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Kharn in 6th edition


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An axe is pretty unwieldy, compared to a sword at least...though it chops quite a bit more compared to it as well...


A mace doesn't cut through armour as easily, but makes mush out of anything inside...

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I'm sure Khârn will have his own. Gorechild isn't a power axe, it's a chain axe for one. It's a World Eater relic weapon, I'm sure it'll have its own rules come 6th ed, not to worry.


My thinking exactly - we won't, and can't, know until the Codex comes out.

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Hopefully in the next codex if they have him keep the axe they'll give him eternal warrior which, lets all face it, he definitely deserves after coming back from the dead repeatedly.


Since when has he come back from the dead repeatedly?


It's not in the current codex, but in previous ones it states he was revived after the Siege of Terra and has never again come so close to death (2nd) or that he has never received a wound like the one he suffered on Terra (3.5).

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Hopefully in the next codex if they have him keep the axe they'll give him eternal warrior which, lets all face it, he definitely deserves after coming back from the dead repeatedly.


Since when has he come back from the dead repeatedly?


It's not in the current codex, but in previous ones it states he was revived after the Siege of Terra and has never again come so close to death (2nd) or that he has never received a wound like the one he suffered on Terra (3.5).



No it wouldn't be in the codex. It would be in Galaxy in Flames when a land raider runs him over.

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Hopefully in the next codex if they have him keep the axe they'll give him eternal warrior which, lets all face it, he definitely deserves after coming back from the dead repeatedly.


Since when has he come back from the dead repeatedly?


It's not in the current codex, but in previous ones it states he was revived after the Siege of Terra and has never again come so close to death (2nd) or that he has never received a wound like the one he suffered on Terra (3.5).



No it wouldn't be in the codex. It would be in Galaxy in Flames when a land raider runs him over.


Also when he fights against one of the Mournival Captains on IStvaan, when he gets impaled on a dozer blade still screamin and kicking...


So yeah Khârn was killed a few times, and each times he refused to die/Khorne ressurected him to fullfill is work of carnage.

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I'm sure Khârn will have his own. Gorechild isn't a power axe, it's a chain axe for one. It's a World Eater relic weapon, I'm sure it'll have its own rules come 6th ed, not to worry.

something like skulltaker..

Khârn has chainaxe, with rending.. but rends on 4+ ;)

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Sorry to burst the bubble, but I don't see what is the current use of Khârn.

I get all the "yeah, le skull champion with power sword is taking care of the challenge", and stuff. But if he's dead (sniping and other crap) ? Or what if an IC charges the squad ? He challenges the skull champion (because, let's face it; whatever is able to challenge will beat Khârn to death with ease), kills him, and then what ?

I used to take Khârn because he was good at killing stuff. Now, Typhus and PD are far better than him. So I just don't see what's the point of taking Khârn.





Oh, thanks to the one who said "Yeah, Khârn can make precision shots, pretty awesome". Made me laugh.

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Khârn getting eternal warrior wouldn't really be "fluffy" since he actually does die and doesn't come alive until later.


I wonder if Khârn's surname is Macleod? :D


Haven't tried him yet and probably wont until the codex is out. Then I may drag my Chaos army out of mothballs :D

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Used Khârn today... He's still a house... But running him against 'sternguard'ing marines is tough. Had him w 8 zerkers- somewhat near the middle of the squad knowing that a droppod full of combimeltas was headed my way- successfully avoided the first 5-man's volley of rapid fire ap3 shots-had some missile havocs make a nice crater out of the droppod, then rushed in to effortlessly slay the sternguard in cc. Consolidated into the crater and awaited pedros orbital bombardment and another drop pod full of sternguard- the bombardment cleared away a few zerks- the sternguard took advantage and reduced 2 more zerks to slag before Khârn took 2 meltas to the chin. Oh well...


