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So i'm sitting here messing with how I'm going to deck out my Librarian for 6th... And I came across something I can't figure out... Upgrading them to an Epistolary... Whats the point? I don't see it add to their stat line or give them that extra Psy power... So why bother with the 50 pts... Can someone please shead some light on this subject?? Cause I can do a termi lib with a SS for 140 and have 2 psy power (Pyromancy is going to be a salamanders best friend) and it seems to do the same as the 190 pt Epistolary one...
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Until Saturday the 30th, this question cannot be answered by the +OR+ forum.


I'm sorry ShinyRhino but the 6th ed. BRB has nothing to do with this question... This one is Blue Book based.


I'm convinced it didn't even do anything previous ed. 4th ed. Blue Book. If you we're a Codicier you could only take 1 whereas if you were an Epistolary you could take 2 (At a higher point cost) 5th ed Blue Book your required to take 2 reguardless. So whats the 50 point upgrade for then??

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If you read the entry for Librarians, it tells you that upgrading to Epistolary allows you to CAST two psychic powers per turn instead of one.


Thank you! That was the answer I was looking for! (I misplaced my codex and the PDF version I have is incomplete) It would of been simpler to just say that to begin with... :tu:

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As ShinyRhino says Epistolary allows your Librarian to cast two powers a turn, stated at the top of page 57 of C:SM.


This will likely translate into Mastery Level 2 in the new rules (going by the Grey Knight Codex). What that will lead to can only be answered on Saturday,

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If you read the entry for Librarians, it tells you that upgrading to Epistolary allows you to CAST two psychic powers per turn instead of one.


Thank you! That was the answer I was looking for! (I misplaced my codex and the PDF version I have is incomplete) It would of been simpler to just say that to begin with... :jaw:

For the record, were not to answer questions based on ***Illegal*** PDFs. Please dont mention them here in the future.

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