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6e Death Company


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Well lads....If the intertron is to be believed (and things are starting to look fairly consistent) then I want to make sure I am understanding things correctly.


So far, from the way reports are coming out, Rhinos and Razorbacks will be taking a back seat to Jump Packs if you can't assault after disembarking, regardless of whether you moved or not. Bummer, because I always liked a few madmen clad in black in a heavy flamer razorback.


Anyway, so this is how Death Company are looking to me.


Purchase death company marines with a Jump Pack and replace the chainsword with a power weapon where applicable. Choose the boltgun in place of the bolt-pistol. (Apparently rage overrides 2 close combat weapons, so you don't get bonus for having both anyway)


So now you have the following if you get the charge off.


Rapid fire boltguns, two shots at Str 4 due to relentless.

1 attack that automatically hits at I10 and base strength of 4. (Raises the question of what if you take Lemartes and he flips out after taking a wound? does he hit at str 5?)

Base attacks of 2, followed by 2 more attacks for Rage and if only one unit is assaulted, another bonus attack.


That is 8 chances to wound in total per model.


Seems to me, that if the things we are reading are true, and specifically that Rage overrides two close combat weapons, then Boltgun armed DC are the wave of the future.


Am I reading things right? Thoughts?


P.S. Awesome....I primed 4 DC with two close combat weapons and no boltgun.

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Well lads....If the intertron is to be believed (and things are starting to look fairly consistent) then I want to make sure I am understanding things correctly.


So far, from the way reports are coming out, Rhinos and Razorbacks will be taking a back seat to Jump Packs if you can't assault after disembarking, regardless of whether you moved or not. Bummer, because I always liked a few madmen clad in black in a heavy flamer razorback.


Anyway, so this is how Death Company are looking to me.


Purchase death company marines with a Jump Pack and replace the chainsword with a power weapon where applicable. Choose the boltgun in place of the bolt-pistol. (Apparently rage overrides 2 close combat weapons, so you don't get bonus for having both anyway)


So now you have the following if you get the charge off.


Rapid fire boltguns, two shots at Str 4 due to relentless.

1 attack that automatically hits at I10 and base strength of 4. (Raises the question of what if you take Lemartes and he flips out after taking a wound? does he hit at str 5?)

Base attacks of 2, followed by 2 more attacks for Rage and if only one unit is assaulted, another bonus attack.


That is 8 chances to wound in total per model.


Seems to me, that if the things we are reading are true, and specifically that Rage overrides two close combat weapons, then Boltgun armed DC are the wave of the future.


Am I reading things right? Thoughts?


P.S. Awesome....I primed 4 DC with two close combat weapons and no boltgun.



There is no assaulting after firig a rapid fire weapon, we can now however always shoôt 24 inch on the move - very nasty!

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OK so I wrote up a few sample units of death Company and I think I will definately be using them as shock troops and heavy hitters:


(BTW, these all have pistols and I'm assuming pistols still add a CC attack, guess we'll find out for sure this saturday when we get the books)


Also, please correct me if my math is off!



Death Company 9man Squad Footsloggers all with pistols:


9 Death Company with 1 infernus pistol and 2 powerfists, Drop Pod Dedicated Transport and Reclusiarch with Infernus pistol


Totals: 425pts with 48 WS5 and S5 attacks on a charge with rerolls to hit and wound!!!!


Death Company 5man Squad Footsloggers all with pistols:


5 Death Company with 1 infernus pistol, 1 powerfist, Drop Pod Dedicated Transport and Reclusiarch with Infernus pistol


Totals: 320pts with 29 WS5 and S5 attacks on charge with rerolls to hit and wound!



Death Company 9man Squad Jumppackers all with pistols:


9 Death Company with Jetpacks, 1 infernus pistol, 2 powerfists and a Reclusiarch with Infernus pistol and Jump Pack


Totals: 550pts with 58 WS5 and S5 attacks on a charge (10 of which are I10) with rerolls to hit and wound!



Death Company 5man Squad Jumppackers all with pistols:


5 Death Company with Jetpacks, 1 infernus pistol,1 powerfist and a Reclusiarch with Infernus pistol and Jump Pack


Totals: 385pts with 35 WS5 and S5 attacks on a charge (6 of which are I10) with rerolls to hit and wound!



Is it me or are these guys complete BEASTS now? They are expensive, but still.... with a reclusiarch they are SCARY!

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Hmm I might need to look into an all DC list with Astorath. One squad of DC with JP, 5 in drop pods and watch the chaos unfold. It's never going to win except for wipe out but that's a different matter.


btw I got a moment to look into the display book for 6th at my local game store. Didn't get too look up much in terms of rules except that power axes have the unwieldy trait (I think that was the name anyway) ,which means I have a few models who have to replace their weapons since I really loved equipping my sergeants with axes. Also the whole 'traits' thing for weapons and units might have worked better if the put the rules for them in their respective sections instead of clumping them together (had too look into the appendix to figure that one out).

