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Big Buffs for the Children of Nurgle


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The new edition has be favorable to Nurgle's little children! Let's look at some buffs they got:


- FNP is only 5+ but works against everthing except instant death


- Toughness 4(5) now counts as T5!


- No more ID via powerfitsts for Thypus


- Buff to rapid fire


- Best buddy alliance with deamons



Thats of course just some buffs and there will also be down sides, but overall, Death Guard was treated well by the new edition.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa ... just read the FAQ. New Toughness rules make me so happy! As no weapons appear to have the Instant Death rule specifically, this means we get FnP vs Fists, etc.! And Typhus, as mentioned, doesn't go down like a chump (although, I kinda expect some buffs for him in the next codex, as well).


What a glorious day for Nurgle.

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Brethren, our time has come. With the aforementioned buffs and the (slight) nerf on preferred enemy, GKs are less of a problem for our daemonic allies. I am torn between the obvious Epidemius use and building a daemonzilla (patent pending) list.
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Brethren, our time has come. With the aforementioned buffs and the (slight) nerf on preferred enemy, GKs are less of a problem for our daemonic allies. I am torn between the obvious Epidemius use and building a daemonzilla (patent pending) list.


It truly has. Nurgle have become quite the force in 6th edition. I played two games today with just 1,000 points (DP with wings, 2 x 7-men PM squads/Rhino's, 2x Obliterators and a Defiler), and managed to curb-stomp my opponents into the ground both times - and this was without me using any allies or anything. Exactly the kind of list I've been using for around two years, and yet this time my opponents couldn't stop me.


The only problem I do foresee though, is the inevitable score of gamers we'll see playing Nurgle to use the Epi-PM build. Yes, its an awesome combo, but when I travel and take my army, I don't want to be looked down upon for "being one of those gamers. It may seem petty or insignificant, but I'm just really not looking forward to it :D

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I'm so excited by the improvements that 6th edition bring to our Plague Marine...


First of all Nurgle's mark count as bonus against instant death and this means that finally Typhus are pretty terrible.


FNP is much better 5+ against almost all now, because Lascannon and missile don't kill you instantly, nor a powerfist and so on, and even simple Plague marine can survive long time against almost everything now...


Blight Grenades are better because you can trow them and get cover from incoming fire.


Bolter and Plasma now shoot to 24" even on movements.


New Psi power, some of them are really cool, especially the "basic one" of telepaty: 3d6 minus enemy discipline and those are the hit without armor save.


Rhino are not so weak as the first sight let you think, and just one turn of movement is all that you need before disembark and start the Mortarion's job.


You can get Allies and you can get demon (finally) or Nurgling Food (easily usable as traitors nurgle's guard).


Demon prince now are much better then before.


All in all plenty of great gain for our Marine, I'm just tinking about a lot of conversion for some Traitors guard allies or maybe demon... Great Uncle one above all...


Today I played a 1500 game against 27 terminators of Death Wing with Belial and a Librarian and I won! Not easily (were terminators in the end) but Thypus did well and chop away a squad by himself and plasma and bolter did the rest...

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The only problem I do foresee though, is the inevitable score of gamers we'll see playing Nurgle to use the Epi-PM build. Yes, its an awesome combo, but when I travel and take my army, I don't want to be looked down upon for "being one of those gamers. It may seem petty or insignificant, but I'm just really not looking forward to it

I feel ya. The Epidemius build is good, so it will see play, but still, bandwagoning- meh. Although here is a fun alternative . . .


1500 pt. Nurgle Daemonzilla


Great Unclean One 160

Great Unclean One 160

Daemon Prince w/ MoN, Wings 155

Nurglings (7) 91

Nurglings (7) 91

Plague Marines (7) w/ Champion, Plasma gun,

Rhino 246

Daemon Prince w/ MoN, Daemonic Flight 170

Daemon Prince w/ MoN, Daemonic Flight 170

Daemon Prince w/ MoN, Daemonic Flight 170

Summoned Greater Daemon 100


Just as many daemonic MCs as possible. I need one more DP and a few more nurglings then I can field this . . .

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Brethren, our time has come. With the aforementioned buffs and the (slight) nerf on preferred enemy, GKs are less of a problem for our daemonic allies. I am torn between the obvious Epidemius use and building a daemonzilla (patent pending) list.



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I'm so excited by the improvements that 6th edition bring to our Plague Marine...


First of all Nurgle's mark count as bonus against instant death and this means that finally Typhus are pretty terrible.


