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Hahah- confirmed- ALL chaos space marine special characters are ap3 in CC... Sooooo lame! Exception is of course huron. Sooooo lame.


This is awesome though- "any unit containing one or more model with fearless is fearless" YES! Finally terminator bodyguard for Lords.


Also an aegis line w quadcannon granting cover to a 4 missile havoc squad should be brutal against flyers...

Are FAQs supposed to be on games-workshop.com tomorrow?


Well, it would be normal to have them the day of the BRB release, but I guess it will not be the case.

Fun fact, missile launchers are our only AA weapon. Crappy army is crappy.


We can always take IG allies and give ourselves "Hydra Flak Rhinos"




And don't forget we'll have our own flyer when the codex comes out, and the Hell Blade is listed for 40k use in the new IAA 2E. I'm guessing we get the Hell Blade in a GW plastic kit, but that's just baseless wishing...

Are FAQs supposed to be on games-workshop.com tomorrow?


Well, it would be normal to have them the day of the BRB release, but I guess it will not be the case.

Fun fact, missile launchers are our only AA weapon. Crappy army is crappy.


Well we are rumoured to be the next codex to be released and that is supposed to have at least one flyer and maybe other options will have AA as well. Havoc launchers with AA rounds would be sweet XD

Several have said Nids are going to be pretty good now....Whether that's sarcasm or not, I don't know, lol...


What I am wondering is if they are gonna do anything with our 'zerkers chain axes or leave them the same? From a fluff perspective I'd love to see them get a little beefier, but I doubt they will.... :blink:


My wishlist would be: Havoc launchers counting as skystrike, chainaxes for zerks beefed up, dreadclaws, a LR crusader type variant for us, LR's counting as DT instead of strictly heavy support, dreadnaughts losing their "crazy" special rules, or at least the option to pay for a more "coherent" version, the rumoured cult troops, and that the daemons we have now, as limited and weaksauce as they are, stay as codex options so we can have "fodder" guard troops, and a few daemons... or we can run awesome daemons and cult troops....not be pidgeonholed into one or the other.....


Oh, and our Dark Crozii being a bit beefier (maybe ap3) than a standard power maul...


Wishlisting I know, lol...but would it not be nice?


And has anyone listed the full "relentless" and "fearless" USRs yet? I can't recall and am curious....Thx in advance



I am very interested in what the new chaos codex will be. As much as a new flyer sounds cool I would prefer a cool new LR variant either a crusader version (with it and the our normal LR being DT) or even a obliterator version of the landraider able to change it's weapons each turn (with some AA weapons of course) as do not really like flyers that much (more a tank or daemon engine fan). Also Cult units should be troops if you take an Hq with appropriate mark none of this take a special character to use plague marines as troops, finally have more hq units for us with Dark Apostles and Warsmiths as well as exalted champions and Sorcerers which can be upgraded to Chaos or Sorcerer Lords like fantasy chaos so you can have a powerful lord with a slightly less powerful second in command to add a bit more fluff to our armies

well, i must say despite power weapons being only ap3 (but then bear in mind the amount of xenos and other lists who have worse saves) i am pretty chuffed with the new rules. the new rapid fire rules,snap shot, ap values for melee weapons, charge range etc actually make the current CSM codex more viable. until our own shiny new codex is released at least, which is when we will get better units and options etc (fingers crossed), i'm pretty happy with the way it hasall panned out. by the look of things, CSM termies will now strike at the same time as loyalist termies if they want a strength bonus, which makes them a tad nerfed imho but such is the price. at least now our sorcerors have more options to choose from.

time will tell ultimately, but things are actually looking great. at least now raptors and assault marines are actually semi-decent on the charge now too!!!!

Anyone saying it's good to be nids now has either been misinformed or is being sarcastic. Or just hasn't looked closely enough at the rules. Nids are taking a pretty painful hit, here - with casualties pulled from the front, no assaulting from outflank or infiltration, generally reduced cover saves, all of their non special character psykers are mastery level one, no access to sky fire at all (no weapons with it, no units with it, no allies at all, flying monstrous creatures don't get it, they can't even crew emplacement weapons), plus facing stand and shoot fire. Warrior characters still explicitly forbidden from joining warriors in spore pods. They're still a slow, poorly armored infantry assault army without grenades or most of the other tools assault armies need. No, it's not good times to be nids.


Better times for chaos, as we take some hits, but also get some nice things (daemon or traitor guard allies, upgrades to rapid fire weapons, etc). Plus we're only a month away from a new book, anyway.



Hm... Seems like dark eldar are taking a hit, particularly those that leaned heavily on webway portals.

Are FAQs supposed to be on games-workshop.com tomorrow?


Well, it would be normal to have them the day of the BRB release, but I guess it will not be the case.

