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6e Death Company


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I'm thinking a unit of 10 with two power weapons and a fist, or 9 with a chaplain, in a drop pod. Gets them into the thick of the action fast, and requires an answer. Meanwhile, the rest of the army comes up with our fast rhinos and jump packs, and should be relatively fresh once the DC have done their job.


I've ran podded squads and a chaplain is a waste of points in these. Even more so now when his crozius is AP4. On foot and podding doesn't give you good odds to nail the all important charge.


Keep the distraction unit relatively inexpensive is my advice.


Cheers for the advice. Not actually managed to run DC with the new codex since my first few games (I like having control of my own units), but I'll definitely be giving them a try come 6th.

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The tricky thing with 6th edition Death Company is going to be this: How to get Lemartes wounded without getting him killed. May have to happen in close combat rather than shooting.


It may be just me, but I think that it's almost the same as in the 5th.

I mean sure he has a worse 5+ FNP now but it's against almost anything.

I would try to keep him away from power fists though unless its a challenge. :)

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So Lemartes charging in now hits at strength 8 after a wound is taken (S5, +1 FC, +2 crozius) And with 8 attacks with the new rage USR (5 base, +1 off-hand, +2 charge) at initiative 6.

In my humble opinion, Lemartes just got a whole lot more awesome, and can instant kill Nobz like nobody's business (aside from Big Meks of course). Looks like I've got painting to do...


Actually no, its been said in the main 6th ed thread that the rules state that if it is a unique power weapon it is AP3 and what ever the rules are for said weapon so Lemartes has The Blood Crozius with the master crafted rule. So he doesn't gain +2 strength AP4, instead normal strength AP3 Master crafted as it is a unique weapon.


Same for Danta and Astorath's weapons as they have their own unique rules.


edit: found the quote from the main thread on this:


Thats fine then I will keep using Lemartes and Astoraths and Dantes current initiative then


Are their weapons ordinary power weapons, or do they have rules of their own? Ie, are they "unique or special or unusual" weapons?

I just came across this:



Unusual Power Weapons

Many models have unusual power weapons that have one or more unique rules. If a power weapon has its own unique or close combat rules, treat it as an AP3 melee weapon with the additional rules and characteristics presented in its entry.



Therefore, weapons such as forstblades, daemon weapons, named characters unique weapons such as Draigo's sword, Abbaddon's sword, Typhys's Manreaper etc don't follow the classification rules. They are simply treated how they are presented in the relevant codex, but are treated as AP3. (this last part is my own text)

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So Lemartes charging in now hits at strength 8 after a wound is taken (S5, +1 FC, +2 crozius) And with 8 attacks with the new rage USR (5 base, +1 off-hand, +2 charge) at initiative 6.

In my humble opinion, Lemartes just got a whole lot more awesome, and can instant kill Nobz like nobody's business (aside from Big Meks of course). Looks like I've got painting to do...


Actually no, its been said in the main 6th ed thread that the rules state that if it is a unique power weapon it is AP3 and what ever the rules are for said weapon so Lemartes has The Blood Crozius with the master crafted rule. So he doesn't gain +2 strength AP4, instead normal strength AP3 Master crafted as it is a unique weapon.


Same for Danta and Astorath's weapons as they have their own unique rules.


This still remains to be seen, because there are already people saying that this rule doesn't cover power weapons with rules such as master crafted which is universal and not unique.

Personally I disagree and believe that the types of PWs are reserved only for generic ones and that "Named" weapons will be spared.

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(Apparently rage overrides 2 close combat weapons, so you don't get bonus for having both anyway)


Nothing about rage says you don't get +1 attack for having two CCWs. So DC with two weapons gets 5 attacks on the charge.


Actually no, its been said in the main 6th ed thread that the rules state that if it is a unique power weapon it is AP3 and what ever the rules are for said weapon so Lemartes has The Blood Crozius with the master crafted rule. So he doesn't gain +2 strength AP4, instead normal strength AP3 Master crafted as it is a unique weapon.


Same for Danta and Astorath's weapons as they have their own unique rules.


This has already been stated but, unfortunately, I think you're wrong. A master crafted weapon is not exactly what I would call unique. Sucks for Lemarties, now he just pings off power armor, and Dante can't utilize his awesome i6. (Although with all the attacks he gets, you could use him as a unit blender if you take a Champion to feed into challenges (man I love Warhammer FantasyK 6th ed.)) Bottom line, I think we'll have to wait for a FAQ to find out about all our "unique" weapons, but I'm not holding out much hope.


