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Alpha Legion Terminators


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So, I actually managed to finish some minis. Apart from some minor details such as the Hydra on the shoulderpads.. However I'm still not sure if i will use decals or freehand paint the insignia. I have tried decals before without much luck, and my freehand painting is a bit so-so.

So what i have done is I have added seven new terminators to my existing five (the ones in the back). The paint scheme is pretty basic but takes a long time since I don't use one single color scheme for the entire mini.

Chaos Black undercoat.

Necron Abyss + Azuremen blue + Ultramarines blue for the torso, shoulderpads and shins.

Boltgun metal or Khorne Brass for the trimings, chains and guns.

Skull white + Devlan Mud for the skeleton parts.

Skull white + Reikland fleshshade for the faces.

Goblin Green + Thrakka Green + Necrotic Green (Formula P3) for the thigs, arms and helmets.

Khorne red + Wild Rider Red for the eyes.

The power weapons are Dark Angels Green + Goblin Green + Necrotic Green + Skull White.

The base is painted with GW's Armagedon Dust, which is nice since i hate painting bases.

I tried removing all the mould lines, but still there is always some lines that i seem to miss, and i should probably drill the barrels of the guns, but that is a much later project.

So much to do, but i consider these bad boys done and ready for the game table.





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they are good looking! I am guessing you used texture paint for the base? I'm not very impressed by that product :/ I still prefer sand with 1 or 2 drybrushes. I do think you should add some grass to fill out the bases a bit (small effort, large difference) :D
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they are good looking! I am guessing you used texture paint for the base? I'm not very impressed by that product :/ I still prefer sand with 1 or 2 drybrushes. I do think you should add some grass to fill out the bases a bit (small effort, large difference) ;)



Yes, I did use the texture paint. And I agree with you I'm not overly happy with the result. It's hard to get an even layer of it over the base, which you can see in some spots, so i'm thinking of redoing them entirely with sand and glue. And maybe add some minor feature such as a helmet or parts of a wrecked vechicle. For my converted Obliterators i used Parts of Rhino doors for them to stand on just to get away from the plain sand base. Perhaps I should do that with these bad boys as well.

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Nice work ;) I agree with the others about the bases. I guess it depends what you have done with the rest of your army but I think these guys would also look better on darker bases or really clean bright bases.
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