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Fears that come with 6th edition and the new codex


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Hey guys. Am I missing something? Where is it listed who gets access to which disciplines? Cheers.

It's in the latest WD issue. Can't understand why it isn't in the BRB (unless I'm missing it somewhere).

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Nope, it's not. It just says "look in your codex" ¬_¬ helpful.


So, anyone else think we're likely to see a squad of Chosen Sorcerers in the new book, what with Brotherhood of Psykers becoming a core rule?

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Nope, it's not. It just says "look in your codex" ¬_¬ helpful.


So, anyone else think we're likely to see a squad of Chosen Sorcerers in the new book, what with Brotherhood of Psykers becoming a core rule?

Oh it's not? huh...where on earth did I see that table then...I've seen it online but I'm sure I've seen it for real somewhere... :/ totally lame not having it in the BRB


Really hope for a squad of sorcerers!

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The psychic power list is also included when you buy the stand-alone psychic card deck. Also it's in every army's FAQ what powers they can use.



I'm getting excited about having Telepathy in a squad of TS! Most of them are VERY useable together with AP3 bolters since they are mostly maledictions and blessings. I think(haven't found anything about it though) that since they are not shooting powers you can target other squads with them than the bolters are in the shooting phase. And if you roll bad, then at least the primaris power is decent, especially against horde armies that TS are weak facing!


Already dreaming of my invisibility TS squad! Hihi, say hello to my 2+ cover save, and you want to charge me? Say hello to your WS1, haha!

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The psychic power list is also included when you buy the stand-alone psychic card deck. Also it's in every army's FAQ what powers they can use.



I'm getting excited about having Telepathy in a squad of TS! Most of them are VERY useable together with AP3 bolters since they are mostly maledictions and blessings. I think(haven't found anything about it though) that since they are not shooting powers you can target other squads with them than the bolters are in the shooting phase. And if you roll bad, then at least the primaris power is decent, especially against horde armies that TS are weak facing!


Already dreaming of my invisibility TS squad! Hihi, say hello to my 2+ cover save, and you want to charge me? Say hello to your WS1, haha!

Yeah, Telepathy seems like it could be the most useful discipline for sure. Even the 'mental fortitude' one, while irrelevant for actual rubric marines is useful for traitor guard allies, standard chaos marines or future chaos cultist squads we might get. Plus, like you said, the powers are almost all maledictions or blessings which don't count as shooting and so don't hinder the sorcerer in the shooting phase.


I think I'm going to like taking each of the three disciplines across my sorcerer HQs and aspiring sorcerer squad leaders to represent the different cults of the Thousand Sons. Ahriman I think will keep the powers from the chaos codex as they are still pretty badass...gift of chaos, wind of chaos and even warptime...

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Anyone thinking that with the nerfs to Rhinos and the changing of slow and purpesful, a foot thousand son army fielding large squads (over 10 models) could work?

I'm so glad I did not get the rhinos I was thinking of getting and am instead thinking of getting tartaros termies to convert to the legion :P

Also which lore are people thinking of giving their sorcerers? I had good luck today with an aspiring Sorcer with magma beam, took out 2 plague marines and a rhino today.

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Telepathy. Best of the 3 I think:




Primaris A heavy flamer with soul blaze, soul blaze is pretty meh, especially against power armour.

1 combat buff for a psyker, not generally something they need too often and the 4+ inv is wasted on Ksons.

2 Again and inv save that Ksons don't need, also doesn't work against melta. the ~7 hits when someone charges you aren't dreadful, but it'll maybe kill 1 marine.

3 A S4/AP5 blast that ignores cover and has soul blaze. Not great.

4 Hilarious, 'best' power of the lot, can anyone say 'Eye Lazors?' focussed means you can allocate the wound, but only only a psychic roll of 5 or less (28% chance), which is what prevents this power being fantastic and keeps it at hilariously amusing when it works.

5 This is the most useful power I feel, damage is very meh, but you so long as you hit you blind every enemy unit in range, great against assault armies trying to close the distance on you or as a means of countering assaults, if a unit charged you last turn and you're locked in combat, move a unit with this power close to the combat and let rip and leave them blind for 2 assault phases.

