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New to 40k Chaos

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Hi everyone


Long time lurker, first time poster. I have been on and off painting various WFB armies in the past but after a year-ish break I have decided to switch to 40k, and it seems to be in good time with a new edition coming soon. Chaos was one of my first loves, back when in Fantasy they were one big legion of awesomeness, so they seem like a natural place to start my 40k experience.


Anyway to my question, how does the forgeworld armour marks mix up with the choas kits. Would they look out of place? I quite like the Mark III and Mark V. Also the Mark IV heads look cool. Would mixing in the plastic torso's and backpacks and arms mark them out a chaos space marines?


If it helps I'm thinking of painting one of the less chaos-y legions, either the Night Lords or the Alpha Legion.

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Welcome to the dark side. <_<


Chaos marines typically have more archaic armour then their loyalist counterparts. From an aesthetic viewpoint, the older marks of armour should mix well with the chaos plastics.


Also, regardless what legion you chose, the level of corruption varies massively within all the undivided legions. Don't feel restricted to the Night Lords or the Alpha Legion if you want a less spikey army. The level of chaosyness (is that even a word :( ) in the army is not so much legion dependent but down to player preference.

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Cool, I think I am going to order a few forge world sets then. The reason I'm thinking of going with either the Night Lords or the Alpha Legion is because I like their background, which I find important to keep me motivated when painting.
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Yeah, the older Mark armors not only look cool, but they fit on Chaos quite well. Chaos, of course, would mix and match to replace broken parts, so you can combine a few different Marks for nice variety.


If you go ahead with Night Lords, keep in mind they tend to be a little more ornamental. Their winged helmets are pretty key to their look. Picking up GW's Night Lords Conversion Pack would be wise. Alpha Legion are a bit less specific; they're more about their paint job.

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Traitor and renegade marines tend to sport varying different styles of armour, as they not only wear the archaic suits maintained since before the heresy, they also tend to scavenge, re-forge, embellish and otherwise alter the armour they wear. Some have even cannibalised pieces from varying different types of armour into a single plate, as and how necessity dictates. Furthermore, their armour as well as their flesh is subject to the mutating effects of Chaos and warp energy in general. The older (most notably RoC) chaos marine miniatures are almost unrecognisable as space marines, as their armour has warped into various chitinous and/or organic looking forms redolent of the carapaces of crabs, beetles and spiders. There really are no particular restrictions in this regard.
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Mmm... Chitin armour reminds me of some of the old chaos warrior modles.


Im leaning towards the Alpha Legion, so i think the bulk of my force will be from them. However i may include a small raiding party of Night Lords who are mercenaries used to divert imperial attention.

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Hi sorry to double post.


Is the Alpha Legion symbol a 3 headed Hydra, or is its just a Hydra head. I ask because the sources I have seen on the web show a 3 headed Hydra yet the metal pads on the GW site is just a single head.


I think I have come up with the aesthetic for my force, using the 'plainer' forge world marks mixed with the less spike-y chaos bits to show the slow corruption that has happened due to their actions since the heresy (e.g. The use of demon weapons and other chaos artefacts, and that their actions benefit the forces of chaos). However I quite like the background of mutated Alpha Legion marines hiding their 'gifts' under robes until their in range of the enemy, which I think may be a cool conversion point. Also while bored at work the other day I wrote brief, Inquisition style, report on the way my Warband ( can't think of a more appropriate name yet) operate. Really helped me envision the army.

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Both are valid.


After all it's the Alpha Legion we are talking about :D


Makes sense that they would use several variants of their chapter symbol to cause confusion on Imperial Intelligence.



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Emblems showing their full symbolism or just parts of it are equally valid. The Alpha Legion also has a stylized "A" with a chain through it as a symbol...pre heresy though...
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As has already been mentioned, the Legion is one of devious renegades, so probably use whatever symbol is handy to confuse and misdirect. That said, I tend to use the "three-headed hydra silhouette" as the symbol for my Alpha Legionnaires. Why? For one, that's the symbol the operatives were marked with in the pre-heresy "Legion." It's both described and heads every chapter of the book. I also like the symbol because it looks professional and menacing. The shoulder pads you mentioned (and the art) with the single dragon-head on them are from a single artist who did symbols for each of the 18 legions. I don't really care for those symbols, because I think they're a little too cartoonish. Besides, the symbol is a many-headed hydra, not a single dragon-face.
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