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Alliance with Daemons

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So, alliances are in, and now we are battle brothers to Daemons.


To use Daemons, you must take at least 1HQ and 1Troops, whom would you take?


Then you have possibility to take other slots, how would you use them?


Then, are they to be deployed as standard Daemons army or I can put everything into reserve and summon them onto Chaos Icons?


As I really hate Nurgle (for my own reasons) I am thinking about 20 bloodletters with Herald, or 5 daemonettes just to fill the slot and some nasty big Khornate HQ. Then fill elite slot with Flamers. Is there anything useful in Fast Attack or Heavy Support slots?

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I'm turning my old Summoned Lesser Daemons (converted Flagellants) into Plague Bearers, and I bought a box of Empire Great Swords yesterday to make Bloodletters out of. You can take two Heralds for one HQ slot, so Herald of Khorne and Herald of Nurgle maybe. Everyone seems excited about Epidemius being able to buff MoN units with his Tally of Pestilence, and I can't argue against it either.
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I might take a couple heralds. Some Tzeentch for improved psychic powers or a Khorne Herald on a juggernaut for some killy goodness. As for troops? Both the Daemonettes and Bloodletters are pretty nasty against PA armies, with either loads of attacks or pure power weapons.


I'm inclined to take Screamers, Fiends, or Juggernauts next, and after that... I'd probably keep running with the theme set up by my heralds and/or troops and/or elites :D

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Let me digress a second, please.

What makes me sick is seeing people being so freaking happy about having daemons in their army when they used to be part of CSM fluff and codices.

The happy Chaos family makes me sick too.

There, I said it.

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Let me digress a second, please.

What makes me sick is seeing people being so freaking happy about having daemons in their army when they used to be part of CSM fluff and codices.

The happy Chaos family makes me sick too.

There, I said it.


Happy to take Daemons? Yes, especially if you play a mono god list. That being said do I think Daemons should be rolled into C:CSM? Yes, with the option to make an all daemon list if you want. Will it happen? I'm afraid it will not, certainly not with the next CSM codex coming out.

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Let me digress a second, please.

What makes me sick is seeing people being so freaking happy about having daemons in their army when they used to be part of CSM fluff and codices.

The happy Chaos family makes me sick too.

There, I said it.


I do not understand this negativity. Why would more flexibility, and the possibility of having the two armies together like the 3.5 CSM dex,make you unhappy?

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I'm looking forward to rolling some bloodletters with my Black Legion warband. The red will complement the black nicely :D I don't really know much about the daemons codex though. Dunno whether some tzeench psyker daemons would be worth it, and while the nurgle Epidemus-whatever army sounds awesome, I don't have any plague marines :D


It's let the galaxy burn, not let the galaxy rot. ;)

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Yeah, Chaos daemons have their own codex now, we're never getting them back. :blink:


Guess we just gotta be happy with what we get these days, and this allies business is the best thing that happen to CSM since the codex was released

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I'd put in a good word for the Masque. With positioning looking much more important in 6th ed the ability to control wound allocation or to move flamers to the back of a squad before an assault is pretty invaluable. Though that could be the Emperor's Children Rhino doors I just got talking...


Epidemius looks fairly impressive for mono-Nurgle, but I have a suspicion the nerfbat may be incoming on that one.

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I do not understand this negativity. Why would more flexibility and the possibility of having the two armies together like the 3.5 CSM dex make you unhappy?

the fact that it took GW an edition and a few months to give us 1/3[under 2kpts] of the stuff we had in 3.5 ? One cant be happy about the wasted time of 5th ed .



As for what to take . A we dont know how heralds work . they are 2 per 1 hq slot , so can people take 2 as 1 HQ for ally ? if yes , then 2 chariot dudes . If not then any GD with wings [or a keeper] +mini troop section [like 8 bloodies or 5 plaguies] and a hvy support codex demons DP. nice for fun chaos zilla list.

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I think you guys are missing Vesper's point.


We used to be able to take Daemons (real proper daemons).

GW removed that option in 4th.

Now we've skipped an entire edition with regards to a codex update and people are happy about them being put back in, when they should NEVER have been taken away. ;)

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Yeah, well they were taken away, at least now we can mix 'em up again, even with FOC restrictions. A united chaos dex, representing both legions, renegades and daemons won't be released any time soon, so let us at least be content with the possibilities we got to make our crappy dex a bit less crappy ( even if it still doesn't match up with most of our loyalist counterparts) by using allies. I can understand the bitterness caused by the separation between C:CSM and C:Daemons, but i can't see why you stick to it, as you now get the opportunity to use them together again. If the loss of daemons in our dex is such an unbearable pain, stick to traitor guard, other allies, or stick to our crappy dex altogether.
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Let me digress a second, please.

