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A dude who murders (non storm shield) terminators and vehicles in close combat? I don't know, what are our AP2 options in close combat? Princes, which have fewer attacks than Khârn, and need a retinue with a champ just as much as he does to stay out of challenges? An independent character with a fist or power axe? About as expensive as Khârn, and again fewer attacks. Our own terminators with axes and fists? Maybe. Just avoid melee with 2+ save enemies, and stick to shooting plasma and vindicators at them? I guess that could work.


As it is, Khârn's pretty up there for solid AP2 melee. It's basically him and Typhus right now. Typhus is better, no doubt, but Khârn's still an option. I'm sure situations will change when the new book rolls through, but in the mean time the betrayer looks to me to be one of the better melee can openers in our book.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he's great, and I won't use him (my soul is black, black like my legion), but still, 6e in makes dealing with 2+ save units in close combat a lot tougher, and I'm not going to turn my nose up at someone who's as good at it as Khârn still is.

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Also remember that since vehicles now seem to have Ws values, he will hit them too on 2+ always with his S7 2D6 pen attacks... :whistling:
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His immunity to Psychic powers is also pretty useful now. Psychic hoods and the like are far less awesome, so a guys immune to some of the psychic bombs around now isn't bad.


Challenges also make the I1, a little more survivable. He can challenge someone, and if they refuse he just lays in to all the mooks. If they accept, taking him down before he swings isn't a sure-thing.

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