On the other hand, I am going to love GK halberds striking at i3.

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Bottom line, I think we'll have to wait for a FAQ to find out about all our "unique" weapons, but I'm not holding out much hope.

you dont need a faq for that . you check the unit entry . It says X has a power weapon =>go rule book=>look at model=> its is Y. If it has anything other then power weapon writen then the codex must say what it does [for example a master crafted power weapon] . If it doesnt then it is in the FAQ.

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(Apparently rage overrides 2 close combat weapons, so you don't get bonus for having both anyway)


Nothing about rage says you don't get +1 attack for having two CCWs. So DC with two weapons gets 5 attacks on the charge.



I didn't see anything about that either, had me worried for a second that I had missed something.


Played my first 6th game today against Orcs using my DC list and wow, just wow. The game took about 3 hours because we were still hazy on the rules but I ended wiping him end of turn 4.

Having no movement restrictions on rage is amazing, DC definitely replacing my assault marines, thinking a 100% DC list w/ Astaroth.


As far as axes go, I may in the vast minority but I kind of like them. Considering the lack of AP2 now, for regular things you can always elect to use your pistol (assuming that rage does not prohibit you from taking a second CCW) and attack I4 ap-, and for terminator hunting you still have the I1 AP2. I may replace some of the power fists in my army with axes just to see how they work out.

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Actually no, its been said in the main 6th ed thread that the rules state that if it is a unique power weapon it is AP3 and what ever the rules are for said weapon so Lemartes has The Blood Crozius with the master crafted rule. So he doesn't gain +2 strength AP4, instead normal strength AP3 Master crafted as it is a unique weapon.


Same for Danta and Astorath's weapons as they have their own unique rules.


There is a HUGE difference though. Lemartes Crozius was FAQ'd and that's why it changed. Has nothing to do with if master crafted is "unique" or not.


Edit: In other words, NO, Lemartes doesn't have a Power Weapon at AP3, he has a Power Maul at AP4. Oh and it's STILL master crafted.

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Actually no, its been said in the main 6th ed thread that the rules state that if it is a unique power weapon it is AP3 and what ever the rules are for said weapon so Lemartes has The Blood Crozius with the master crafted rule. So he doesn't gain +2 strength AP4, instead normal strength AP3 Master crafted as it is a unique weapon.


Same for Danta and Astorath's weapons as they have their own unique rules.


There is a HUGE difference though. Lemartes Crozius was FAQ'd and that's why it changed. Has nothing to do with if master crafted is "unique" or not.


Edit: In other words, NO, Lemartes doesn't have a Power Weapon at AP3, he has a Power Maul at AP4. Oh and it's STILL master crafted.


My point wasn't that MC makes it unique but the fact he has a unique weapon as no one else has The Blood Crozius which until the FAQ came out it was a valid argument. But as you said, now with it out he counts as having a maul so not great but at least he'll have a bucket load of high strength attacks.

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I'm also against your interpretation of rage "overwriting" anything.

It states that you gain +2 attacks on the charge instead of +1. And the +1 for charging has always been cumulative with the second close combat weapon.


And who else thinks that the changes for rage USR are the single best thing that could happen to our DC?

It means that you can field JP DC without being kited around. And you gain more attacks.

It's 5 regular attacks on the charge + 1 attack at unmodified strength, AP(-), Ini 10 via Hammer of wrath USR, rerolling everything (assuming you field a chaplain).

Also I can finally use Lemartes.

My nerd dreams have come true. ^^

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Can lemartes accept challanges?




Yes, DC without rage move is great. Do I think they are worth 35 pts. a model, before special weapons? No. DC will still be best in a transport. Although 10 DC in a raven with Lemarties will be pretty cool.

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power lance - S+1/user AP3/4, melee


For those of you with the rulebook, is the information above accurate?


There has been a little bit of discussion about lances/spears for DC, but I would love to hear some more in-depth discussion. The pro-stance in my mind revolves around the fact that I tend to wipe out the enemy unit on the assault and that extra S would only help achieve that (2+ to wound on the assault with FC). The con's are the AP4 on subsequent rounds.


On the other hand, I am going to love GK halberds striking at i3.


Is this accurate? (I hope so) I thought I read elsewhere that the Force Halberds have a USR that means they still strike at I6.

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