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Princes are annoying atm


Challenges is a :) . You charge 10 Swooping Hawks with a Exarch... you dont want to challenge cause you want to murder them all..

his exarch instead challenges you.. so if you pass you cant hit at all, if you accept there will be 1 casually that round of combat. So he will be locked at least two rounds.. unless the super unlucky rolls come around..


Charging terminator champions, nobs, wolf guards (to mention a few) will just be 1 challenge / turn.. bah.. boring

So everything that consists of characters needs to be either shot up or multi charged to death quickly..



Watch the language, its a family friendly board, thanks!

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Excessus: The results do not always equal the cause in this game. The Errata says nothing about MoT, so unless its specifically stated in BRB that bearers of the Mark of Tzeentch automatically increase one in Mastery Level, then I'm afraid that it doesn't qualify.

I disagree...


Here is the part from page 66 that's important in this case:

In older codexes, Mastery Level may be written out longhand in the form of a special rule that allows the Psyker to use more than one psychic power each turn - the number of powers that can be used per turn is their Mastery Level.
The only exception to this is a model with the Mark of Tzeentch, which can attempt to use up to two psychic powers per player turn

Page 66 is the only place I can find in the BRB6 that discusses the Mastery Level of Psykers at all and I think it's pretty obvious...

Thank you for finding that. I did mention that I don't have the BRB (haven't even had a chance to stop by the LGS to look at it with a new kid in the house), so I was very unaware of that little snippet.

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everything that is X(Y) is Y as T goes in 6th. that of course also means that nob bikers, tau suits of all kinds got way more nasty too. specialy those damn broadsides.


Ork Bikers in general are now T5, not just Nob Bikers. Good thing I started an Evil Sunz army about a month back....

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dont see the problem with challenges and princes, finally a chance to get rid of the pesky sarge first turn and then whittle away at the squad in their turn for little reply, sniping other ccw weilders with any 6s to hit...( nevermind becoming str 10 occasionally or turning opponents squads to ws 1...)
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So we are sure that Tzeentch Chaos Sorcerers have ML 2 then?


Khârn is now I1. Wow.

in deed and abadon has a power weapon . lol his sword cut through 12+meters of reinforced adamantium ally fortress gate door , but he cant cut a terminator.

I guess it's one thing chopping away at a defenceless obstacle and one thing cutting away at someone defending itself?


It's written that he blew the gates with one blow from his sword. 13 meters of adamantium. One blow.


Interesting. Source?

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Ahriman can't even cut through power armour... wish the psychic staff had an ability where you could make it AP1 if you passed a psychic test in combat...

Now personally I'm quite certain that Ahriman's Black Staff would qualify for being an "Unusual Force Weapon", since you know, it had a bunch of extra rules besides being a Force Weapon.


Meaning that it's not a "Force Staff" in the sense of +2S AP4, but rather +0S, AP 3 with the additional special rules in the 'dex.


And I don't recall seeing anything saying otherwise in the FAQ.



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Until an FAQ comes out that says otherwise, by RAW Ahriman is level 3 and the Mark of Tzeentch makes you level 2.


OK, here's the confusing part: The Mark of Tzeentch flat-out allows you to use two powers per turn. Does this mean that a model that has the Mark but is not a psyker (Such as a Chaos Space Marine squad with the Icon or a Lord) is counted as Mastery Level 2 for the purposes of Deny The Witch, or do you need to know a psychic power?

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No. Only a Psyker with Mark of Tzeentch would count as Mastery Level 2 for the purposes of Deny The Witch.


Page 88 in the 'dex. Being a Psyker is a prerequisite for the whole "being able to use a second power", as such Lords and regular units with an Icon of Tzeentch would not qualify as they are not "Psykers" in the first place. They only get the boosted invulnerable save.


Now as to whether Sorcerers and Aspiring Sorcerers counts as Level 2 flatout for having the Mark of Tzeentch regardless of number of Powers or if they actually DO need to by at least two, I'm not so sure.


But I really hope it's Level 2 flatout.



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Well, if push comes to shove, we HAVE two powers: The one we buy, and Force Weapon.


Also, I hate you for signing everything as "Tactical Dreadnought Armour".