Returned the favor on my turn as pedro clung to the back of his honor guard- deep striked 2 squads of 3 melta termis right next to him- one scattered a favorable few inches next to the side of a vindicator- reducing it to a crater- the other 'hit' and nuked pedro... Hah good times. Next time I may well run Khârn w a 10-16-man zerker squad... Either way I'm very excited to use Khârn again...


Hah balls... Replaying the scenario I totally forgot to do 'look out, sir' rolls to re-allocate the wounds... Hah damnit

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As for why you might use Khârn: What are our other options for AP2 melee canopeners? A daemon prince? Fewer attacks there, and while it's not as critical to their survival, you're still going to want a unit with a champ to babysit them so that you can actually use those attacks rather than wasting them in a challenge, not to mention he's only got a 4+ look out sir to avoid being pimp slapped out of existence by any 2+ save units you throw him at, even if he does take a couple down first. Typhus? Yeah, I'll give you that, but Typhus costs more, and not everyone wants to run nurgle, and even he wants a babysitter to not waste his attacks. A generic lord with an axe or fist? Sure, but again less attacks, and still needs a babysitter if he doesn't want to get killed in challenges. Unless he's in termie armor, in which case even fewer attacks, and like the prince or typhus he still wants that babysitter anyway.


Chosen? Even more overpriced and squishy then Khârn, and their special weapons aren't characters and don't get look out sir rolls. Terminators with axes and fists? Probably a decent choice, but if you're throwing terminators at terminators then they're all going to go down, with Khârn in a zerker or CSM squad you can at least take the pain on cheaper filler bodies.


Dreadnought? No. Too few attacks, instantly wrecked in return.


Defiler? More attacks, but still instantly wrecked in return, better off just firing its battle cannon at other units from a distance.



Look, Khârn got worse. Nobody's saying he didn't. But even so, AP2 melee in general got a lot harder to come by, and there's not much in the codex that brings seven strength seven AP2 precision strikes into combat on the charge with the protection of a 2+ look out sir.


Hopefully the new Khârn will be fixed, either becoming an exception to the "AP2 strikes at I1 rule", or getting eternal warrior, or getting 2+ artificer armor, or some combination thereof. But in the mean time, current Khârn, while not as amazing as before, still boasts abilities that are hard to come by elsewhere in the codex, making him worth considering, especially for armies that want to avoid fielding the admittedly far superior, if also considerably more expensive, Typhus for thematic reasons.

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Like said before the only way to efficently use him is in a zerker squad with a powerweapon champ, who will take the duels, while Khârn slaughter the rest of the squad.


Don't need a power fist champ anymore, with him in the squad, with is S7 Attacks and extra D6 on Pen rolls, its more then enough, so yeah the PW champ so that he can strike before any PF sarg or similar, the Zerkers striking, and at last Khârn cleaning whats left.

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Ok, so yesterday I tried out Khârn to see how best to make him work. Ran him with a berserker squad with champion carrying a power sword. I was up against 31 grey knight terminators and luckily only one of the three deepstriked in first so i had 5 terminators and Khârn + 9 beserkers charge the 9-10 grey knights. The system of keeping Khârn at the back and let him move up the initiative order until he is ready at I1 works an absolute treat. Beserkers and my own terminators were taking the wounds and failing some until he was ready to go and then he was able to just go nuts.


A problem only arose when I charged a rad grenade librarian led group of 10 grey knight terminators and was reduced to all initiative 1...all 10 new beserkers and Khârn got wasted without striking a blow.

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Ok, so yesterday I tried out Khârn to see how best to make him work. Ran him with a berserker squad with champion carrying a power sword. I was up against 31 grey knight terminators and luckily only one of the three deepstriked in first so i had 5 terminators and Khârn + 9 beserkers charge the 9-10 grey knights. The system of keeping Khârn at the back and let him move up the initiative order until he is ready at I1 works an absolute treat. Beserkers and my own terminators were taking the wounds and failing some until he was ready to go and then he was able to just go nuts.


