - to contest.


We roll for 6th.



Its a 2.


We measure his left pally squad, and its more than 3"away which means he has 1 objective and I have 1 objective.


The game ends in a draw!

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Thanks for this batrep, Mort. It was a good read, but my eval of it is pretty clouded by a single thought. I really wonder how this same game will play out after the new rules drop.


Glad you enjoyed matey. Im struggling with the same thought.

Im in a weird space since theyve announced that the South African nationals tournament (in September) will be 5th ed.


Not sure if I want to boycott, or join ><; 2 months of playing 6th - to go back to 5th will be a nightmare.

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Thanks for this batrep, Mort. It was a good read, but my eval of it is pretty clouded by a single thought. I really wonder how this same game will play out after the new rules drop.


Glad you enjoyed matey. Im struggling with the same thought.

Im in a weird space since theyve announced that the South African nationals tournament (in September) will be 5th ed.


Not sure if I want to boycott, or join ><; 2 months of playing 6th - to go back to 5th will be a nightmare.

Ouch, September still 5th? I'd boycott.

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paladins cant combat squad. their unit size says 1 paladin +buy up to9 extra ones . they dont work like SW wolfguard.



yeah , I probably wouldnt go too. 6th "fixs" stuff like the draigo wing problem[specialy in kill point missions] . on the other hand I do understand that in some places ,tournament orgs think that a month or two is not enough time for people to be ready for a 6th tournament. specialy if they dont want to go the way of ally banned/terrain rules banned/new psychic powrs banned/support section[specialy razorwire and barricades] banned . first half a year of 6th is going to be very unbalaned for people with just one army . I almost feel bad for those who think that starting with just the one you like is going to be fun in the 6th.





awesome table to go a bit off topic.

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Great bat rep Morticon. Those Pallies are a real pain to deal with in a drawn out combat.


@The Jeske - Paladins have the Combat Squads special rule so if a squad is 10 strong they can split in to 2x5 squads.

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paladins cant combat squad. their unit size says 1 paladin +buy up to9 extra ones . they dont work like SW wolfguard.


Jeske, I cant be sure now- but are you sure you're not confusing the rule or misunderstanding something?


Im just assuming that since the buying of 1-9 extra guys and wolfguard arent related to combat squads (where if you have 10 guys you can split 5 and 5 like tactical marines).


Am I misunderstanding? Or do Pallies just not have the CS rule?

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Great bat rep Morticon. Those Pallies are a real pain to deal with in a drawn out combat.


@The Jeske - Paladins have the Combat Squads special rule so if a squad is 10 strong they can split in to 2x5 squads.


Thanks for clarifying sparky! Figured as much. I think it was a lost in translation moment potentially!


I almost feel bad for those who think that starting with just the one you like is going to be fun in the 6th.


Fun is relative. Im sure plenty people will dig loads!




awesome table to go a bit off topic.


Yeh, its a great store.

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Thanks for this batrep, Mort. It was a good read, but my eval of it is pretty clouded by a single thought. I really wonder how this same game will play out after the new rules drop.


Glad you enjoyed matey. Im struggling with the same thought.

Im in a weird space since theyve announced that the South African nationals tournament (in September) will be 5th ed.


Not sure if I want to boycott, or join ><; 2 months of playing 6th - to go back to 5th will be a nightmare.

I'm greedy. I think you should go.


After 2 solid months of 6th, a break for competitive 5th might give you a great moment of perspective; moments where you'll say "wow, 6th really fixed that problem," or "that worked really well in 5th, I wonder why GW changed it." And then you can report back to us that perspective. :(

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I have to start reading the lists before posting . the 3 psycannons in one squad doubled the number of paladins in my mind.




Fun is relative. Im sure plenty people will dig loads!

of course people will pick up the game and of course fun is relative. Still GW is going to change their selling model [even if it is just for a bit] . It can no longer just be "buy the new shiny forget everything else" . It has to be "buy the new shiny , or add some of it to your existing army". If they dont do that those that figure this out for themselfs will have a huge uper edge on their friends . Also nids , christ , I understand nerfing a faction after it being too OP [like they more or less kill the paladin deathstar] , but debuffing nids ? It hurts those that still play them and I realy wonder why someone would start playing those as his first army.

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Thanks for the rep. Love the table.

As for 6th Ed armies, I'm not moving from Bloods anytime soon

To quote one of Morticon's images from earlier, "Here for the PDF. Here for 6th. Blood Angels for life!"

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He had deployed the 5man squad, then the 10man squad- and then combat squadded (putting draigo with one).

To me, I thought this was 3 Troops on the board. His argument/interpretation was that CS states the decision to CS is made when you deploy, and he was deploying 1 unit, which then CS. I wasn't going to try argue tooo much one way or another- id just never ever played it like that (or seen it played like that) - likewise he had never played it the other way. (maybe a question for the OR). Also didnt really want to push it further, cause in 1 week it makes no difference. The part that didnt make sense was counting units on the board (3 Troops).


I thinkl he's in the only club here in South Africa that plays like that. Up north we definately don't play that way, but oh well...



Nice Batrep, looks like it could have gone either way all through the game. Those pali's are a pain to get removed. the only thing that works well is mass AP 2 and plasma

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