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jeske, doesn't say anywhere that the bonusses don't stack. In fact;


If the weapon confers a Strength bonus, the Strength of the weapon's attacks is equal to that of the user after any such modifiers have been applied.
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everything that is X(Y) is Y as T goes in 6th. that of course also means that nob bikers, tau suits of all kinds got way more nasty too. specialy those damn broadsides.

You get an FAQ that jumped them from T4 to T5? MY codex still has them at T4.

everything that had T in Y(X) has its T checked for instant death etc as if it was X . so all bikers are 5[unless they are nurgle] , nurgle marked dudes dont die from str 8 weapons [unless someone sprinkles them with rad grenades of course] , broad sides are beasts as are normal suits etc etc. SM cpt with a SS and a relic on a bike is an awesome HQ now , not only stomp , but also higher T and dangerous terrain was nerfed for bikes.

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yeah technicly he should have titan killer on that weapon . I mean he did some crazy stuff , even before the sword. killing horus clones after walking through the EC legion cloning facility . Killing uber god champions to prove that he is worthy of their boons . I mean his hair his hvy and spiky enough to kill an orc boy [and those can run around with half brain blown off , so the hair alone should be ap3].



This is the reason I don't like special charaters. In the fluff they pull off the most spectacular and godlike feats, being unstoppable killingmachines that make you wonder why they even bother having an army backing them up when they could just as easily take on the imperium on their own, and then in the game it self they could just by sheer bad luck be stabbed to death by a lowly imperial guard and his combat knife. And you go...:cuss dude? That's why i stick to some nameless Lord who noone will miss when he's gunned down by an IG platoon or hacked to bits by Ogryns.

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Page 66 in the rulebook, in the middle somewhere, and page 88 in our codex, the top paragraph. And then read the rules about deny the witch(at work, don't remember page. Only remember the other two because i argumented this before)...
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dreads got changed too no more shoting your own dudes . you just run around like crazy.

You need to reread the part of the FAQ where it specifies the Blood Rage not Fire Frenzy.


sadly no . the buffs do not stack . either your a demon weapon , or your a power weapon[then you check the looks of the weapon to know what rules it gets] or something special [and then the dex or the FAQ should be telling you what you are].

Even though it says it is a Power Weapon (with all that implies) that adds +1 Str?


everything that is X(Y) is Y as T goes in 6th. that of course also means that nob bikers, tau suits of all kinds got way more nasty too. specialy those damn broadsides.

Tau suits? Um... Did Infantry (Jet Pack) get a +1 Toughness boost like Bikes in the BRB (I don't have mine yet)? But how would that qualify Broadsides then? Does Relentless/S&P provide +1T now, too?



Okay, boys, I knew Jeske had some problems, but he seems he is either wasted or trolling. Considering how limited his past posts are, I'm voting on the Former.


Excessus: The results do not always equal the cause in this game. The Errata says nothing about MoT, so unless its specifically stated in BRB that bearers of the Mark of Tzeentch automatically increase one in Mastery Level, then I'm afraid that it doesn't qualify.

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I think you are being a mite harsh there, Muskie- there are some people who actually like Logan Grimnar and Abbadabbadon.

However, you are right about the statistical infeasibility of having these epic warriors everywhere, but c'mon, we would all have guard or ork armies if we were basing our forces on what was most common or likely. The way the Codices work now, it seems that to use a certain army playstyle you need that character. This heavy handed theming is silly, but hey- I can hardly blame a guy for taking Belial in a Deathwing army; GW doesn't allow for choice there. You could rename them or convert another hero to represent that character, I suppose, but at the end of the day you need Draigo to make that Draigowing army.

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Excessus: The results do not always equal the cause in this game. The Errata says nothing about MoT, so unless its specifically stated in BRB that bearers of the Mark of Tzeentch automatically increase one in Mastery Level, then I'm afraid that it doesn't qualify.

I disagree...


Here is the part from page 66 that's important in this case:

In older codexes, Mastery Level may be written out longhand in the form of a special rule that allows the Psyker to use more than one psychic power each turn - the number of powers that can be used per turn is their Mastery Level.
The only exception to this is a model with the Mark of Tzeentch, which can attempt to use up to two psychic powers per player turn

Page 66 is the only place I can find in the BRB6 that discusses the Mastery Level of Psykers at all and I think it's pretty obvious...

