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What HQs(named chars) counts as characters?


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Well, at first there are the obvious independent characters like Dante, astorath, Cpt. tycho etc(left out by the appendix).


I dare say it's safe to assume they follow the same definition as other generic characters such as chapter master, chaplain and captain in the Space marine tab.


But the less obvious ones like Mephiston(I believe he's used as an example of a character in the character section), Psycho and the Sanguinor, since they are somewhat unique being infantry lacking the IC rule. is it safe to assume that these would work just like ordinary characters except the fact that they cannot join units? Both mephy and sanguinors special abilities makes em seem like the type of character that would issue a challenge.


Also: has someone made sense about the part in the FAQ that says that characters with the redthirst active can only join DC/other red thirst units? (would be a fitting rule in order to make us always have a DC with us into battle for our red thirst HQ?)




(If they are in the appendix and I'm just being blind:sorry my bad :D)

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Very intersting question. Sanguinor, meph and tycho are not characters so it seems they cant issue challenges but since they cant join a unit it doesnt really matter they will just kill whatever they are closest too


Theyre all listed as characters in the codex which supersedes the rule book.

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BRB page 63, parg 2 "have thier own profile" is use used to define charaters fielded in units. Then it calls out charaters that fight on thier own (which by the way also have thier own profiles). And lastly in parg 3 Independent Characters are given character status, oh they have thier own profile too.


So I'm pretty sure that any "individuals" (parg 1) that have thier own profile are characters. Note that while the profile for our Vanguard Veteran Sgt. is identical to the Vanguard Veterans he is still a character.

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Theyre all listed as characters in the codex which supersedes the rule book.

Could I ask where in the codex? I can't see it ATM.






Matey, my bad!

I thought that they were listed as "character". But looks like theyre not.

I have no idea about it- since the rule book specifically lists Mephy in it's description.

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Matey, my bad!

I thought that they were listed as "character". But looks like theyre not.

I have no idea about it- since the rule book specifically lists Mephy in it's description.

No probs - for what it's worth, I think this is another case of GW being lazy with the FAQs (Would it have been so much work to replicate the full sumaries in the FAQs?). I'm sure that they mean all these people to be characters, but they really need to state these things clearly.


The only other equivalent problem I can see in other codices is Sergant Telion in Codex: Space Marines. In theory as he's an upgrade to a Scout sergant he should be a character, but no where is it stated explicitly. I've checked the digital codex, which in theory is updated for 6th edition, but its no clearer.






p.s. Incidentally, the digital Codex: Space Marines is much more explicit on who's power weapons are swords etc - I wonder if that'll be how they try to get us to buy a digital copy of Codex: Blood Angels?

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Yeah seems odd that the codex makes no reference to meph being a character but pg 63 of the rule book specifically mentions mephy as an example of a character. Sang and tycho are a tougher call.


Another clarification needed i feel.


Although it doesnt make that much diference given they cant join a unit so cant challenge but instead will kill anything in b2b and dont suffer from the support rerolls others give during challenges. On the flp side but it does mean they cant precision shot.

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The only other equivalent problem I can see in other codices is Sergant Telion in Codex: Space Marines. In theory as he's an upgrade to a Scout sergant he should be a character, but no where is it stated explicitly.


Surely even as a Scout Sergeant he's a character anyway, as he has his own profile?

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So I thought I'd chime in with an angle on the arguement about this made on Tyranid Hive...


All of our SC's are special versions of units that were characters to start with, so Mr/ Mephistoleese being a special version of a librarian, Dante being a special captain, Corb's a special sangpreist etc. This even works for upgrade characters like Lemmy or Justicar Thawn, Sgt. Harker etc. as normral Sgt's/chappys are also "charachters". This came up because nids have some SC's that are much more contentious than ours such as Deathleaper and old one eye, which are special unique versions of units that do not normally have the "charachter" status, concequently I am currently of the oppinion that our own SC's inc the non IC's like sanguinor pretty clearly are intented to count as charachters (even if the rules are painfully ambiguous), and that the debate is much more about wether poor old deathleaper and co. can make/receive challenges instead. i.e. I cant see GW in a month of sundays ruling our non IC special characters as anything other than "characters" espceially given one of them is mentioned as an example in the book! Deathleaper could go either way unfortunately (deathleaper with challenges would be awesome, jump in, kill sgt., hit and run your way back into reserve,.........., profit!)

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