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Puck's army pics


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I'd like to post up some shots of my models, have a gander.

My LPC vow was one model



But not even a terminator can do it alone so I painted up some friends for him. I'd like to name them all but can't quite think of any good names so I'd love some suggestions. You might notice I left certain things bone on the armor like chest eagles and some shoulder pad designs. I did this on purpose as I think it gives the details more of a "sculpted part of the armor" look rather than a "stuff we tack welded into place" look.

Brother #1








Brother #3


I used one of the symbols from the venerable dread kit to decorate his power fist as it looked a little plain to me.



A sergeant to lead them,


note I left part of his Crux bone to denote his rank.



particularly happy with how his =][= shoulder pad came out

And finally a librarian to accompany them in their hunt for the Fallen. I painted this guy up a while back but never posted pics of him

Seeker Faustus:


Green Stuffed a hood in place so he looks suitably mysterious and free handed a bunch of runes on his armor to make it look arcane. I'm not a fan of an all blue librarian in the deathwing so his armor is bone like the rest but his robes are blue to denote his status.


Also GS'ed a half tabard for him to make him look like he's standing in a gale, and a censor on a rope over his shoulder

And what self respecting Dark Angels commander would go into battle without a big $@%#-off sword


I have other stuff to post but I think I'll stop for now. If anyone can think of any names for these guys I'd love to hear 'em

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Here's the techmarine of my force. He hasn't actually seen a game yet, but we'll see what 6th ed brings.

Techmarine Hephestiel


You'll notice again that his armor is mostly green with prominent portions denoting his status. I saw the "Dr. Octopus" conversion on fromthewarp.com and had to try it.



Hope you like him...

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The techmarine octopus thing was a brave thing to do - hat off to you for giving it a go but it just seems too much too me - sorry ;)


Nice powersword effect on the Sgt and his face came out good too.

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This Techmarine is waaay too awesome for words!!! Just love him! ;)


Great termies too. The one with the raised fist is as bad:cuss as they come! But what really shows your depth is the Librarian! Oh boy!


This is a great log, keep it up!

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