Fun fact, missile launchers are our only AA weapon. Crappy army is crappy.


We can always take IG allies and give ourselves "Hydra Flak Rhinos"




And don't forget we'll have our own flyer when the codex comes out, and the Hell Blade is listed for 40k use in the new IAA 2E. I'm guessing we get the Hell Blade in a GW plastic kit, but that's just baseless wishing...


I like your baseless guessing. And that Hydra Flack Rhino looks pretty awesome.


But there is one thing that conserns me though. I spoke to one of the local GW redshirts who of course was also guessing but he thought that Eldar would get the next Codex followed by the new starter set with Dark Angels and Chaos followed by the new CSM codex. Note that this is also just a baseless guess from ONE guy working at a GW store.

Well I just had an enjoyable 1K game with my Word Bearers v some Necrons using the new rules


We played the Big Guns never tire mission, it’s nice to use Victory Points again with the secondary objectives adding some extra spice to the game.



I found it strange getting used to my new Terminator hth weapon load outs, with my lightning claws having ap3, my power weapons becoming power mauls etc, the unit still managed to kick ass before being overwhelmed. The new hth rules work rather well :)


Was also fun to use some Daemons as allies, used a unit of flamers, Herald of Khorne and some Blood Letters. The combination of Daemonic assault and easier reserve rules were helpful.

Man of the match was an Obliterator, which thanks to the new Slow and Purposeful rules not restricting his standard 6” move, allowed him to wobble into position to disrupt an enemy objective and flame another enemy unit from another objective, winning me the game.


Looking forward to using a flyer in my next game (allied Valk or Ork bomber until we get our own)

typhus looks utterly evil.

man-reaper: force axe, daemon weapon. So, +D6 attacks, at I1, yes, but AP2.


On the other hand, he has a 2+ armour save, ignoring all power weapons. And, the MoN now gives a straight +1 to toughness, making him T5, meaning powerfists will wound but not kill him ! He evn has FNP, which is even better now!


He can kill anything in the game, but is an absolute beast to kill, as the only thing that will drop him in one hit is a S10 AP2 weapon !

Several have said Nids are going to be pretty good now....Whether that's sarcasm or not, I don't know, lol...






I played Tyranids today, with 1,000 points of Death Guard.

Maybe it was the list my opponent fielded, but I hammered him. There was one Gaunt and one Warrior left on the board when I finished. We played The Emperor's Will, which is basically Capture and Control from 5th.

I also played a match against Tau, Purge the Alien (Kill Point based) and won 7-5. I'm feeling pretty good, I managed these victories without the FAQ where PMs are now actually T5, and some of the other stuff. Two games in 6th, two victories ;)


I can tell you guys now, winged Daemon Princes ROCK. I had one with the Mark of Nurgle flapping around all battle. He didn't take a single wound, and destroyed a unit of warriors, gaunts and ravenors all on his on by the end.

@ HJL- sorry bro you're right I jumped to conclusions without seeing the FAQ... while I was right about abaddon I goofed up the translation of Khârn's axe... unbelievable that he's utterly useless now @ I1... I'm so disappointed



Useless is probably too strong a term. You can't pick out ICs anymore, so as long as you don't stick Khârn base to base with someone wielding a power sword, he should survive to clean house. And besides, at I1, he won't kill any of his Zerker pals before they get to strike this way.

he won't kill any of his Zerker pals before they get to strike this way.

he may also not have any dudes in btb if he is striking at i1

Like he ever will get into combat without a char trying to pop him with a fist and issue a challenge...



Just realized something!


You guys realize what this new challenge system means? It mean we can actually get a direct port of the Warriors of Chaos "Eye of the Gods" mechanic for our Chaos Marines!


Characters and possibly even Champions getting power-ups in game from killing other champions and characters in challenges? It's on!


I'm suddenly increasingly excited in seeing the new Chaos 'dex.



Useless is perhaps harsh... But you really don't want Khârn in a challenge @ I1... Even if he survives a characters power weapon attacks he's still taking wounds so won't be around very long. If he's challenged by a power fist they're both probably going to die- that's harsh against a 165 pt character. Even if Khârn is btb in cc w a powersword the powersword can't allocate against him if kharns in a unit-(unless of course you score a precision strike) you simply allocate the wounds from the unit to models in btb first-(at the initiative step- likely 4 which is before Khârn would even pile in) the controlling player allocates them- if you allocate the sword against your own Khârn you've made a mistake or of course have no members of your unit left. (Also remember 'look out sir' is successful on a 2+ for ICs.


So... As long as Khârn is in a unit w a character that can take challenges for him- Khârn should survive to attack... But I1 is awfully limiting- if no other character is in kharns unit and you refuse the challenge Khârn will certainly be the model chosen to not attack...ugh I dunno




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