FNP is much better 5+ against almost all now, because Lascannon and missile don't kill you instantly, nor a powerfist and so on, and even simple Plague marine can survive long time against almost everything now...


Blight Grenades are better because you can trow them and get cover from incoming fire.


Bolter and Plasma now shoot to 24" even on movements.


New Psi power, some of them are really cool, especially the "basic one" of telepaty: 3d6 minus enemy discipline and those are the hit without armor save.


Rhino are not so weak as the first sight let you think, and just one turn of movement is all that you need before disembark and start the Mortarion's job.


You can get Allies and you can get demon (finally) or Nurgling Food (easily usable as traitors nurgle's guard).


Demon prince now are much better then before.


All in all plenty of great gain for our Marine, I'm just tinking about a lot of conversion for some Traitors guard allies or maybe demon... Great Uncle one above all...


Today I played a 1500 game against 27 terminators of Death Wing with Belial and a Librarian and I won! Not easily (were terminators in the end) but Thypus did well and chop away a squad by himself and plasma and bolter did the rest...


Aye, it's amazing the changes one day have made to our army!



The only problem I do foresee though, is the inevitable score of gamers we'll see playing Nurgle to use the Epi-PM build. Yes, its an awesome combo, but when I travel and take my army, I don't want to be looked down upon for "being one of those gamers. It may seem petty or insignificant, but I'm just really not looking forward to it

I feel ya. The Epidemius build is good, so it will see play, but still, bandwagoning- meh. Although here is a fun alternative . . .


1500 pt. Nurgle Daemonzilla


Great Unclean One 160

Great Unclean One 160

Daemon Prince w/ MoN, Wings 155

Nurglings (7) 91

Nurglings (7) 91

Plague Marines (7) w/ Champion, Plasma gun,

Rhino 246

Daemon Prince w/ MoN, Daemonic Flight 170

Daemon Prince w/ MoN, Daemonic Flight 170

Daemon Prince w/ MoN, Daemonic Flight 170

Summoned Greater Daemon 100


Just as many daemonic MCs as possible. I need one more DP and a few more nurglings then I can field this . . .


I was thinking of this earlier when I was flying a solo DP around the table. I remember working out that with allies, between CSM and Daemons, we can take eight Daemon Princes in a battle. Give them all wings... vector strike ahoy!!



Brethren, our time has come. With the aforementioned buffs and the (slight) nerf on preferred enemy, GKs are less of a problem for our daemonic allies. I am torn between the obvious Epidemius use and building a daemonzilla (patent pending) list.




;) What he said.

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8 Daemon Princes? How do you get that? :D Three for the daemon army heavy support slots, and then one more for an allied HQ- I thought that was the max; or are you including a second force org chart?


And I could toss in Epidemius, but then I would have to drop a MC, and I am loath do so. :P

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Well now, when you get to 2,000 points, the FOC doubles in size. So you'd have four DPs leading your CSMs, and four DPs as allied Daemon Heavy Support.

If you were playing "Big Guns Never Tire", then the heavy ones are also scoring units!

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8 Daemon Princes? How do you get that? :lol: Three for the daemon army heavy support slots, and then one more for an allied HQ- I thought that was the max; or are you including a second force org chart?


And I could toss in Epidemius, but then I would have to drop a MC, and I am loath do so. :P


Oh... my... gods... he's right. You can field 8 daemon princes in a 2k+ battle.


I played against Belial and Deathwing, with Draigo and 5 Paladins as allies, with Typhus, a Daemon Prince and Epi, and won (albeit narrowly). I used Biomancy psyker powers, and Warp Speed is very nice to have on the charge, I'll tell you that right now. Granted, using the 5th ed. rules, it would have been a tied game, but I killed his Warlord and got First Blood in an Emperor's Will game type, so that put me ahead by two. I did manage to get Tally up to the Noxious touch level, but still couldn't put a dent in his Draigo squad of paladins with an apothecary, but if the game had gone on to turn 6 they would have been the only thing left on the table as Typhus and his 5-man chosen plasma squad was closing in on what remained of Belial's squad on the southern objective.


Was good times, and made me feel like my army was actually fairly competent. Everything on my side of the board had a mark of nurgle, or was a Daemon of Nurgle.

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How did you get Biomancy? I looked in the CSM FAQ, it said we get Pyromancy, Telekinesis, and Telepathy. To my knowledge Chaos Daemons get no access to the psykik lores either.


