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Hello All.


I'm a new Blood Angels player. I'm currently building my army.


I've got several projects in the works at the moment due to the fact I promised my middle son I would get an army ready for 1,000 point matches at least. So far I've finished a Librarian, two Razorbacks and 5 Assault Marines. I still have a ways to go (lol).



I play against my two oldest sons and their friends. Typically I play against the Imperial Guard, Tyranids, Dark Eldar, Tau and Orks. Chaos Space Marines and Eldar are potential opponents as well, just not near as often. We don't do tournaments (we live in the middle of no-where, closest Game-Shop is ~60 miles away). Our games are always in good fun, but definitely get a competitive edge.


I know I will gain much information from this site and I hope I can contribute and help someone else out (eventually).

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