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Big Buffs for the Children of Nurgle


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Units from Codex: Daemons don't get the new powers from the rulebook, it said so in the chart provided inside the current WD.

Units from Codex: Chaos Space Marines, according to the same chart, get access to Pyromancy, Telekinesis and Telepathy.


I haven't used any of the new powers yet, though, so I have no idea how good they are.

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Units from Codex: Daemons don't get the new powers from the rulebook, it said so in the chart provided inside the current WD.

Units from Codex: Chaos Space Marines, according to the same chart, get access to Pyromancy, Telekinesis and Telepathy.


I haven't used any of the new powers yet, though, so I have no idea how good they are.


Would've been nice if that chart was in the new rulebook. I must have misinterpreted the FAQ, then.

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Yeah, I thought so, too. I'll probably end up simply photocopying it from the WD when I go to make copies of the summary sections in the back of the rulebook.

It wouldn't surprise me if we start seeing sections in the new Codex's telling us what powers certain armies have access to, if any.


It would be cool if certain lores were unlock-able somehow, as well. Knowing the trend for special characters abilities affecting the army list, I could see that being possible. Roll on the next Codex :)

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Only major drawback I see right now is that one cannot charge out of a transport, even if it has not moved this turn. This makes melee difficult to reach, especially combined to overwatch...

That's ok- personally, I am not expecting our METAL BAWKSES to live too long anyhow. All they have to do is speed forward and get PM squads and their icons into position on or around objectives.

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You can still charge out of Landraiders. Rhinos are so budget. Landraiders got better as they can move and shoot multiple guns and in the new Codex or just through Forgeworld CSM will get other Landraider builds. I think I have the bits for another Landraider, I got it to make a Battlewagon but I never made it... I'm also curious to see how Dakka preds do.


I really have no idea what I'll run out of my current collection, but it won't be any special characters, I think they're a crutch for the unimaginative and easily duped. But a demon prince with wings will be tougher to deny as the best choice or at least a very fun choice. I might try demon allies for maximum Nurgle family values, but I also want to try other flavours just for fun. I'm reserving judgement on the new rules until the box set and first new codices come out and a big event comes and goes. It will be nice to see some variety again, though the Nid player whining is already approaching hysterics, how many games could you have possibly played against how many different opponents by now?


The sky is not falling. It's only a game.

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All Plaguemarines have Blight Grenades currently. Blight Grenades are "Defensive Grenades". Defensive Grenades confer two benefits, the more familiar remove charge bonus when charged and the new "Stealth" Universal Special Rule when shot at and the enemy is within 8".


Odd that no one has brought this up anywhere.


Admittedly in previous editions it was not that common to get blasted at such close range, but with random charge ranges combined with overwatch. I expect more close range firefights. Stealth is basically +1 to cover save right? But more importantly it is a cover save even when the models are not in cover. So all Plaguemarines get a 6+ unmodified save when shot at by other models within 8 inches.


Now you just have to remember to use this rule in the rare instances it comes up.


I keep thinking all cult troops will be Elite unless you jump through a hoop. I was moving away from mono-Nurgle long before 6th Edition. I'm also very curious to see what options Chosen get and what Chaos units if any have USRs of Infiltrate (Outflank) and Sniper.

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Certainly makes us hardier - good spot Musk. Although, that'd be at worst surely - so beneficial nonetheless.


I'd imagine you'd have to take a marked Lord - would be frustrating for any Legion specific army otherwise.

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I had a 4000pt ally game against grey knights today. Plague marines and nurgle demons as allies. The grey knights started getting grumpy and throwing their toys out of the cot with the new feel no pain rules. They decided that the rules are broken and that the best demon fighters in the universe should not have to fight so hard against nurgle demons.

Yay the buffs for nurgle. I am loving the plasma rapid fire rules as well. If you can fit a great unclean one in your list. They are hard as rocks. Opponents have said that was the worst thing they have faced in the game.

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Fisticuffs champs seem to be safe still in plague marines. Had a blood angels librarian challenge him. Fisticuffs won the fight and one shot the Libby.


May just been a fluke but ws4 t5 + fnp is not the easiest defense to crack.

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Fisticuffs champs seem to be safe still in plague marines. Had a blood angels librarian challenge him. Fisticuffs won the fight and one shot the Libby.


May just been a fluke but ws4 t5 + fnp is not the easiest defense to crack.


Thought you could only challenge characters?

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Played my first game of 6th Edition yesterday, Purge the Xenos mission. Took a combo-Nurgle/Slaanesh CSM force against a Tau army at 2000 points. Warlord was Typhus because I wanted to see just how hard he is with the new buffs, he got the Personal trait that gives Counterattack. Stuck him in a 4-man Terminator squad with Icon of Nurgle and deep struck with them on turn 2, which was a good thing because turn 1 ended up being Night Fighting and the winged Slaanesh Prince and his merry crew of Raptors got shot to pieces before getting into range. Anyway, Typhus and his crew butchered two squads of Fire Warriors, two Devilfish, and most of a Broadside team by the end of the game, with Typhus still alive and with one Wound remaining after absorbing the firepower of 3/4ths of the Tau army. What his armor didn't stop, the Look Out Sirs and FNP stopped. His wrecking crew bought enough time for the two squads of Noise Marines, the two squads of Plague Marines, and my Chosen buggy to slam into the Tau line in the center and far flank and roll them up. True T5 is a beast, the Tau player was using fusion blasters against Plague Marines trying to hold them back and it just wasn't working, and the Broadsides were too busy trying to take down Typhus and Co. and couldn't dedicate any fire to supporting his Crisis teams and Pathfinders. It wasn't wholesale slaughter, but it was pretty close, especially when his Commander's suit found itself all alone after his two bodyguard Crisis suits got shot down at 24" by two squads of sonic'ed Noise Marines on turn 3 and he had to scurry to his other Crisis team to pick up some new meatshields.


Nurgle is going to be huge in this edition. Expect a run on Epidemius models and other Plague-y things.

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Squad leaders are characters, as are a strange assortment of other units (like Tau flying frisbees for some bizarre reason).


Pg #? I'm not doubting what you're saying, I just can't find it. We looked last game, because I thought champs could challenge, but we decided they couldn't so I guess I wasn't looking in the right place.


Nurgle is going to be huge in this edition. Expect a run on Epidemius models and other Plague-y things.


Yes, and hopefully this'll mean new models to play with and convert!

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Nurgle is going to be huge in this edition. Expect a run on Epidemius models and other Plague-y things.


Yes, and hopefully this'll mean new models to play with and convert!


We live in hope... always!


Good to hear people are being successful!

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Squad leaders are characters, as are a strange assortment of other units (like Tau flying frisbees for some bizarre reason).


Pg #? I'm not doubting what you're saying, I just can't find it. We looked last game, because I thought champs could challenge, but we decided they couldn't so I guess I wasn't looking in the right place.



It's on the chart in the back of the 6th edition rulebook, the one that lists all the races and what does and does not classify as a Character. Page 412 is the one.

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I want to see what cultist bring and Typhus Zombies! If they are cheap enough can probably fill out all six troop slots with PM and Zombies some termies in Elite slot for an honor gaurd! Rumor has it zombie gives them FnP and poisoned weapons. Wondering on transport options and war gear. If they are just fodder they may be walking.
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