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Chaos Sorcs new powers

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Just reading some more of the FAQ'a and thought of something...... Many of the other armies have the cost of powers included in their unit cost, whereas we have to pay variable prices for ours. It says we may substitute a codex power for one of the new ones, as I don't have the new BRB/BGB just yet, do the new powers have a cost attributed to them? How do we determine what would be an equivalent costing power?


Back to reading the FAQs...



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Just think about it like our first power costs 10 points (doombolt) and our second costs 25 points (warptime/wind)...


So in reality, a non-MoT sorcerer only pays 10 points for a roll on the tables, and that's not too much. Ofc if you want two powers it's 55p more(MoT+wind/wt/bolt) which can get a bit pricy...but after all our sorcerers have better stats than loyalist scum anyway...

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But then they can't cast two powers per turn and doesn't count as a lvl 2 psyker...


...and that's too much of an asset to not have, especially when many powers are cast outside the shooting phase nowadays!

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But what if you get two powers that are both shooting?


Or otherwise prevents you from using both at the same time?


Then you can't use both to their full potential anyway ;)



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Are we sure that's how it's working?



Made me wonder if we had to pay for the ones in our codex but if we wanted some of the others then we rolled for them at no cost.... Does anyone have anything from the brb on this?



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That seems... well ...lame.... but hey I'm not a game designer lol.....


So I guess if we have MoT we buy the two cheapest as it doesn't say one of our 2 choices has to be the Tzeentch specific one, it just can't be one of the other 3 god specific ones... So we'd be paying 10 for doombolt and 25 for Warptime then swapping them out....unless of course you want one of the other available ones...


Still kinda.... meh..... but maybe there's some cool powers that are worth it...



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Well, DG and I have already started rolling through in light detail in the Tactica section, but I'll repost what I put down there here for Chaos:


On the Chaos side of the house -- which I'm going to flip back to from my Iron Hands, I think, in preparation for their new 'dex -- I think that Pyromancy is going to be the most popular. Fiery Form on a power axe-wielding Sorceror will turn them into a CC monster at S7 AP2. Fire Shield will provide better saves against plasma and lascannons for our newly-empowered Termies to get to their assault targets with greater numbers, and Sunburst, as a nova, will be awesome for a DP to pop right before he charges an enemy unit thanks to the Blind effect.


That being said, I personally am going to go with Telepathy for my Alpha Legion. The primary reason is that it seems awesomely fluffy, or perhaps fluffily awesome. Dominate and Puppet Master are gimmicky powers that provide an element of surprise and confusion for the enemy; imagine Puppeteering a multimelta carrier into popping a Land Raider, or a plasma cannon into a unit of infantry. Terrify will work well as a pre-assault power since it makes the target Fear all enemies and might even stave off charges by Death Stars since it provokes an immediate morale check. The big winner in my mind though is Invisibility, since it grants a 4+ cover when in the open and a 2+ cover in trees or ruins; the Weapon Skill 1 for enemies on the charge is an added bonus. Plus, Psychic Shriek is ok versus Marines -- we'll get two or three models on average -- but against low-Ld squads like orks, we'll be butchering them like sheep!

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Sounds like I will be trying out my dark apostle as a sorc with telepathy, and since I already slapped a MoT on him to get the invuln I should be getting from my crozius it will up his mastery level to 2. Sounds like it will be fun, even if (and it's a big IF ) they bring the crozius back in the new 'dex and I only get to try it for a month or two...



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deamon prince, make of tzen, 2 cheapest powers and swap out. rember monsterous creatures can fire 2 phsy powers a turn if they have mastery level 2 so ill be happy with the result... ;)


Except the Chaos FAQ explicitly states that a MoT Prince can't use two psychic shooting attacks.

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I think I'll run a basic sorc with doombolt, and most likely use Telepathy. It really sucks that Terrify only removes Fearless, and not ATSKNF. A Telepath with some allied battle psychers would be really nice, with their Ld debuff and all. The Telepath Primaris Power is really good, and simply awesome if you have some battle psychers around, as it does 3D6-Ld wounds to the target unit.


I'm gonna try out Pyro too, with a MoS (really cheap and useful), Soulblaze could potentially have a bigger effect then what it looks like on paper, so many of the powers might be better than what they look like. I mean, spontaneous combustion, one model within 18" explodes! Focused though, so it might be hard to hit the right one. Could be game changer though if the sorc can just pop the head of an enemy pf champion.

Sadly offensive powers are much worse than defensive ones (becuase of the way Deny the Witch works), so in general I will go for buffs rather than offensive ones.

Telekinesis seems like it sucks compared to all the rest.


A lvl 1 sorc costs base cost +10 pts, and giving him one more roll costs +30 pts. This could be worth it, but then it might be better to just go with the MoT and become a true lvl 2 sorc. This would cost +65 pts. Of course, you could add all these and go for a lvl 2 sorc with 3 powers, but that would cost +95, almost double that of a basic lvl 1 sorc.


I think a lvl 1 sorc with one or two powers would be best. Having two gives you a much better chance of rolling the one you want, and if you go Telepathy, two of the rolls are warp charge 2, meaning you only randomise between 4 powers. Two rolls give you a fairly high chance of getting one you really want. A true lvl 2 sorc is really costly for us anyway.


I'm fantasising about a lvl 2 Firey Form sorc who could easily wound and then instant kill any foe. However, Eternal Warrior is so common that such a setup is hardly meaningful. A cheap lvl 1 with some buffs or other nifty tricks is probably best. They are still good in CC so.

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