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Chaos Terminators in 6th Edition


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All this mess just makes me need the new C:CSM that much sooner. I'm at a point where I'm afraid to model anything, and I know I can't be the only person in that boat.


But on the other hand, I've got the equivalent of 3 thunder hammers now, so that's something. It'd be an even better something if I had the equivalent of three storm shields to go with them, but that's life.



If it makes you feel optimistic, I'm going through the new rule book right now and there's LOADS of brand new Chaos art. Even the cover has awesome CSMs on it, fighting the DA (on the back, mind).

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Honestly, the power mauls are better for this than a power axe is. The mauls are +2 S and "Concussive" -- what thunder hammers do now. Even if you don't kill it with the maul, you'll take a hull point and might end up killing it anyway, depending on the situation.


True, but I haven't seen confirmation on the AP value for mauls. Are they confirmed as AP2?

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All this mess just makes me need the new C:CSM that much sooner. I'm at a point where I'm afraid to model anything, and I know I can't be the only person in that boat.


But on the other hand, I've got the equivalent of 3 thunder hammers now, so that's something. It'd be an even better something if I had the equivalent of three storm shields to go with them, but that's life.



If it makes you feel optimistic, I'm going through the new rule book right now and there's LOADS of brand new Chaos art. Even the cover has awesome CSMs on it, fighting the DA (on the back, mind).


Oh I'm very optimistic about that. All the rumors about DA and CSM being important to the kick off of 6th edition somehow seem to be supported by the cover art. I hope so, anyway. It's just that just last week I got a bits order in: parts for a power spear and a power maul to help me differentiate two sergeants and their squads...


EDIT: disregard previous edit.

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Mauls are AP 4, str +2 and "concussive".


Hmmm I still think I'd take an axe over a maul.


S5 + 2 for AP2 seems more reliable then S6 + concussive for tank busting. Plus the AP2 will be more useful against terminators and the like.


EDIT: my mistake, AP2 = +1, its AP2 = +2.


So mauls might be better against armor.

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What Tanith said, minigun. I have the rulebook, I'll post pics of the entry if you like.



I know what you mean, Max. I've been tinkering with my Death Guard in a really fearful manner. I'm just glad I gave all my Champions fists... the beauty of Plague Marines, they're already slow as hell so these new power weapon rules don't really affect me.


Back to the new rulebook though, I really am amazed at how much Chaos is in it. I mean, just check this out:



That's part of a double sided, three page pull-out spread with accompanying fluff about a huge alliance of CSMs and Daemons owning a whole Imperial sector of space.

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Ap 4?..... that's really underwhelming to say the least, there goes me thinking a mace was cool to model, BUT aP 4 kills it as it makes it almost pointless against saves of three up or more which is fairly common generally, even in my uni group (which is mainly xenos :D ) more marine players are coming in.

S6 could be good, so perhaps a mix of Mace, Axe, Sword, claw and fist would be good.

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What Tanith said, minigun. I have the rulebook, I'll post pics of the entry if you like.



I know what you mean, Max. I've been tinkering with my Death Guard in a really fearful manner. I'm just glad I gave all my Champions fists... the beauty of Plague Marines, they're already slow as hell so these new power weapon rules don't really affect me.


Back to the new rulebook though, I really am amazed at how much Chaos is in it. I mean, just check this out:



That's part of a double sided, three page pull-out spread with accompanying fluff about a huge alliance of CSMs and Daemons owning a whole Imperial sector of space.



Yes, the last WD has many Chaos related things in it too. Never seen that amount of Chaos pics since 2007.

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Early rumours put Legions at being released around August.....


Dare I hope?!


I still bet it's not called that.


Regardless of its title, I really just can't wait for it to be released :lol:

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Early rumours put Legions at being released around August.....


Dare I hope?!


I still bet it's not called that.


Regardless of its title, I really just can't wait for it to be released :lol:


True. A rose by any other name, or some such nonsense.

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Wonder how exactly it will be working with Daemon Weapons? Will it count as the power weapon it's modeled as, like they are indicating Force Weapons will be? Or will it be, hell I don't know? Guess we'll have to wait and see.....Hope the wait isn't too long... August would be perfect ;)




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Wonder how exactly it will be working with Daemon Weapons? Will it count as the power weapon it's modeled as, like they are indicating Force Weapons will be? Or will it be, hell I don't know? Guess we'll have to wait and see.....Hope the wait isn't too long... August would be perfect ;)





I wonder too. Daemon weapons have always been said to be able to change shape though so I really hope they don't classify it by what it looks like.

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I imagine that we'll either see an FAQ soon, or they'll just leave it for the Codex update (if its not too long), but it'll probably be classified with its own weapon profile.


I just can't see the likes of Abbaddon's sword, or Typhus' scythe only counting as power weapons.

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Wonder how exactly it will be working with Daemon Weapons? Will it count as the power weapon it's modeled as, like they are indicating Force Weapons will be? Or will it be, hell I don't know? Guess we'll have to wait and see.....Hope the wait isn't too long... August would be perfect ;)





I wonder too. Daemon weapons have always been said to be able to change shape though so I really hope they don't classify it by what it looks like.



