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Aaaaaaaand that's Denial guys, thanks for reading :D


Damn you DAT, damn you! ;)


I was expecting at least another couple of parts!


It means I have one less thing to read, which means I have one less excuse to procrastinate and more time* get some stuff of my own written!


I demand a(nother) Sequel! :lol:


*Time being (not) like a big ball of stuff in space and thereby having more time in theory :)

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Aaaaaaaand that's Denial guys, thanks for reading :D


Damn you DAT, damn you! :lol:


I was expecting at least another couple of parts!


It means I have one less thing to read, which means I have one less excuse to procrastinate and more time* get some stuff of my own written!


I demand a(nother) Sequel! :lol:


*Time being (not) like a big ball of stuff in space and thereby having more time in theory :P

Don't worry, one more sequel will rap this chapter of Thirst's life up ;)

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Aaaaaaaand that's Denial guys, thanks for reading :)


Say it aint so! We need another sequel!


Don't worry, one more sequel will rap this chapter of Thirst's life up :(


Which is actually not necessarily true now. I'm not sure if I should split the last story (Betrayal, three guesses what that's about ;) ) into two parts. If I did so the other story would be Seperation or something similar and would preface Betrayal.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Why not? The audience demands satisfaction! We want another sequel, and MOAR! lol jk it was really good, short but good. Right now Horus Heresy World Eaters vs Imperial Fists will be coming up! Check out "A tale of twenty writers", me and Olisredan are doing a collaberation of writing together there, so who will win? The blood thristy and war hungry Worl Eaters? Or the proud, die hard and noble Imperial Fists?


To be continued....

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Why not? The audience demands satisfaction! We want another sequel, and MOAR! lol jk it was really good, short but good. Right now Horus Heresy World Eaters vs Imperial Fists will be coming up! Check out "A tale of twenty writers", me and Olisredan are doing a collaberation of writing together there, so who will win? The blood thristy and war hungry Worl Eaters? Or the proud, die hard and noble Imperial Fists?


To be continued....

Already done ;) Who else would do the Word Bearers?

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