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Lash and 6th


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Hello degenerates, with positioning being so gosh-darn important in 6th ed, Lash of Submission sounds like it is going to be ungodly amazing. Being able to pull special weapons troopers out into the line of fire or snipe that powerfist (look out, sir notwithstanding) seems incredibly powerful. Am I missing something here or short of a nerf is Lash going to be the end-all be all psychic power?


Thoughts? Rebuttals? Maddened rants concerning the glory that will belong to Slaanesh?

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Aside from the 6+ Deny the Witch that everyone gets, I don't see what would change regarding Lash.


Since wound allocation is completely different in 6th, you use lash to rearrange their squad so that they have their most valuable members (powerfists, thunderhammers, special weapons, w/e) closer to the shooters coming from your army. Make their best guys their 'front rank' to get mowed down first. Seems amazing, since a 6+ is hardly a reliable means of stopping it and DPs are quite accurate.

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I'll be taking psychic scream instead. Lash is still going to be epic don't get me wrong, but i am less worrried about it in most games and would rather have a terminator killer option. Terminators are a serious problem now, plasma / melta/ powerfist? Not alot of normal ways to down them, power weapons are useless lol.
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Telepathy primaris power (you can allways get it, no roll needed)


Psychic shooting attack, roll 3d6. Minus targets ld, they take that many wounds w/o cover or armour.


Potentially devistating vs, anything, no need to roll for wounds. It has the potential to do nothing or wreck a squad. But on avg shoud come out at 10.5 so meh vs low ld troops it's scary.


I may grab lash also, hey ya never know what you'll need to deal with lol.

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Not a lot of ways to deal with termies? Obvious choice seems to be Daemon Princes. AP 2 at Slaanesh's high Initiative. That should sort them out.


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I've got a 1750 coming up and am using a slaaneshi dp w/ screech and a screech sorcerer (put dp in swoop and beat the board.)


So i'm not to worried about the termies for me personally, but pw's are no longer viable against them making power fists more desirable lol.

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Figured as much personally, so I asked the guy at our store about it yesterday. They rule the Dp's are flying monstrous until otherwise stated by GW as both daemons had identical rules pre 6th ed.


So i'm good for it for now =P at least until the tournament comes up as I allready know what the decision will be for now.

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Oh I agree, the FAQ seems very straight forward, i think they are ruling in the "spirit of fairness" at the shop. I've personally revised my list to simply remove the DP as I am not comfortable with a mercy ruling wheather it favors me or not.


I play emperor's children because I love them not because they are epic on the table, i'd rather my wins to insult the ego of my opponents knowing that i've beaten them with an "unplayable" army.


On the topic of lash, i'm still undecided. I'm thinking psychic shreik will be the slaaneshi go to for cost effectiveness but I still see an important role for lash in assault units of the right make up. It should still be effective using a daemon prince also but with the daemon prince being left behind on the flyer market I feel it will just be a reiteration of the same old trick.


Adding it's uses to the potential for negation/ backfire I just can't see it being as popular as it was pre 6th.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's an interesting question really! It all depends on how the wording of the falling thingy is in the rulebook. I'm at work so I don't have it with me and can't check atm...but since you could make jump infantry take dangerous terrain tests with it before, then why not?


So far my own experiences with the screech is rather underwhelming...


It's probably because I've only faced things with Ld 9-10(damn mob rule and/or marines/necrons) so far, but lash seems like the better spell, especially if you are aiming to assault(oh yes, the dangerous enemy char suddenly finds himself outside 2" of any one in cc when it's his I-step! Hahahha)

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  • 2 months later...

The best way to take down terminators for me has been weight of fire since codex: Space Marines came out for 5th. The possibility of them taking storm shields to make my ap2 weapons practically useless against them means you need a new way to fight em. They aren't particularly fast and aren't particularly tough, 6 wounds to a 40 point model isn't that wasteful as it sounds.


Henceforth, I shall use Lash because it is amazing and lets you do anything. Throw down two daemon princes with it and some allied daemons and you can move a unit on average around 20 inches a turn.


You just can't buy that kind of fun

Oh wait-

Yes you can!

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