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There's got to be more to this Axe business than hitting at initiative 1...bad enough that Furious charge loses its +1 to initiative. Now if guys with Power Axes weren't able to be counted as "double armed" with a pistol, and if the player chose could strike at -1 I for +1 strength (2 handing the axe) that A. Makes sense, B. "looks" awesome and C. fits the 'cinematic feel' they are going for.


Also, what's the pricing on them? I haven't seen anything on pricing for the variant power weapons? Might be time to remodel Khârn with a Big Sword...

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Alrighty, let's take these things in order...


1: Regarding Daemon Weapons etc.


Rule Book 61:

"Unique Power Weapons:

If a weapon has it's own unique close combat rules treat it as an AP3 weapon with the additional rules.."

I think we can leave it at that.


2: Keep it civil thank you very much. Everyone can have a bad day and remember wrong. Let's leave it at that and focus on more constructive things.


3: Nice find regarding the Mastery levels Excessus, gonna have to sit down and flip though the new universal powers, and mastery level 2 locked powers as well when I get a change since you've made me go about and change my list to include giving my Sorcerer a MoT now. B)



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There's got to be more to this Axe business than hitting at initiative 1...bad enough that Furious charge loses its +1 to initiative. Now if guys with Power Axes weren't able to be counted as "double armed" with a pistol, and if the player chose could strike at -1 I for +1 strength (2 handing the axe) that A. Makes sense, B. "looks" awesome and C. fits the 'cinematic feel' they are going for.


Also, what's the pricing on them? I haven't seen anything on pricing for the variant power weapons? Might be time to remodel Khârn with a Big Sword...

All power weapon variants costs the same. You simply pay for a "power weapon".


Rule Book 61:

"If a models wargear says it has a power weapon with no further special rules, look at the model..to see what it has"


Remoddeling Khârn with a sword won't help you though since it's been explicitly stated in the FAQ that he does have a unique power axe.



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There's got to be more to this Axe business than hitting at initiative 1...bad enough that Furious charge loses its +1 to initiative. Now if guys with Power Axes weren't able to be counted as "double armed" with a pistol, and if the player chose could strike at -1 I for +1 strength (2 handing the axe) that A. Makes sense, B. "looks" awesome and C. fits the 'cinematic feel' they are going for.


Also, what's the pricing on them? I haven't seen anything on pricing for the variant power weapons? Might be time to remodel Khârn with a Big Sword...


There is nothing more going on with the axe. It's now a budget powerfist that you can pair with a pistol. I think the different variants are quite balanced, as my initial reaction was "Why would anyone ever take a sword now? Both the axe and the mace are better!" yet others say that the sword it the way to go. Very few are enthusiastic about the maul or the lance however. The lance is good on the charge, but otherwise it kinda sucks. I think the maul shows some great promise. A Berzerker Champ with a powermaul assaults with 5 attacks at normal I and S7 concussive hits! A normal Champ still hits at S6, meaning he can threaten vehicles, and the concussive rule makes it more likely he will get the chance to finish off his opponent should the combat continue another turn. It is also really good against everything that is not marines.


Sadly Khârn has been FAQed to specifically carry an Axe, so he is dead meat if any enemy character rolls a 6 to hit, or just issues a challenge.

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I'm just wondering what will happen to all my champions with fists now...there is no way I'll be able to accept challenges with them now, they'll just be killed by any character they face before they can strike... :)
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I love the first sentence:


"Although we strive to ensure our codexes[i[codices[/i]* are perfect, sometimes mistakes do creep in."


* GW should really make me an editor. I don't even look for this crap and I find it EVERYWHERE!

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Hmm. So GW has potentially nerfed the amount of powerfists that were previously a No-Brainer to take with the challenge system allowing guys with the faster striking Swords to counter the Skull (and Aspiring...) champs or disallowing them from the combat completely, either way potentially negating them. How annoying.


How truly annoying. *sigh* looks like my Daemon Prince takes front row like everyone else who didn't drop flags and go wolves. I really liked Khârn, guess I'll freeze him up like Master Chief and "wake him when I need him"/his rules get better. Stupid power axe rule, I'd rather have Khârn than some pseudo-fist waving guy-his rules kept me from just throwing all my stuff away in frustration. He was the first 40k character I actually liked As Is.

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