What makes me sick is seeing people being so freaking happy about having daemons in their army when they used to be part of CSM fluff and codices.

The happy Chaos family makes me sick too.

There, I said it.


I do not understand this negativity. Why would more flexibility and the possibility of having the two armies together like the 3.5 CSM dex make you unhappy?


When it's a rather poor atempt to balance things out, it's bad. Yes, we can now have Daemons, awesome (imagine, codex daemons' daemons teaming up with CSM's daemons !), but in fact, the game will be broken by the insane amount of ridiculous combinations.


Word Bearers had that ability in 3.5, why is this suddenly a surprise to you?


And now, everyone is playing WB/BL. Not a surprise.

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I'm thinking Skulltaker leading15-20 Bloodletters or just counting him as a Herald and then i'm not sure. Maybe i'll go for some Screamers just because i like the models.


Or maybe i'll just go with a platoon of Traitor guard. I dunno. I'll just do whatever i feel is fun.

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When it's a rather poor atempt to balance things out, it's bad. Yes, we can now have Daemons, awesome (imagine, codex daemons' daemons teaming up with CSM's daemons !), but in fact, the game will be broken by the insane amount of ridiculous combinations.




I can agree to this. I still have a hard time understanding BT and GK allying themselves with some xenos filt, even under the most dire of events. A filthy Eldar is always a filthy Eldar...

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When it's a rather poor atempt to balance things out, it's bad. Yes, we can now have Daemons, awesome (imagine, codex daemons' daemons teaming up with CSM's daemons !), but in fact, the game will be broken by the insane amount of ridiculous combinations.



So is the sentiment more of "give me freedom or give me death"? Happiness cannot be achieved by the allies inclusion? The dex MUST include the daemons the way it was in 3.5, and you'll do just fine with CSM by themselves 4th or 6th edition version?

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I have a hard time reading you.


And 6th ed Chaos codex is rumoured. Nothing more. Remember when last year people were saying "ye, feb 2012 boys, you'll get your codex". Maybe we are the new Dark Eldars.

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And now, everyone is playing WB/BL. Not a surprise.




I literally can't understand this attitude. The limited way some people view the Legions (and the Chaos Powers) sort of horrifies me. They're not Chapters. They're not so narrowly defined, and the 3.5 rules were an abomination of limiting restrictiveness, not some paragon of originality and rules freshness. Christ, I wonder why some people even like Chaos when their perceptions are so skewed.

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I have a hard time reading you.


And 6th ed Chaos codex is rumoured. Nothing more. Remember when last year people were saying "ye, feb 2012 boys, you'll get your codex". Maybe we are the new Dark Eldars.



I spoke with one of the red shirts at my local GW store the other day. He had the feeling that Eldar would get the next codex and that would be followed by the new starter set followed by maybe the next CSM codex. So personally I don't trust any rumors until i see it in black and white print on GW's webpage. A new codex in august is as likely as a flying pig.

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And now, everyone is playing WB/BL. Not a surprise.




Yeah, I know of all the warband thingy, and I know that kind of petty moaning from the depth of 3.5 is the kind of thing you've heard far enough.

But another thing I know for sure is that I had fun playing the 3.5 codex. And I feel the actual codex is just some kind of black hole sucking every dip of fun I have in the hobby.


EDIT : You shamelessly edited when I was writing ! :(

I understand the fluff as it is, and I'm perfectly fine with it.

You say 3.5 was pretty limited and had plenty of restrictions. I don't agree (well, I guess you had this discussion about a thousand times). But I felt like I could play my AL the way I wanted. AL gunline with imperial robbed stuff ? I picked IW list. NL infiltrators ? I picked AL list. You had ton of ways you could build your army, giving it the feel you wanted. Just like with your lord.

And you could use the common BL list that suited absolutly well to renegades and such. Then, back in time, we had gods gifts, veterans skills, an arsenal...

We have nothing like that in the Gavdex. And less is never more when it comes to army building. It feels rushed, just like the new FAQ with Typhus.


Restrictions ? Possessed marines, Lords that can only choose a mark and a daemon weapon, unit pricing made in a way that you're next to forced to take the usual list we see everywhere... I really felt robbed when I bought my 4th ed CSM codex.

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