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Chaos Terminators in 6th Edition


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The power axe is also AP2, rather then the generic power weapon's AP3, which might matter in some instances. Unlike the power fist, the power axe can be combined with an add'l close combat weapon. Plus it's cheaper. Axes are looking pretty decent to me. The maul... yeah, I'm not so sure about the maul. Maybe there's something to it that I'm just not seeing, yet. I mean, the whole stun thing, delivered at initiative, might be decent? I don't know.
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You know, I am actually starting to come around axe's.. but only on my Terminators. In other cases where I have to pay full points for a power weapon, I'd rather add and extra ten to buy a fist. This is doubly so, as I play Plague Marines and we have crap Initiative anyway.
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well for example when you make an IC with Eternal/MC killer squad. one champ maul termi 3 fists 3 power weapon . IoT

land shot . get charged power weapon dudes up front die , stund MC/HQ with the champ . next turn fist swing at same I.

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how do MC deal with armour, is it still flat ignored as with now or do they have some other rule in 6th?

From what I've heard it's AP2...


...which would mean they get +1 on the vehicle damage chart! :P

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As far as I know, the whole power weapon thingy is nothing but a rumor, right ?

Then, I have to say that wouldn't be the first time Chaos get screwed and sees his possibilities reduced.


Rules for different power weapons are confirmed. I've seen it wif me own eyes, I has. The OP has the correct rules for the different types of weapons. I would just have what ever weapons "count as" what ever you want them to be. Not much to be done if GW doesn't make the model for the weapons you do want, you know?

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again but this is where the problems start . we had edition that supported counts as and those that didnt [4th for example or 2ed or 3ed] , if there wont be any rules for counts as , then there is going to be problems . I mean a big claw modeled for cool effect is all nice when all power weapons are the same , you cant have a big fist , an ax , a chain ax and a big two handed chain maul/glaive[i seen a conversion of a chain "ax" that looked like the khorn rune] runing around with the same rule . just like you can use melta in one squad as melta and in another as plasma .
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Monstrous creatures are AP2 and reroll for armour penetration against vehicles. They can also Slam, halving their attacks to double their strength. Sounds like a good tactic in a challenge.
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What I'm now trying to figure out is....what about chain axes and chain glaives? Are they now going to be counted as unwieldy? As far as I know CSM zerks are teh only models that actually come with chain axes, although I'm sure many loyalists have used them as a CCW was just a CCW in last edition, and what about all those NL players, and others, who have modeled chain-glaives? Makes me wonder if they will be just CCWs in our codex or if they will modify the rules? As surely a chain axe is just as "unwieldy" as a power axe.....probably more so due to its added bulk.... What do you all think?



As for my Dark Crozii, its going to come down to whether I run my Dark Apostle as a Chaos Lord or a Chaos Sorc..... If a Lord then I'll use it as a Daemon Wep, with a Sorc it will have to be a force wep and use it's "Maul" ruleset.... Have to see which way I like it better and how well I like the new Psychic powers we'll have available, to determine the value of that tradeoff, that's if I understand correctly that Daemon Weps have their own classification?


Edit: NVM, its looking like even the Daemon Wep will have to be used as a "Maul", I think....*throws hands up in the air....* LOL


And Relentless!!!!! Finally!!



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Even with old Abby as AP 3, I still think he'd be viable in a termi squad. He'd be able to take out anything with a 3+ or worse while the rest of the squad could deal with 2+ saves. I'm thinking him, Typhus, flamer, 3x plasma, 2x fists and maybe a CF? Expensive but they'd be a pretty nasty all round unit.
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Regarding TDA shooting. What dose relentless do for them now. any pips to combie weapons?



Previously, the recoil compensation on Chaos TDA simply let them move, fire, and charge with heavy and rapid fire weapons; Relentless would have made it so that they could fire at full range with rapid fire weapons. It's really a moot point since you can do that now anyway within the base ruleset.

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I may be mistaken but I thought I read somewhere that it was giving an extra shot now. (ie 3 combie bolter shoots at long range and all that.) My book wont arrive till next week...
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I recall there being something in the example stuff in WD or the youtube video about firewarriors rapid firing 3 shots at the full 30"? Might be where the confusing arise from.



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I'm just getting back into the game so I'm out of practice. It seems like being able to upgrade each terminator to a champion is really good now. You get the extra attack of course, but you also get precision hits on 6s. Then you can equip them differently so that they can have the right weapons for challenges.
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I'm just getting back into the game so I'm out of practice. It seems like being able to upgrade each terminator to a champion is really good now. You get the extra attack of course, but you also get precision hits on 6s. Then you can equip them differently so that they can have the right weapons for challenges.



ah, very nice point!

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I'm just getting back into the game so I'm out of practice. It seems like being able to upgrade each terminator to a champion is really good now. You get the extra attack of course, but you also get precision hits on 6s. Then you can equip them differently so that they can have the right weapons for challenges.



ah, very nice point!


Yeah, but that'll get expensive quick.... I'm not sure it's worth it unless you take a power/chain fist so you can pick out ICs with the big S8 AP2.

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There is one thing about terminators that I just love. You can upgrade EVERY terminator to terminator champ for pretty cheap cost for what characters do (precision hits, challenges etc..).
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After the chaos (the bad sort) with my kitbash termies, plus the idea of doing a squad of thousand terminators in tartoros armour is so nice

What do people think would be the best setup? I'm thinking heavy flamer and combi plasmas/meltas with power/chain fists, in a force that will mostly be several large (10+) squads of thousand sons, with a couple of supporting predators and a havok squad.

EDIT: In bigger games I would take it up to 10 men, and posibly get either a second 3/5 man termi squad or a contemptor or a dread.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anecdotal evidence time!


I played Chaos Terminators for the first time today, taking all Champions. I lost two of the five man squad before they even got to do anything, then lost another two the round after that.


But let me tell you about Terminator-Thegn Geiri of the Iron Hounds: he took his Power Maul and tore through four Leman Russ tanks like a mad bastard. 2 exploded, 1 wrecked, 1 immobilised, four rounds of swinging his Big Hammer.


I sincerely hope we get an option to do an all Terminator army in the next codex, as this one unit was the best part of the game for me. My other guys did stuff (not enough, unfortunately) but nothing nearly as exciting as the G-Man and his Hammer of Tank Eating. Fun times, even though I lost the game by a wide margin of Victory Points.

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