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Is Corbulo the new Mephiston?


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Okay, so purposely contentious title, for sure :D




Hear me out!



While many people regarded Meph as the 5th ed. auto-include...



Im of the belief that Corbulo Bullet Catcher Mc Awesome-sauce (that's his full name yeh?) is going to be the new auto-include in lists.


FNP on 2+ that can be taken against anything barring ID weapons.

IC status, so can challenge.

IC status so can make use of IC Look Out Sir!


Never mind storm shields, BA termies are going to carry Corbulo to battle on their right arms!

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I tried this last night (well, Corbulo was front and centre of a Tactical squad) ran into a problem.


Take a hit from a Missile Launcher, or Lascannon - fail the 2+ LOS Roll...Dead Corbulo :D


Worse, the unit gets hit by a Battlecannon - good luck passing ~6 LOS rolls without rolling that 1 :D

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He seems like an amazing value, but I worry that he is slow. I don't know how many bona fide foot sloggers I plan to have in my lists outside of Devs and DC. And he would be something of a waste in either of those.


Drop pods. Drop pod lists got very good in 6th IMO, especially with overwatch. Assault marines get them for free!


Honestly, devs got really good too. With all the flyers around in 6th ed, which as you know will be everywhere, having the skyfire rule will be a must IMO. And our codex does have them the cheapest of all marine codices (barring wolves).


Back to Corbulo, he is definitely a beast in this edition, but as JamesI pointed out, and as Meph was considered the same way in 5th, it is how you use him will be dependent on his performance. Positioning in 6th will be THE tactical part of the game. Everything else will be random, even charges for crying out loud! If you can master how to position him, you can make him an outstanding unit.


On that note, I think the game will slow down drastically with all this pre-measurement and emphasis on positioning. Introducing allies and fortifications kind of killed the competitive atmosphere. These are my first impressions of 6th ed so far. I hope it turns out for the best...

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He seems like an amazing value, but I worry that he is slow. I don't know how many bona fide foot sloggers I plan to have in my lists outside of Devs and DC. And he would be something of a waste in either of those.

I'm going to put him in a 10 man blob of tac termies, the same unit that got a regular termie priest in 5th. Now that there is limit on reserves I won't need the TDA on the priest for deployment.


You know what I think is going to be even more popular?

Characters on bikes. No ID for anything but S10 hits.

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You know what I think is going to be even more popular?

Characters on bikes. No ID for anything but S10 hits.

That ID on S10 only helps their FNP rolls too! Blood Rodeo is going to be popular IMO. Although, I was thinking we'll probably see more Manticores in this edition too. S10 is going to be huge in 6th ed, especially large blast S10. The new large blast rules make manticores worth it now. They will pwn mech face and infantry alike.


Thinking that way has led me to believe disruptive units will be good in 6th ed. VV are the only unit I can think of now that can charge of a reserve roll, and we have the best kind of VV out there!

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Never forget look out sir. Any hit on an independent character that you don't want to have to make a save for you can just fob it off on another squad member on a 2+.


Corbulo with a squad of terminators. Plasma goes on Corbulo, he saves on a 2+. Krak missile hits Corbulo, 2+ you pass it off to a terminator so he can save it with his 2+.

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Never forget look out sir. Any hit on an independent character that you don't want to have to make a save for you can just fob it off on another squad member on a 2+.


Corbulo with a squad of terminators. Plasma goes on Corbulo, he saves on a 2+. Krak missile hits Corbulo, 2+ you pass it off to a terminator so he can save it with his 2+.


And if somehow that fails, he still has a reroll. :)

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Too bad for Random Unnamed Librarians One and Two. Especially since I made the 'mistake' of modeling them with a Force Stave and a Force Axe. :)

Just realized that both of my fully painted librarians, one 2e/3e PA libby with a helm, and my converted TA/SS Calistarius libby, have axes. What do staves count as?

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Too bad for Random Unnamed Librarians One and Two. Especially since I made the 'mistake' of modeling them with a Force Stave and a Force Axe. :)

Just realized that both of my fully painted librarians, one 2e/3e PA libby with a helm, and my converted TA/SS Calistarius libby, have axes. What do staves count as?


They count as power mauls as you can see here

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I can now safely. Say after my first BA game of 6th that I will almost never be without Corbulo.


In my game last night he went toe to toe with a hivetyrant for 6 combat phases.


The ability of him to hear hold up super characters that don't instant death him is nuts-which also makes me really fear the new epidemus lists that may come out.



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I'm curious about the "Look out Sir!" rule. It says "when a wound (or unsaved wound) is allocated to one of your characters".. and you know the rest. I'm assuming that a character can only get an unsaved wound allocated to them if they have the same armor save as the unit and you rolled all at once.
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I'm curious about the "Look out Sir!" rule. It says "when a wound (or unsaved wound) is allocated to one of your characters".. and you know the rest. I'm assuming that a character can only get an unsaved wound allocated to them if they have the same armor save as the unit and you rolled all at once.


Or if you purposely allocate a wound to them.

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Hi all,


I'm a new BA player and in gearing up for my first game (in two weeks vs. Ultramarines), I've had the timeless dilemma of trying to figure out what to bring.

This thread has me sold on toting along a Corbulo, but I'm not sure how to build him into my list which is, at this point, still in my head and highly flexible.


I'm thinking two Vindies as the heavy support, Corbulo somewhere on the frontlines with Rhino taxi and some form of footslogging ASM or tac.


Or buy some termies (assault or guns?) and scoot them in a Land Raider. Thoughts?

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