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Chaos FAQ


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EDIT : Just finished reading it.

Abaddon is now total crap. Great.

Question : Typhus, thanks to the hive, is said to be able to hit with his initiative when charging through cover. But using a force axe, I guess his initiative is down to 1. So the hive allows him to hit at I1 when charging through cover ? That would be pretty awesome.

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They got rid of the Tx(y) for Instant Death, so Nurgle Bikers are straight T6 now.


Ahriman Mastery Level 3


No restoring hull points with the Rhino repair roll


Daemon Weapons apparently effected by the melee weapon categories, as per Typhus' Manreaper being a Force Axe.


Those are the things that jump out to me.


EDIT: also that Chaos TDA specifically has Relentless USR now, instead of relying on the wargear entry.

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Well there is plenty of funny bits now: Huron can now choose between swinging with his power axe or tyrants claw. That force axe will probably won't see a lot of swinging. :D (I think there is same thing with Logan Grimmar).
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Khârn is now I1. Wow.

in deed and abadon has a power weapon . lol his sword cut through 12+meters of reinforced adamantium ally fortress gate door , but he cant cut a terminator.



dreads got changed too no more shoting your own dudes . you just run around like crazy.


wing lords/sorc can no longer ride in transports.



at least our termis are relentless.



lol tyfus . hive = doesnt not suffer from charging through cover. Manreaper is an ax . I=1 anyway . lolz

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lol tyfus . hive = doesnt not suffer from charging through cover. Manreaper is an ax . I=1 anyway . lolz


That's what I thought.


<3 GW


EDIT : I guess we could exploit it to make him hit at I5, even with an axe.

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Khârn is now I1. Wow.

in deed and abadon has a power weapon . lol his sword cut through 12+meters of reinforced adamantium ally fortress gate door , but he cant cut a terminator.






I guess it's one thing chopping away at a defenceless obstacle and one thing cutting away at someone defending itself?

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if I read it right, typhus looks utterly evil.

man-reaper: force axe, daemon weapon. So, +D6 attacks, at I1, yes, but AP2.


On the other hand, he has a 2+ armour save, ignoring all power weapons. And, the MoN now gives a straight +1 to toughness, making him T5, meaning powerfists will wound but not kill him ! He evn has FNP, which is even better now!


He can kill anything in the game, but is an absolute beast to kill, as the only thing that will drop him in one hit is a S10 AP2 weapon !

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lol, i have a friend who plays pure khorne, he is quite displeased that Khârn went from the galaxies greatest warrior to going out the night before and having 1 too many to drink.....
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Khârn is now I1. Wow.

in deed and abadon has a power weapon . lol his sword cut through 12+meters of reinforced adamantium ally fortress gate door , but he cant cut a terminator.






I guess it's one thing chopping away at a defenceless obstacle and one thing cutting away at someone defending itself?


It's written that he blew the gates with one blow from his sword. 13 meters of adamantium. One blow.


Am I reading this right? With the new psychic powers I could just pay the price for doombolt to use one of them and not one of the more pricey options?


That's what I'm reading too, yes.

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Khârn is now I1. Wow.

in deed and abadon has a power weapon . lol his sword cut through 12+meters of reinforced adamantium ally fortress gate door , but he cant cut a terminator.






I guess it's one thing chopping away at a defenceless obstacle and one thing cutting away at someone defending itself?


It's written that he blew the gates with one blow from his sword. 13 meters of adamantium. One blow.





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Somethings makes me hope that alot of the inconsistencies (Typhus getting to use his normal I for charging though cover but having an axe it's I=1 anyway?...) will get dealt with in the new 'dex.


Hopefully by having Daemon Weapons becoming a unique category that is NOT just Power Weapon with +D6 attacks, with rebelling on a roll of a 1.


And hopefully Khârn's Gorechild get's reworded as well. Seriously? I1 and no Eternal Warrior? He's going to be deaded than dead before getting to do anything anymore ;)



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sadly no . the buffs do not stack . either your a demon weapon , or your a power weapon[then you check the looks of the weapon to know what rules it gets] or something special [and then the dex or the FAQ should be telling you what you are].







yeah technicly he should have titan killer on that weapon . I mean he did some crazy stuff , even before the sword. killing horus clones after walking through the EC legion cloning facility . Killing uber god champions to prove that he is worthy of their boons . I mean his hair his hvy and spiky enough to kill an orc boy [and those can run around with half brain blown off , so the hair alone should be ap3].

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Jeske, the dread FAQ is only about Blood Rage, not Fire Frenzy...


But in other news, Thousand Sons sorcerers now all have mastery 2 and thus have it easy to dispel enemy psychic powers targeting them! :unsure:

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meh . I though he would only run around . Still to be honest , the faq is still good. I know people will say specials nerf etc , but to me there were never realy good to begin with[tyfus and ahri outright sucked and abadon cost too much to be more playable then 2 DPS] , but getting relentless on termis is huge. combi plasma hiting on 24" , combi bolters hiting on 24 . its awesome . + after seeing the nids faq[so you though you can buy a fortification , because you cant take hydras ? lol we make nids unable to use the AA weapons in the FAQ] I kind of a think that the SW and chaos FAQs are the best ones .


ah damn forgot . oblits t5 again . no instand death from str str8-9 . behold the hvy support of choice in 6th ed.

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everything that is X(Y) is Y as T goes in 6th. that of course also means that nob bikers, tau suits of all kinds got way more nasty too. specialy those damn broadsides.

You get an FAQ that jumped them from T4 to T5? MY codex still has them at T4.

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I'm becoming very anti special characters. Not just the ones in any given book or even any given special character, just their omnipresence. To me using the same special character every game is the equivalent to standing there in the game store with your arm in the air repeating, I'm incapable of original thought.


Where is the genius in using a special character and what makes them so special when everyone uses them? Are they like lottery tickets, a tax on stupidity? If you want to use the best rules in our game you have to buy the special character model. I understand they come from the tradition of the inspiring military leader, so if you're refighting the battle of Waterloo a miniature wargamer needs a model or stand of miniature to represent Napoleon. And I understand they are present in fiction, the heroic individual, Gandalf or whatever, but Gandalf wasn't at every single battle in Tolkien's books, neither was Napoleon. And if 40K games represent a portion of a larger battle or campaign, how is it that when a single marine chapter which only has so many battle brothers, the Chapter Master is involved in every single firefight?


It's only a game, but it seems to me that if 40K came out of role playing games as much as historical miniature wargaming, the special character is an intellectual crutch. The whole point of RPGs was to create your own heroic character... When the first special characters came out, they were additional rules in a White Dwarf, but now they just seem like marketing/sales techniques. You want the 'best' rules you need to buy the special character. You want an all terminator army, buy this special character. You want an all biker army, buy this special character. I don't begrudge them the money for their models, I just don't like how the game has evolved into an arms escalation rather than a battle between equals...


I can't wait to see how the Nurgle Allstars do at Adepticon next year. I'm a bit surprised you can have allied unique special characters, but I guess that sells miniatures. Now not only is the Chapter Master at every single fire fight his old drinking buddy with the pointed ears and ability to predict the future always shows up too. :(

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