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Fears that come with 6th edition and the new codex


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Yes, as it stands Aspiring Sorcerers are mastery level 2, as are Sorcerer Lords who have the MoT.
Where do you get that Aspiring Sorcerers are Mastery 2, when they can only ever take one spell? There's no FAQ entry for the Mark of Tzeentch that says it upgrades you.
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Yes, as it stands Aspiring Sorcerers are mastery level 2, as are Sorcerer Lords who have the MoT.
Where do you get that Aspiring Sorcerers are Mastery 2, when they can only ever take one spell? There's no FAQ entry for the Mark of Tzeentch that says it upgrades you.


They can only cast 1 spell as they are only given option to select 1.

The model itself has a mark of tzeentch so can use 2 powers but only 1 of which may be shooting. So they could take tests for force weapons and doombolt in same turn.

They can and do have capacity to use 2 psychic tests for powers.


So 2 powers a turn = mastery 2

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They can only cast 1 spell as they are only given option to select 1.

The model itself has a mark of tzeentch so can use 2 powers but only 1 of which may be shooting. So they could take tests for force weapons and doombolt in same turn.

They can and do have capacity to use 2 psychic tests for powers.

Re-read p. 25, and then re-check the entry on p. 98. Nowhere does it say you can use two powers on an Aspiring Sorcerer, or even take more than one.
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The Aspiring Sorcerer has the Mark of Tzeentch, must choose 1 Psychic Power, and has a Force Weapon.


The Mark of Tzeentch allows you to use a second psychic test per turn.


For Aspiring Sorcerers, until 6e, this simply means he can cast Bolt of Change and then use his Force Weapon in the following close combat phase (Without the Mark, he would need to choose which to use in any given turn), or cast Warp Time twice - which is pointless, as you can't reroll a reroll.


With 6e, any model that could previously make a second psychic test per turn becomes Mastery Level 2 (Mastery Level 2: "You may use two psychic powers in the same turn, and generate a Warp Charge of 2").


What this actually means is significant, however: We can use WC2 powers, and we get Deny the Witch on a 5+ against Mastery Level 1 psykers. Aspiring Sorcerers still only know two powers (Their chosen one, and Force Weapon), but they can cast any power in the book that they have access to.


So, if you're really stuck on the (false) idea that you have to KNOW two powers to be able to cast two powers per turn, the Aspiring Sorcerer does, in fact, know two powers: The one he chooses, and "Activate Force Weapon". However, I don't recommend it as this gives the false impression that a Space Marine Librarian or an Inquisitor will be ML2, which they aren't because they have to choose whether to use their power or their force weapon in any given turn, but can't use both.

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Darth, page 66 in the rulebook explains how you sort out mastery level from older codexes(it's how many powers they can cast per turn). Page 88 of the codex tells you that a model with MoT can cast two powers per turn. An aspiring sorcerer, along with the rest of his squad, have MoT. It's not about how many powers they have, and aspiring sorcerers have always been able to cast two powers with the current codex, that's why people chose warptime for them before the nerf...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just re read the Thousand Sons entry on PG 98 of the codex. Clearly the Aspiring Sorcerer has to take one power. But where does it say that he cannot buy more than one power??


Surely like the Farseer, he can buy as many as he likes.

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The Soul Fire rule kind of blows if you ask me.


Yeah, but Sons are getting cheaper, so at least it's 'free'. Icons of Tzeentch will be pretty rare if all they do is grant soul blaze though, it is a bit useless.

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The Soul Fire rule kind of blows if you ask me.


Yeah, but Sons are getting cheaper, so at least it's 'free'. Icons of Tzeentch will be pretty rare if all they do is grant soul blaze though, it is a bit useless.


Our bolters are aready great against Power armour. Where they struggles was 5+ saves in cover, meaning they were no better than a regular bolter. This helps with that.

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An average of 1.5 (?) No cover save S4 AP5 hits per turn (less after wound rolls) when I have to have shot the unit already is pretty rubbish, it barely scratches MEQ and I'd rather fire my AP3 bolters at something other than GEQ if I have a choice and drop a pie plate on them instead, or shoot them with cultists. Personally if this is all the new Icon does I will never pay points for it, I'd rather upgrade something else. The icon sounds incredibly disappointing so far, if Soul Blaze stacked per unsaved wound, or had some other additional effect then it might be worth paying something for it.
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Meh, the rumor says they get soul fire, not soul blaze. It's either a new rule they get or the rumor guy had no idea what he was referring to and is soul blaze. Rumors are rumors, 99% are wrong.
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Meh, the rumor says they get soul fire, not soul blaze. It's either a new rule they get or the rumor guy had no idea what he was referring to and is soul blaze. Rumors are rumors, 99% are wrong.


I don't think it's that high, especially this near release but the sentiment is quite correct. Best not to get too worked up about rumours, by the time we hear them it's too late to change whatever is actually in the book (not that we could) but that doesn't mean discussing them is pointless, it's useful to work off what we have to think how our armies might change and it passes time between marking essays :tu:.


Soul Fire and Soul Blaze would be pretty easy to mix up, the more recent rumours sound like someone who has leafed through the book in a warehouse and then answered questions from memory. There's bound to be mistakes, with mistaken names of USRs amongst the least serious. I won't be buying any models till I'm holding the dex and can look through it myself, doesn't mean I can't think about what I might be getting and getting a little excited/disappointed about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
new dreadnought rumors say mark of Tzeentch on vehicles gives their flamer weapons +1 Strength, -1 AP, for S6, AP3 flamers. That's sounds like it could be pretty boss on any Tzeentch-marked vehicle able to take more than one heavy flamer (the dreadnought is rumored to be able to take two - one twin linked and one regular).
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Wonder how many points the MoT will be? I can't see many people going with the TL Heavy Flamer over the butcher cannon, but having a S6 AP3 heavy flamer on the CC weapon could be cool, mitigates the problem that dreads aren't that hot in CC any more by destroying some/most of the opposition via overwatch/shooting before a charge.


I would certainly consider this for a back-mid field light armour destroyer/counter assault threat if it's not too pricey. Unless they can deep strike or be summoned however I don't think HF/F will be very good even with AP3, unless you're using it as a fire magnet, in which case it really needs AV13 on the front and even then it's melta bait.

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