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Allies in 6th

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Does what it says on the tin. What allies will you take in 6th? I know that there's another thread on taking Thralls, but I was thinking about it on a broader scale. Personally, a platoon of Guardsmen to represent Spireguard Battle of the Fang style, and my pre-Hersey Sons might finally get some attention. So, what is it for you-Daemons or what?
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I don't own a demon codex, but i'd guess demons since the lesser demons I own are completely useless with our current codex.


I do have some pass me down imperial guard all ready from when my father played.


But, what I really look forward too is the 2000+ points of Orks I had from 20 years ago. They might not look completely orky by today's standards but that isn't going to stop me.

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I'm either going to take Orks (Mine aren't very orky either, they're all from the days of Gorkamorka!) or, if I can get the models, Daemons.


Amon'chakai the Condemned will see the field, one day...

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I'm either going to take Orks (Mine aren't very orky either, they're all from the days of Gorkamorka!) or, if I can get the models, Daemons.


That makes them the orkiest orks. With their Teef and Green Blood.

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Blue Scribes or a Lord of Change, 2 squads of 9 horrors each (no bolts), a few screamers and a few flamers - standard Tzeentchian daemon contingent I imagine, if the rumoured Force Organisation Chart is true (1 HQ + 1 troop mandatory and 1 troop, fast attack, elite and heavy support optionals).


Then there's also the option of getting a dark eldar haemonculus along with a bunch of grotesques as a wave of huge chaos spawns, along with a beastmaster and a pack of beasts. Fodder for change! :D

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Ooh, ooh, I know what we need!




Ethereal + 1 Firewarrior squad (markerlight) + Pathfinders (markerlights) + Sky Ray!


Mwahahaha cover, what cover? AP3 dakkadakkadakka!

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Why the look of shock? Surely you should know by now... everything is run by Tzeentch!

That explains the current UK government, then :).

Suddenly the world around me makes so much more sense.


I... don't know if I should laugh or cry.

Truly, only the mad and the divine can face the truth with open eyes.



Also, that greater daemon looks pretty nifty.

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