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Well if by proof you mean scans of the rule book then no. Also I wouldn't be able to post them if I did (already got a warning for trying that with SoB when I got my hands on them early).

You'll just have to wait till saturday.

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Yeah, I saw the axes have unwieldy, but get a +1 to S. Not sure what unwieldy does though....I guess it's different than a PFs 'combersome (I1)' somehow?

No, its I1 like a powerfist.


Do you have proof for this?

No, I can't prove it without violating board rules.
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Yeah, I saw the axes have unwieldy, but get a +1 to S. Not sure what unwieldy does though....I guess it's different than a PFs 'combersome (I1)' somehow?

No, its I1 like a powerfist.


Do you have proof for this?


This has been confirmed by all sources with the book.

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I'm thinking a unit of 10 with two power weapons and a fist, or 9 with a chaplain, in a drop pod. Gets them into the thick of the action fast, and requires an answer. Meanwhile, the rest of the army comes up with our fast rhinos and jump packs, and should be relatively fresh once the DC have done their job.
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I'm thinking a unit of 10 with two power weapons and a fist, or 9 with a chaplain, in a drop pod. Gets them into the thick of the action fast, and requires an answer. Meanwhile, the rest of the army comes up with our fast rhinos and jump packs, and should be relatively fresh once the DC have done their job.


I've ran podded squads and a chaplain is a waste of points in these. Even more so now when his crozius is AP4. On foot and podding doesn't give you good odds to nail the all important charge.


Keep the distraction unit relatively inexpensive is my advice.

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Just to help you all decide, I thought I'd post.


Rage: +2 attacks on the charge. No longer has to run toward the closest enemy unit.

Furious charge: +1 str (no longer +1i!)

Power weps are ap3, power axes are ap2, +1 str and I1

FNP is 5+


Mine are probably going to run with a couple of fists, a couple of swords, and some bolt guns with jump packs. Rapid fire, then charge for the carnage!


Our metal bawkses took a hit though, you can't charge after disembarking, only move and shoot :)



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Just to help you all decide, I thought I'd post.


Rage: +2 attacks on the charge. No longer has to run toward the closest enemy unit.

Furious charge: +1 str (no longer +1i!)

Power weps are ap3, power axes are ap2, +1 str and I1

FNP is 5+


Mine are probably going to run with a couple of fists, a couple of swords, and some bolt guns with jump packs. Rapid fire, then charge for the carnage!


Our metal bawkses took a hit though, you can't charge after disembarking, only move and shoot :(



Welcome to the B+C from one James to another.


Your DC idea is very much how I am planning to run mine, with Lemartes thrown in for good measure. 2 fists/bolters, up to 3 power swords, up to 2 more guys with bolters, plus a few bolt pistol and chainsword.

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After some quick math I came up with the following


3 squads of 10 DC in drop pods, each with 2 power weapons (these are probably going to be swords as furious charge already gives us S5 and we lose our bonus initiative), 1 Fist, 1 hammer and an inferno pistol (as token ranged anti vehicle weapons). Added to that is Astorath joining a squad of 5 DC with JP wielding 3 power weapons, 1 fist and 1 hammer.

Would be 1500 points in total. For 2k I would probably add another squad of 10 and a DC dreadnought in a drop pod. This will take some time to assemble though.

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No, its I1 like a powerfist.



And no more +1I for FC \... ;) :eek And a crozius is only AP4 :eek :eek :eek


I can't wait for my book to get here so I can wrap my head around all this.


I saw that snippet from the rulebook that said "look at the model to see if it has an axe or sword" I was a bit shocked! Now that's WYSIWYG (I kinda like it actually)


Since we are talking about cc weapons, what's with two-handed and master crafted? Anything?

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Two handed: Never gain +1 attack from another hand weapon.


Master Crafted: Reroll one failed roll to hit.



Also on the crozius thing. It says if the model is holding a "Maul" which I guess the crozius is closest too, then indeed it is ap4. It is also +2 str.



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Two handed: Never gain +1 attack from another hand weapon.


Master Crafted: Reroll one failed roll to hit.



Also on the crozius thing. It says if the model is holding a "Maul" which I guess the crozius is closest too, then indeed it is ap4. It is also +2 str.





So Lemartes charging in now hits at strength 8 after a wound is taken (S5, +1 FC, +2 crozius) And with 8 attacks with the new rage USR (5 base, +1 off-hand, +2 charge) at initiative 6.

In my humble opinion, Lemartes just got a whole lot more awesome, and can instant kill Nobz like nobody's business (aside from Big Meks of course). Looks like I've got painting to do...

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