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Grey Knights allies rules in 6th who we can have


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From krittoris on BOLS forum


Grey knight have NO Battle brother allies:


battlebrother allies:




allies of convienience:

space marines

blood angels


dark angels

imperial guard

space wolves


pretty much any of the goody goods


mistrusted allies:






not before the apocolypse:


chaos marines


dark eldar

It's good to see that Eldar and Dark Eldar get along better then GK with anyone else. I'm guessing the chart is more motivated game balance wise then fluff wise in this regard.
Sounds like a way for people to build a corsair list without Forgeworld.
It's good to see that Eldar and Dark Eldar get along better then GK with anyone else. I'm guessing the chart is more motivated game balance wise then fluff wise in this regard.


That actually makes perfect sense fluffwise. Grey Knights are a secrative organisation, so most Imperials have never even heard of them. It's hard to completely trust someone you've never even knew they existed before the battle. That, and killing/mindwiping the survivors afterwards tends to leave some stigma. :)


Also note that Eldar and Dark Eldar aren't enemies per se, but more like estranged brothers. Remember that Dark Eldar are not Chaos Eldar. They get in fights now and then, and obviously have different moral compasses, as they dealt with the same problem in a different way. But as they say, blood is thicker than water. Just check the Dark Elder codex for stories of Eldar and Dark Eldar cooperation.

I'm a little disappointed because I wanted to finally be able to put my inquisititor in the Valkyrie I painted for him with a squad of IG Vets. This can't be done as grudging allies can't send ICs to each others' squads apparently, whereas battle brothers can. Apparently Tau will follow the commands of a space marine HQ, but IG grunts won't obey an Inquisitor :lol:.


In any case, my point is moot since its recently been posted that even battle brothers can't hop in each others' transports. No valkyrie for Inquisitor Ardias then.

Valkyries are a transport option for Inquisitors and Warbands as per IA2 v 1.3 (technically it says Inquisitor and Retinue, but if someone argues beat them over the head with the book :lol: ). Call the "Vets" a "Warband" and go to town.
The rules for the vast majority of our Grey Knight or Inquisition options are actually available for download on Forge World's website as the v1.3 update to IA volume 2. While you probably still want the actual book for the fluff and lore (and the pretty pretty pictures), a lot of the pertinent information is now on a pdf document. Check Forge World's website for specifics. :lol:


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