Thinking along those exact same lines TG, so I am kinda hoping the same.


Though it will only really matter once I make up my mind how I am going to play my Dark Apostle when the new ed gets here. Tempting to play him as a TDA armoured sorc with the new powers that are being bandied about. some kind of fit with what some of the Dark Apostles were doing in the books. Only downside there is the classifying force weapons as their power wep counterparts. Ah well....looks like I got me some thinking to do....



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That Power Weapon rules will be determined by WYSIWYG has me a little confused with some of my models. On my Termies, I used that tentacle arm so as not to repeat the axes. When I modeled them, it didn't matter. Now ... what's the tentacle? A sword? Ax? Lance?


I also have a CSM champ with the Possessed arm with the long fingers. In my 5th games, I'd always just notify my opponent of what it was based on what I paid for (Power Sword, or Fist, depending on the list). I'm guessing I'll have to do the same in 6th, but I wonder if there will be more WYSIWYG crack down.

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That Power Weapon rules will be determined by WYSIWYG has me a little confused with some of my models. On my Termies, I used that tentacle arm so as not to repeat the axes. When I modeled them, it didn't matter. Now ... what's the tentacle? A sword? Ax? Lance?


I also have a CSM champ with the Possessed arm with the long fingers. In my 5th games, I'd always just notify my opponent of what it was based on what I paid for (Power Sword, or Fist, depending on the list). I'm guessing I'll have to do the same in 6th, but I wonder if there will be more WYSIWYG crack down.


I feel your pain on that. I have a Plague Champion that I gave Fabius' backpack and a narthecium gauntlet from an apothecary to, and I've always just told my opponent that the blades on the backpack were a power weapon or the narthecium was a power fist depending on what I'd spent the points for.


I really don't think I'm going to stop doing that, because I only play casual anyway. I might disregard the whole thing depending on who I'm playing, because I think it's kind of annoying.

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As for no swords in the chaos terminator box set... One of the rumours for the rumoured chaos release is that a cult terminator box (or maybe just a generic cult box) with upgrades to represent 1ksons, nurgle, khorne and slaanesh will be released and that these bit could then been combined with other terminator kits. However a number of rumours about this conflict.


Some say it is just an upgrade sprue and you can't make models (Like the BT sprue, but I think GW moved away from this as they wanted every box to be able to make a model.)


A small squad (5 men with loads of bits that will cost more than a the vanilla space marine version, like the space wolf or grey knight box sets.)


Yet another rumour states that boxes will be released for each of the gods.


So what I'm saying is that if these rumours are true we may be seeing more weapons coming our way.

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This thread gave me a headache. If this is any indication of what the future for 40k hold with these new rules....My future in this game may be questionable. I will not rules lawyer this kind of stuff and it seems already there is major loophole with this power weapon thing.
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What do you mean loophole? The different power weapons seem pretty well balanced against each other and I for one will gladly use the different variants! We are getting a new codex in a month as well so there will be lots of new things thrown around to make the game a lot more exciting for chaos players! (although allies alone certainly boosted our old boring codex a LOT!)
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I agree with Excessus here. I really don't see how having it all WYSIWIG could bring in a loophole regarding what weapon your models are carrying.


On another note, I think I may end up ordering a :( tonne of magnets soon. Something tells me they're going to be very useful!

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I agree with Excessus here. I really don't see how having it all WYSIWIG could bring in a loophole regarding what weapon your models are carrying.

remember how EC armies were killed when gav dex came ? you cant have a sword as a sword and a fist like claw thing also as a sword .technicly you could ask , if people would let you do that , but the expiriance of edition changes since 2ed tell me they wont in general . So for people with just an army and no tons of spare parts it maybe a problem .


not to mention all those moments when dudes modeled their weapons as stuff that cant be clearly cathegorized as a sword or ax. [am looking at you 1ksons players with your epypt style weapons and at you GK with your DCAs]

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I agree with Excessus here. I really don't see how having it all WYSIWIG could bring in a loophole regarding what weapon your models are carrying.

remember how EC armies were killed when gav dex came ? you cant have a sword as a sword and a fist like claw thing also as a sword .technicly you could ask , if people would let you do that , but the expiriance of edition changes since 2ed tell me they wont in general . So for people with just an army and no tons of spare parts it maybe a problem .


not to mention all those moments when dudes modeled their weapons as stuff that cant be clearly cathegorized as a sword or ax. [am looking at you 1ksons players with your epypt style weapons and at you GK with your DCAs]


I get what you're saying here, jeske.


I guess I'm just biased by the fact that I only play friendly games with players where saying "this fist is actually an axe..." would be good enough for the game. I wouldn't do it; I think I'll buy myself a new box of CSMs and model them all as Champions, with magnetisable arms so I can have all the weapons, but I wouldn't tell my mate who has a massive Black Tide Templar list to stuff it. I'd let him, after all, its only a game.


As long as its clearly explained, maybe written down, as to who has what, it shouldn't be a problem.

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