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Fabius Bile Questions


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Hello B&C. I have recently heard rumours that the new Starter Set will have Chaos Cultists in them, meaning that the next Chaos codex must have some Cultist troop choice in them. This has me thinking, because it would let me do something that I've been wanting to do for a while: Make an army based around Fabius Bile's creations/ experiments/ what have you. I also want to write a few stories based on this idea, but have run into a bit of a pitfall. There are a few things I need answered before I can continue.


I need to know which god of Chaos does Fabius Bile worship, or does he worship one at all? Does he have a following of other Chaos Space Marines under his command, or is it only Mutants, Cultists, and Experiments? Where does Fabius raid the most/ where's his hideout.


Thanks for any help in advance


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i've always seem images of fabius bile with creations and mutants, as the general concensus (from my point of view at least) is that he is always moving around and never fixed to one warband/legion as he has help from most of them as he teaches them how to create new marines (he was formerly an apothecary in the emperor's children legion, and helped treat nathaniel garro in flight of the eisenstein in this role) in exchange for materials and protection. he does not, however (as far as i can tell) worship any god and is very materialistic compared to his legionary brothers. as to his current location, i couldn't tell you, nor of any ongoing projects he may be working on either. hope this bit of info helps and good luck with the modelling.
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Bile is willing to trade his services to whomever is able to pay. He has no loyalist to a particular god or legion, even his own.


Of all of the named characters, you probably have the most freedom with Bile simply because he could be working with anyone, anywhere at anytime.

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Bile worships none of the Chaos Gods; his only dedication is to his own obsessions with flesh-craft and the infliction of pain. He is a renegade from the Emperor's Children and the cult of Slaanesh, whom he originally worshipped, but doesn't any longer. His services are for sale to any who can provide him with the resources he requires, which usually consist of subjects upon which to continue his experiments.


He is currently involved in an attempt to unlock the Emperor's secrets concerning the creation of the Primarchs; an effort he seeks to not only equal, but better.

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