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Kharn in 6th edition


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As for my two cents after reading everyone's opinions regarding Khârn's special rule I would say that I have to agree with the opinion that if Khârn is in a first round combat with space marines then he gets to re-roll the 1s. Any subsequent re-rolled dice that result in 1s then hit friendly models. However, if he is vs. anyone else then those 1s can't be re-rolled obviously and thus his special rule kicks in and they are assigned to any friendly models he is with.


Khârn has Hatred everything because of his Warlord Trait so it wouldn't have to be Space Marines.


Oh really his is vs. everything? Overlooked that...my bad

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Using fluff to argue about this isn't quite right and I would use the interpretation that he would be able to re-roll attacks in the first round of combat that didn't hit the enemy; it still allows him to still have (albeit a very small) chance of killing his own men that round but (if you need a fluff reason to back it up) also represents him charging the enemy and venting his frustration on them- from the second round onwards he is more likely to hit and kill his own men because he sees they aren't fighting properly/ hard enough.
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Oh really his is vs. everything? Overlooked that...my bad

Only if he's your warlord, though.


IMO "are not discarded" is not the same as "hit".

That is true, but what about the part where they "automatically hit" a friendly model? Are those not hits?

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Didn't read through the last 5 pages of the thread but I was just reading through his rules today, it says any unmodified rolls of 1. Does hatred not count as a modified roll. That should be enough proof otherwise they've given him a completely useless rule and would have written it differently. I'm still disappointed how Khârn can only charge out of landraiders ^_^
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They don't have seatbelts in landraiders ;)


I haven't read through all the pages but aren't re-rolls changing the initial rolls in such a fashion that the initial rolls never happened. Like when firing a weapon with the Gets hot rule, don't you ignore the initial roll of 1 if the new roll result is not a 1?


In the same way if you initially roll one or more 1s, you re-roll them and only count the eventual 1s from the second roll as hits on his squad mates.

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I haven't read through all the pages but aren't re-rolls changing the initial rolls in such a fashion that the initial rolls never happened. Like when firing a weapon with the Gets hot rule, don't you ignore the initial roll of 1 if the new roll result is not a 1?

Yes, rerolls essentially treat the initial roll as if it never happened. The problem is that you only have access to the reroll if you miss with your attacks. And if you roll a 1 with Khârn, then he "automatically hits" his own men, so you can't reroll.


Obviously, some still disagree with this, but that's at least how I interpret it.

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I haven't read through all the pages but aren't re-rolls changing the initial rolls in such a fashion that the initial rolls never happened. Like when firing a weapon with the Gets hot rule, don't you ignore the initial roll of 1 if the new roll result is not a 1?

Yes, rerolls essentially treat the initial roll as if it never happened. The problem is that you only have access to the reroll if you miss with your attacks. And if you roll a 1 with Khârn, then he "automatically hits" his own men, so you can't reroll.


Obviously, some still disagree with this, but that's at least how I interpret it.


Perhaps it could work like this: "Khârn rolls his attacks, 1s are allocated to friendly models and they suffer being hit, his hatred rule allows those 1s to be re-rolled however and any subsequent 1s now count as being modified and so do not get allocated again to friendly models."


If it works like this then it both allows for the 1s to hit friendly models as per his indiscriminate bloodlust but also allows for his hatred rule to function as intended.

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Minor point: there absolutely is a reason to take the Banner of Wrath on Berzerkers. Rerolling charge distances is a huge ability, easily more important than Furious Charge for the Berzerkers now, IMHO. Plus, the bonus to combat resolution can be handy (though given a Berzerker squad's efficiency in combat, not always useful).


With the addition of overwatch, it's crucial to get the charge the first time and rerolling charge distance is huge. I use it everytime I play my zerks.


As for the Khârn rerolling, it's been argued back and forth with the same arguments on both sides. I'd say talk it over with your opponent or wait for a FAQ (if we ever get one) on it.

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As for the Khârn rerolling, it's been argued back and forth with the same arguments on both sides. I'd say talk it over with your opponent or wait for a FAQ (if we ever get one) on it.

I completely agree. I'd also be inclined to play with the weaker interpretation in this kind of situation (where the rules are not clear) in any case, even if I disagreed with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I haven't read through all the pages but aren't re-rolls changing the initial rolls in such a fashion that the initial rolls never happened. Like when firing a weapon with the Gets hot rule, don't you ignore the initial roll of 1 if the new roll result is not a 1?

Yes, rerolls essentially treat the initial roll as if it never happened. The problem is that you only have access to the reroll if you miss with your attacks. And if you roll a 1 with Khârn, then he "automatically hits" his own men, so you can't reroll.

No, if you would discard the die that you rolled the 1 on then he hits a friendly model, and the rulebook states (pg 5) that you "pick up the dice you wish to re-roll, and roll it again." if you can make a re-roll.


Whilst there is disagreement on this rule it's even more important not to shortcut to a possible conclusion.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry Slayer, I don't see either of those things happening. Apotheosis is pretty clear that you lose all of your equipment and rules (which sucks for expensive characters - personally, I would have made the rule a straight set of stat bonuses and special rules, rather than awkwardly swapping the model for a new one, but that's just me), and it's not often that GW adds completely new options via errata unless it was something they had intended to do in the first place.


But hey, stranger things have happened.

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