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Kharn in 6th edition


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So... Most of us have seen the rules for force weapons (swords, axes, staves) and the rule that states WYSIWYG as far as determining what the weapon classifies as... So my question is this- do you think Khârn will attack using the properties of a power axe? (+1S, ap2, Initiative 1) I'm afraid this will make him utterly useless- if Khârn doesn't have initiative to kill the powerfists before they strike well... Goodbye Khârn. Thoghts?
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Supposedly, "special" melee weapons only use their own rules, according to a post I saw on B&C somewhere.. So assuming Khârn has a named weapon, as I believe he does, he shouldn't get the drawback of the generic type.


But that could just be my flawed understanding, or the whole thing coule be BS.

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I'm pretty sure in gorechilds special rules it says "treat gorechild as a power weapon that adds 2D6 to armor penetration" ...so referencing 6th ed "power weapon tells you 'if it looks like an axe its a power axe" which is +1S initiative 1... I hope the rulebook has named weapons, etc are ap2 but I doubt for one it'd be that broad and I doubt for 2 that it'll appendix every special characters individual weapons n wargear. On the same line of thought abaddon will be ap3 because he has a daemon weapon- which as per its rules is treated as a 2-handed power weapon... Man I hope what I'm assuming is all wrong because this would be awful
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They'll have new rules for each. The thing's not even out yet, so don't freak. Pretty sure axes won't be initiative 1, that doesn't make sense with power fists and thunder hammers being iniative 1 and double str not just +1. I think they're -1 initiative and with Khârn he already gets a bonus initiative for his furious charge.
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They'll have new rules for each. The thing's not even out yet, so don't freak. Pretty sure axes won't be initiative 1, that doesn't make sense with power fists and thunder hammers being iniative 1 and double str not just +1. I think they're -1 initiative and with Khârn he already gets a bonus initiative for his furious charge.
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Nah you're right its not even out yet... Just speculating. I've seen the force weapon page from the rulebook so that's what I was talking about... It does say however that 'unique force weapons' are treated as ap3 melee force weapons w the individual's special traits... So probably the same for unique power weapons... Just might see Khârn at ap3... Whatever we'll see. I do fear an ap3 abaddon though. And force axes are classified as 'unwieldy' which is supposedly what pfists and hammers are too but I don't know that for a fact
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Well from the force weapon rules the axe is "unwieldy" not "unwieldy 1" or anything... My only thought is that powerfists and thammers might be "cumbersome" or something and "unwieldy" is just -1 initiative... We'll have to wait and see. The only positive aspect is that you still purchase a generic "power weapon" and then choose which weapon profile to use at no additional cost. I for one don't mind the initiative 1 on axes for chaos terminators for +1S and ap2 because nothing short of other initiative 1 weapons will be able to pierce their 2+ armor in CC... Seems like a good choice there but sergeants, ICs, etc should leave the axes at home
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Gorechild is not a regular weapon. It won't become generic and won't apply general rules. Or you just think that Angron brandished some basic "power axe?"
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Apparently furious charge doesn't add +1 initiative anymore... But even if the new BRB temporarily nerfs Khârn when we get our own new codex he will definitely be right back to being awesome again.!
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Why? They are balanced around it. There would be no reason to take anything else if they didn't have it.


AP2 weapons are almost every single one I1, why should yours be better than anything else?

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Why? They are balanced around it. There would be no reason to take anything else if they didn't have it.


AP2 weapons are almost every single one I1, why should yours be better than anything else?


Axes should give you the option of getting AP2 at a lower initiative and higher strength with 1 less attack, or hitting at Ap3 and standard strength with full attacks allowed. The extra AP and strength is where your guy is grabbing the axe with 2 hands and going on an Honest Abe Rage fest. Flexiblity and all that noise. You couldn't be counted as being 'double armed' with a pistol either way-that would be the downside.


Give Swords a similar benefit that the Grey Knights NFSs have with an invulnerable save in CC if none is available.


Spears are +1 Initiative AP4 standard, but are +1 S AP3 on the charge.


Mauls/staves are as is.


That way, you'd have options that wouldn't leave Khârn so...neutered.


Or of they just got with the quickness on releasing the New Hotness already. I feel bad leaving Khârn out of a fight.

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I don't think Khârn is as useless as some people here seem to think.


First of all, let me say that he does suffer from this rule. It is annoying, no doubt about that. But it isn't terrible.


Consider that Independent Characters can no longer be singled out in close combat like separate units. This is BIG. The only way for that Power Fist to kill Khârn is to send a challenge (which you can just palm off to a Skull Champion with a power sword) or by Precision Attacks (which can be re-allocated with Look Out, Sir!). This means that Khârn's low Initiative is not a huge hindrance. Coupled with his now absurdly high Strength and Attacks (7 attacks at Str7 on the charge!), he's not too bad.


The only downside is that he is no longer capable of slaughtering enemy characters (and units, for that matter) before they get to strike. This is a problem with all Berzerkers, not just Khârn, but is balanced slightly by the fact that No Retreat has been removed from Fearless units. Obviously, not losing combat in the first place would be preferable, but it's better than nothing.

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You can argue for how they should work all day long, but that's not how they work. GW thinks they are balanced, and I for one agree! All the four versions of power weapon have their uses, and a mix is preferrable.


Khârn isn't useless at all, he will be the AP2 slaughterhouse in my zerker squad while the skull champ takes care of challenges with a sword or mace(most likely mace). If my champ manages to get a wound in on the enemy character, he will be at I1 the next assault phase as well, so Khârn can issue a challenge and slaughter him! :P

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Interesting point about the concussive power maul champ excessus! Hah that line of thinking is very tactical and thought out... Something that befits a champion of tzeentch, not our favoured bloodthirsty champion of khorne! Die sorcerer! Skulls for the skull throne!



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