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So we are sure that Tzeentch Chaos Sorcerers have ML 2 then?


Khârn is now I1. Wow.

in deed and abadon has a power weapon . lol his sword cut through 12+meters of reinforced adamantium ally fortress gate door , but he cant cut a terminator.

I guess it's one thing chopping away at a defenceless obstacle and one thing cutting away at someone defending itself?


It's written that he blew the gates with one blow from his sword. 13 meters of adamantium. One blow.


Interesting. Source?


3.5 dex, IIRC.

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3.5 dex, IIRC.



It's the Index Astartes article on Abbadon which tells the tale.


Interestingly enough it also says the gate was a "mere" 3 meters thick. Not 12+ or 13. :)



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Challenges is a :) . You charge 10 Swooping Hawks with a Exarch... you dont want to challenge cause you want to murder them all..

his exarch instead challenges you.. so if you pass you cant hit at all, if you accept there will be 1 casually that round of combat. So he will be locked at least two rounds.. unless the super unlucky rolls come around..




If the challenge rules in 6th ed have the overkill rule, similar to the challenge rules in fantasy then the above is nowhere near as bad as your making out. All wounds above and beyond those needed to kill the exarch in the challenge would still count for combat resolution at the end of the assault phase.


Will need to check though, I don't have the new rulebook to hand (although maybe some kind soul could enlighten us).

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They don't. No overkill rule in 40k.


Don't run lone DPs. Raptors now have a purpose.


Oh dear! Thats a bit pants. :cuss


That being the case, I have to agree with you. DPs need to be ran with a unit for protection.


Bring on the new codex.

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remember guys you can now pile in at initiative order, so really Khârn isn't to gimped.


Sure you can't touch a squad and annihilate them but you hold him at the back then pile in around, if they challenge they better have a fist ready, cause thats the only nasty thing that can take him out. Just avoid the fist squad, Regular powerweapons aren't gonna cut it in one turn. If they don't challenge smile and pile him in behind and watch the blood flow as you slaughter with strength 6 or 7 attacks.


But I now think Typhus is the most beastly of beasts now, far better then Khârn. yeah he hits I1 but like Khârn keep him in back pile in and start lopping heads, D6 extra poisoned attacks on a T5 terminator with FNP, challenge him if you dear.

Fists can't ID him so enemies gonna have to bring in PWs which a wounding on 5s and only go off if the enemy has the warp charges to cast then he attacks at strength 5 so reroll those fail to wounds against pretty much any none MC unit, then kill them with the force weapon since he always gonna have the charge to use it and it's ap2.


I1 is not as bad now since you don't have to put them in base contact right away.

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I'm becoming very anti special characters. Not just the ones in any given book or even any given special character, just their omnipresence. To me using the same special character every game is the equivalent to standing there in the game store with your arm in the air repeating, I'm incapable of original thought.
I've tried saying that to PP fans- since you *have* to take a named character in all their games- and the arguments against were fairly varied but all inane. The silliest went something like, "You can't make custom magic cards, because it'd unbalance the game. Why should you be able to make a custom HQ character?"
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I'm becoming very anti special characters. Not just the ones in any given book or even any given special character, just their omnipresence. To me using the same special character every game is the equivalent to standing there in the game store with your arm in the air repeating, I'm incapable of original thought.
I've tried saying that to PP fans- since you *have* to take a named character in all their games- and the arguments against were fairly varied but all inane. The silliest went something like, "You can't make custom magic cards, because it'd unbalance the game. Why should you be able to make a custom HQ character?"


I have always used multiple "custom" characters for my armies, even if the characters are often based on characters from the BL, and using different ones in different games especially in campaigns adds flavour to it. The only army I have used named codex characters has been Space Wolves. It's hard to resist Ragnar Blackmane, Bjorn the Fel-handed, Ulrik the Slayer, and Njal Stormcaller, lol. But I do have a few custom ones as well that I use from time to time. I have considered using Ahriman and Abbadon as well, but Abbys model just doesn't convey the uberness he is supposed to be, perhaps I'll customize one.


And yes, that comparison between card games and wargaming that guy made was ultra-lame...




Edit: Broken shift key making me look like a moron, so fixed capitalization errors.

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