A problem only arose when I charged a rad grenade librarian led group of 10 grey knight terminators and was reduced to all initiative 1...all 10 new beserkers and Khârn got wasted without striking a blow.


I think you meant psychotroke grenades. If he had a libby the only special add on grenade they may have is the empyrean brain mines. "The Emperor Pro..cheats" :)


You two should just replay the outcome of that combat.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some more rumours



and the bloody part for us :


"khorne berserkers are AP5"

"Skull Champions can take collars that give the squad and any vehicle it's embarked in a 5+ DtW"

"Khârn strikes at initiative 5, and he gained armour bane which I guess is new. He's AP3, but for every model he kills (not wound inflicted) he makes an additional attack at initiative 1. Not quite the same as warrior born as it doesn't keep growing, but it's very devastating for someone with 8 attacks on the charge (so 5 on his profile)."

On Khârn psychic defense "2+ Deny the witch"

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  • 2 weeks later...
Wait so collars are only a 5+ DtW?..wth?!


Come on GW!, its always has been a 2+ denial of Psy madness!, and a time like now where you can go up against whole psukers army's or at least who uses a lots of it, when only get a 5+?

At least Khârn keeps his 2+. IMHO it'd be way over the top to have a 2+ DTW on every squad, unless you had to pay through the nose to get it (which no one would). Keeping it at 5+ means that the upgrade can be justified as a cheap ~5pt piece of wargear.


Think of it this way: it doubles your chances to DTW ;)

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Wait so collars are only a 5+ DtW?..wth?!


Come on GW!, its always has been a 2+ denial of Psy madness!, and a time like now where you can go up against whole psukers army's or at least who uses a lots of it, when only get a 5+?

At least Khârn keeps his 2+. IMHO it'd be way over the top to have a 2+ DTW on every squad, unless you had to pay through the nose to get it (which no one would). Keeping it at 5+ means that the upgrade can be justified as a cheap ~5pt piece of wargear.


Think of it this way: it doubles your chances to DTW :huh:


If someone told you 2 years ago about an army in which every marine has force weapons you'd have probably said that would've been over the top too....I know I would've!

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Wait so collars are only a 5+ DtW?..wth?!


Come on GW!, its always has been a 2+ denial of Psy madness!, and a time like now where you can go up against whole psukers army's or at least who uses a lots of it, when only get a 5+?

At least Khârn keeps his 2+. IMHO it'd be way over the top to have a 2+ DTW on every squad, unless you had to pay through the nose to get it (which no one would). Keeping it at 5+ means that the upgrade can be justified as a cheap ~5pt piece of wargear.


Think of it this way: it doubles your chances to DTW :woot:


Don't forget that in the previous codex a Collar could cancel Psy powers on a 2+...for 5pts, and had the time it was logical and normal.


No one never whined about it, even the Ulthwé Councels type Eldar players i faced was like "oh right the collar, i forgot, go ahead".

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Yup.. and Khârn is 'EW' with 4 wounds on 2+ armour. No one ever whine about it too :blink:

I never play Kharne in 6th yet. Unmarked Lord with DW, CMelta at 25 points cheaper can serve a lot better than him as he currently is.

Looking forward to the new codex.

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In 5th I have played Khârn regularily (yes, even on tournaments and yes, he gave some kill-points to the enemy by slaying rest of his squad).

In 6th I just see no reason, other then he is a bad ass Khorne's avatar! I just don't want to see Khârn killed in challenge by some lowly crap with twin lightning claws (for example).


So as far as my warband is concerned, Khârn is on a vacancy with Khorne, laying on a beach with a drink and see of blood washes their feet. With new codex and new rules for Gorechild, he will return to full service (if he wouldn't be 250+pts.).


Oh yes, and for that time, I started using Chaos Lord with MoK and twin lightning claws. 30 pts less and quite a monster in combat.

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