6 A super meltagun that costs 2 warp charge. This has the potential to be really nasty, terminators do not want to be hit by this thing, nor do paladins, very low range though and after a few targets your to wound rolls are looking shaky. Unfortunatly as beam powers work in a very specific way it's easy to mitigate some damage with good positioning.



Primaris Strikedown is the key benefit here as it triggers on both saved and unsaved wounds and most of the time that's a 2+, again positioning will be tricky with a good opponent, but the 18" range is helpful here. Initiative is just as important as it was in 5th so this can be very useful if you're running an assault unit with only I4.

1 Focused, S~7 hit with random AP, not as good (or as funny) as the eye lazors because most of the time you get armour and/or cover and 75% of the time you don't get to allocate.

2 Gate of infinity, a nice addition to the chaos powers, but it's something you want to be able to take rather than roll for I think as it requires planning. Ultimately depends on whether we get something like this in the codex.

3 This one is okay I guess, mostly just a you can't shoot my (non-existant) flyers and a free hull point from a vehicle. Nice against heavy armour and has a good range.

4 Not bad, but only good if you hit quite a few units and most people will shrug off the leadership test regardless.

5 Pretty useless for the sole reason that very few people are going to be shooting at 6" or less.

6 10% chance of hitting you combined with scatter and a 12" range. Pass.



Primaris: Average of ~11 on the dice, which is two dead PA marines, 37% chance of doing nothing to marines but can be devastating if you roll well. The best and most useful of the primaris powers, useful on aspiring sorcs too, this and AP3 bolters gives PA a very, very bad day- even if they're of the 'red and hard to kill' variety.

1 The way to do leadership based attacks - make them take a lot of them. Missing out an entire phase is really harsh, especially given how important movement and positioning are now in terms of shooting and assault casualties. Not so great against marines and necrons though - weakest telepathy power.

2 Not useful for rubrics, gonna be fantastic for cultists though ir any other unit that doesn't have fearless and might be in assault soon.

3 1.) target vehicle 2.) Profit.

4 Really good because...

5 Holy Warp Storms Batman, the enemy are invisible and now they've killed us!

6 ...Now all those fearless units are pinned, useless or won't stop hitting themselves.



So there's my sum up, telekinesis and pyromancy aren't bad by any means, but more than one power in each is going to make you groan when you roll it, and the primaris one's aren't fantastic to replace them. Telepathy does a whole bunch of stuff you can't do any other way. Obviously with a new codex dropping in around a month (hopefully) this could all change, but as I see it now telepathy is by far the best choice. If you're feeling really mean ally in a psyker battle squad for weaken resolve.

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Plus, invisibility is really, really Tzeentchian. I think the best scene in Thousand Shinji has to be the part where a sorcerer and four Rubrics slaughter forty mercenaries in a warehouse (if you skip the rest of the story, scroll down to 'I must tell Shinji about this') using a combination of invisibility and demanifestation... even though it was completely unnecessary because the rubrics alone could have done it.
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Must admit, when I saw the telepathy powers I was tempted to cackle ;) And luckily my HQ sorcerer is an Atheanaen (I can never remember the correct spelling for that) So it works, may keep Bolt of change though as it is a fairly decent power, though I am thinking of making another HQ sorcerer possibly in terminator armour or power armour with a non staff force weapon, whilst Zarathustra sits back and causes hilarity to ensue with Telepathy, I'm thinking this guy will be up close, not sure raptora or Pyrea.

I think the pyrea and Raptora powers are not quite as bad compared to the Atheanean ones, as they both have powers that can deal with stuff the rubrics would struggle with, so am thinking of in larger games taking one with bolt of change, and one each of raptora and Pyrea.

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Some non-psyker thoughts and fears:


I'm really hoping that Rubrics don't have Slow and Purposeful in the new codex, at least not while the sorcerer is alive. Losing the ability to overwatch when you have AP3 bolters would be harsh, especially against fast moving assault troops like Bangels. With the emphasis on unit position having a sorcerer as our only 'key' unit, with a Look Out Sir! (My Lord?) roll will be a real advantage. Making sure your sorc has the most cover in the unit will also be important to prevent focus fire on him.


I've played a few games of 6th now with my other armies and focus fire and positioning are really important, a quick move to flank a unit can yield great benefits from killing sarges and special weapons. With AP3 basic weapons this sort of move is even more benefit.


