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Iron Warriors Names

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Greetings brothers, although i dont usually frequent the chaos part of the board (did i just see a tentacle behind the door of the slaanesh forum?) I am writing some fluff for a DIY chapter and was wondering what style names Iron Warriors have? Or if they have a distinct naming convention at all? The character would be a captain (or the equivalent rank) of pre-heresy iron warriors. And i dont want to use an already-known character


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Harsh, guttural names work best for them, I think, especially when they're vaguely Germanic or Slavic sounding. Those kinds of sounds just provoke an image of a hard man from a hard land for me. It's one of the issues why I have such a hard time taking Honsou (of Graham McNeill fame) seriously; he's a Warsmith, sure, but his name doesn't fit the Legion in my mind.


I've been building a story framework in my head, for instance, where my Iron Hands square off against Iron Warriors led by Warsmith Welund Kranz -- Welund after the German tale of the blacksmith Wayland -- and Kranz, which just goes to that harshisty of voice I had mentioned.


To break it down a little bit more, I like them to have hard K sounds -- Kranz, Dantioch (from one of the HH short story books) -- hard G sounds (even better if they're pronounced in the back of the throat -- I think the term is "glottal" but I could be wrong) and some of the rarer consonants like V, X, and Z. Those seem to fit their character the best. For reference, a few names of published Iron Warriors:


- Honsou

- Forrix

- Barabas Dantioch

- Berossus

- Toramino

- Kroeger

- Kolvax

- Cadaras Grendel



Edit: Oh, and pay no mind to the tentacle. Just give the door a wide berth and it can't hurt you...

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