FAQ states that they can have access to the other charts as well, if they choose, the way we all read it. I'll look at it again. "...for each psychic power he has purchased from Codex: Chaos Space Marines, generate a new power from Pyromancy, Telekenesis, or Telepathy discipline before armies are deployed. A model can generate powers from a different discipline if you wish."

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Actually, you can take even more Daemon Princes than I originally thought if you're primary detachment is Daemons (I'm a CSM player). The army still has to be above 2k points to be viable, though.


Primary: Daemons


HQs allowed: four. I suppose you'd fill this with things like Greater Daemons.


Elites allowed: six. Take whatever you want, if anything.


Troops allowed: twelve. Two must be taken. The rest, whatever...


Fast Attack allowed: six. Take whatever you want, if anything.


Heavy Support allowed: six. That's six DPs with wings flying all over the place.


Allied: CSM


HQs allowed: four. One must be taken, then other optional. You can use this to boost up the number of flying DPs.


Troops allowed: four. Probably best to take Plague Marines here, for holding objectives.



So, by my tally, that's ten Daemon Princes in the battle. Plus however many Greater Daemons are taken as Daemon HQs.

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Actually, you can take even more Daemon Princes than I originally thought if you're primary detachment is Daemons (I'm a CSM player). The army still has to be above 2k points to be viable, though.


Primary: Daemons


HQs allowed: four. I suppose you'd fill this with things like Greater Daemons.


Elites allowed: six. Take whatever you want, if anything.


Troops allowed: twelve. Two must be taken. The rest, whatever...


Fast Attack allowed: six. Take whatever you want, if anything.


Heavy Support allowed: six. That's six DPs with wings flying all over the place.


Allied: CSM


HQs allowed: four. One must be taken, then other optional. You can use this to boost up the number of flying DPs.


Troops allowed: four. Probably best to take Plague Marines here, for holding objectives.



So, by my tally, that's ten Daemon Princes in the battle. Plus however many Greater Daemons are taken as Daemon HQs.


Going to have to disagree. 8 is possible, with a Daemons army as primary, but you can't take more than 2 HQ with your allied detachment (and that's at 2k+). I won't quote rules from the new rulebook just yet, but look under the section "Allied Detachments", pg 109, and look at the FOC chart above it. Should clear things up.


By my numbers, given that you take C:Daemons as primary and C:CSM as allied detachment, at a 2k and above army you should be able to field 6 Daemon Princes from the heavy choice in C:Daemons, and 2 DP from C:CSM as your HQ from your allied detachment.


Assuming you'd want Epidemius in your list, remember that Heralds take up 1/2 of a single HQ slot, so potentially you could have 3 Great Unclean Ones, Epidemius, and a Herald of Nurgle with a lot of psyker powers for support/buffs. You could also take 4 Heralds and 2 GUO (epidemius being one of the heralds, of course), or 6 Heralds, 1 GUO and so on. Should make for some interesting play, and if you want specific psyker powers, the more heralds the better your chance of getting said powers.


So Daemonzilla, with Daemons as primary, could look like 4 GUO (or 3 GUO, Epidemius, Herald (optional)), nurglings/plaguebearers, 6 Daemon Princes; 2 Daemon Princes, Plaguemarines, and maybe a Defiler or 2 as your allied heavy slots.

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Don't get too excited just yet! A list like the one I posted costs just under 3000 points, and that's without any gifts added to the GUOs! Trying to widdle it down some at the moment.


[edit]You could do a respectable Daemonzilla list at 1500, I'm sure, but maxing out DPs is possible if you

A)Take 1 GUO (2 psyker powers), 2x 5 Plaguebearer troops, 6 DPs (1 psyker power each), (Allied)2 DPs (1 psyker power each), 2x 5 Plague Marines (2x plasma, icon, each squad)





B)Take Epidemius and the same loadout with the rest, and add rhinos to the PM squad.



[edit]Listed out some Daemonzilla lists in the appropriate area.

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So correct me if I am wrong but you can only get the new psychic powers for DPs bought from C:CSM? Which seems really sad- I'd rather that all my DPs have Smite rather than stupid Aura of Decay.
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I'm pretty sure that you can replace any psychic powers you already have, or have purchased in a C:Daemons codex, with psyker powers from the 6th ed. rulebook. Did you see something that stated otherwise?


I'm with you on Aura of Decay. That barely works against ork boyz...

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Well, I had another gander at the FAQ, and it seems that daemons do not get access to the new psychic powers- since they replace old psychic powers, and daemons do not have psykers; their powers work via daemonic gifts, which aren't the same thing, I guess, and therefore can't get biomancy or divination or any of the other cool powers.
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