Challenges will be a problem I feel, losing the aspiring sorcerer is worse than your opponent losing a sergeant most of the time, I feel certain that there will continue to be a downgrade to a Rubric unit that loses the sorcerer (such as gaining the new Slow and Purposeful) so I think refusing challenges will have to be the way to go, which means any CC upgrades on Aspiring Sorcerer won't be a good idea unless they can increase his Initiative so he strikes before his opponents.


The new cover rules will generally benefit us if Rubrics keep the 4+ invulnerable of course, and it makes rubrics more viable for foot slogging if they don't have reduced movement in some way. I see plasma making a come back though, so even with a 4+ inv. save you need to be careful given how expensive rubric marines generally are, 24" plasma shots can really do a number on you, particularly out of rhinos.


My other big hope is that we see terminator upgrades for Rubrics, particularly if they can have combi weapons. It would give some more options for anti-tank apart from the sorcerer, who could then possibly take a 6th ed rulebook power instead of shoring up the anti-tank of a squad.


It would be nice if they did something that meant we could benefit from relentless again, as it stands now it's useless as rubrics don't have grenades and thus have very little interest in charging after rapid firing the majority of the time even though the new fearless rules help them out (I'm assuming we'll keep this as it fits the unit). Maybe some new weapon options for rubrics? Such as the salvo type weapons in the new book that no-one seems to have yet.


Cultists will also be an interesting addition, my bet is that either they will have an option to get the Brotherhood of Sorcerers special rule or Ahriman's special shtick will be that he gives it to them and they can cast a power or two from the codex. Although if they don't have a decent leadership or a way to get one they might be rather sub-par.


Drop pods, or other means of teleporting/deep striking. Simply an extension on the positioning comments earlier, being able to swiftly move AP3 weaponry to flank a unit and be within 12" will be massively useful.


My biggest worry is the cost of the unit. Much as I love Phil Kelly's fluff writing abilities his rules has often left a little to be desired and Rubrics have never been costed amazingly well. I don't want them to be the new paladins/grey hunters, but it would be nice if I wasn't looking enviously at my friends plague marines...

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I don't know why, but for some reason they will allow Thousand sons to have heavy bolters witch get AP2 due to inferno bolts. It would boost Thousand son and any kit with heavy bolters as AP2 is going to be in demand with the way 2+ save just got boosted. Has nothing to do with the fact I just assembeled the last of a box of thousand sons with a metal heavy bolter I had in my bits box because it looked cool ;).

Seriously though, I just have a feeling about it, plus it would give Thousand sons an anti infantry niche/shooting niche that would be different to the other cults (Noise marines being more shooting antihoarde). Don't ask me why, it's just a feeling I have.

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Am I correct in thinking, that (for the time being) Thousand Sons sorcerors are mastery 2.


Mastery being number of spells able to cast in a turn.

TS sorceror is 1 off the list and force weapon providing isn't a 2nd shooting attack as they have mark of Tzeentch.


So by that reasoning TS sorcerors are mastery 2 but again still resticted to 1 shooting attack per turn.


Iv not had chance to have a proper look at book but that's at a glance. Any thoughts?

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Just had my first game game with 6th, it went well and will post a battle report later. I no longer think are Aspiring Sorcerers are that bad now :) A combination of Psychic Shriek, Vortex of DOOM and AP3 bolters combined with the new SnP rules mean I would say Thousand sons are now one certainly on an almost equal level with Plague marines, especially if you don't waste pts on rhinos (Which are now easily taken care of by support units such predators or havoks) and go for about 10 rubrics plus Sorcerer, Perils is now brutal though.
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I played a game with 3 squads of 10 TSons, just to see what it would be like.


While I did not win the game, the TSons did very well. They were able to create an advancing fire line that took out the opponent's tactical squads very efficiently, only losing a couple of models in 3 turns of shooting. It never felt like they were slow to move, and the Sorcerers were particularly useful. One of them managed to take out a space marine captain with a psychic shriek as he was preparing to charge.

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Under 6th I can now take Fateweaver as an ally and keep him close to my block of rubric marines thereby giving everyone re-rollable saves. Add to that the unit of screamers which are basically jetbikes with melta bombs and my Thousand Sons warband just got seriously awesome in 6th edition!
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