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Thralls for the legion


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So 6th edition is about to hit, and the net is awash with morsels of knowledge. One of them regards allied detachments - 1 HQ & 1 troop mandatory, and optionally one additional troop, elite, fast attack and heavy support choice. Now, of course, daemons are the first ally one could add to a pure Thousand Sons army, but there is one other very interesting choice: Imperial Guard. Primaris Psyker as HQ (with access to the new psychic powers) and a Psyker Battle Squad, all 10 that you can take. Of course, they're not the same as the thralls of 3.5ed, but I'd say they seem quite delightfully useful for overpowering enemies with psychic barrages. Just add a squad of veterans as former Spire Guard and the detachment is complete. Maybe a chimaera for the psykers to hide in... modeled appropriately of course.


Now my only question is this: what to use as thrall wizard models? An option would be Empire Flagellants. There are of course the guard psyker models, static and identical as they are.


Any other suggestions? I'd really like to add these guys to my force, an I'm open to any manufacturer.

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I'm adding Orks because I used to play them as my main 15 years ago and have a detachment of chaos space marines. Now the tables are turned!



Really, I think they would help where Thousand Sons are weakest, hand to hand combat, and numbers for claiming objectives.

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I really like the Guard idea, and it's not one I'd thought of.


Personally, I expect I'll use either that idea, a handful of Blood Axe mercenaries, or maybe some Kroot mercs for the same reason. Or, hell, I might just drop Karandras and Althera's Corsairs (dire avenger squad) in the mix for shenanigans.

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Like the Kroot idea for them being birdlike and changing in the genetic level alone. Thousand Sons surr could use the CC boost.

Guard is obvious choice though. Might model them with Beastmen or Beastmen parts. Could use Gors or the larger models with Ork rules also. Good old Lost and the Damned had the Army use Tzaangor beastmen after all

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