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AP of Relic Blades...


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so as the title suggests..... what is the AP of relic Blades?

looking at the Specialist weapons of other books, the Weapons have been given new profiles in the relevant FAQS

Space wolves have their Frost weapons stated clearly as do other races, but there is nothing for the Relic blade......

are they covered under PG61 for unusual power weapons and are therefore S6 (NOT +2 S!!!!) AP3

or are they done Ala frost weapons and are therefore S6 and then gain rules based on what the weapon is? so +1 S (for a total of S7) AP2 if an axe for example


any comments greatly appreciated.......

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Doesnt matter, as it is a special close combat weapon described in your book- as such its appearance isnt the determining factor, but the rules are.


Thankfully, as my Chapter Master is sporting Relic Blade in the shape of an Axe. :)

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However, if you were to include a relic blade in the shape of an axe as a power weapon in your army, then it would be a power axe and follow those rules. Just because GW likes confusing things. :lol:
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