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Initial games reactions?

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Can we have a thread for initial experiences, as in general thoughts following actual dice rolling?


Anybody try anything new and crazy yet? Realize something during gameplay that couldn't be fully appreciated just by reading about it? Thoughts on the new missions? Was your ally combination all you dreamed it would be?


As for me, I'm still not sold on the random psyker powers. I am, however, sold on random charge distance and overwatch.


I fielded Chaos Daemons as an ally for the first time, wanting to capitalize on our only battle brother, and found it to be a lot trickier than I thought it would be. I probably played too small a game.


But man! With the fact that anything and everything could be facing you, even if you know what your friend's primary detachment is going to be, there's massive amounts of uncertainty during list building. I had very little idea what to try to squeeze into the small game we had planned, and our match ended up being a wild scramble because we were both unfamiliar with the allies the other decided to bring, even though we knew each other's primary detachments pretty well. That's going to take a while to smooth out, I'm sure. It's kind of cool that there's no "net list" to fall back to right now and most expectations have been thrown out the door.

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Had my first game yesterday:


  • Spawn move 12" and charge 2D6! Slow and purposeful has changed for the better which means we finally get to use a beasts unit types move of 12"
  • 2D6 charge range hurts! I like it as a rule and think it has improved the game but those failed charges are brutal!!
  • Random warlord powers are interesting. My sorcerer got reroll to his fleet move which DID effect the game surprisingly.
  • Battlefield random effects rolled at the start are interesting too. We got the one that halfs your psykers leadership when casting spells... previously mentioned sorcerer got punked because of this. He never passed a psykic test all game.
  • Ordanance effecting vehicles if any of the template is over (not just the hole) is dangerous. My defiler shot 2 wartukks in one shot!
  • AP2 gets +1 to vehicle damage chart. Plasma thus just got slightly better against vehicles. I can see rapid firing chosen wrecking vehicles through hull point depletion. Beware lascannons, shock attack guns etc
  • Hull points are interesting but no vehicles were wrecked because of these in the game i played.


All in all, good going GW!

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Yay for daemon allies...


However I feel that some of the Xenos FAQs haven't been dealt with very well. However I am waiting for a few more games playing with and against various armies before I make any final judgements.

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Played a game against foot eldar. We brought what we had mostly to try out all the new rules


Princes and challenges isnt fun at all. I dont want to waste 6 attack on a T3 1A exarch.. i want the skulls from the whole unit.. bah

Bolters are sweet with the shoot once at max range. Thousand Sons brought some real pain.

Defilers die easy in melee against grenades. Krak, Haywire and such.


But over all i am pleased, it is looking good for the future of wh40k

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Played a 2v2 1k game the other day. I fought GK and Orks with my IG ally. Those damned pyro spells from the book on the aegis protected GK bastards are really annoying. It's almost as though I'm playing Warmachine now which is cool I suppose. Outside of that the challenge system is stupid since it creates protracted combats. TROLOLOLOL I'ma charge in with my big squad of awesome killy super pwnzors! "Challenge!" 300 point unit sits and does nothing. Makes sense. Also the snapshot system is painful if only because my friend has the dice gods in his pocket. :yes:
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Outside of that the challenge system is stupid since it creates protracted combats. TROLOLOLOL I'ma charge in with my big squad of awesome killy super pwnzors! "Challenge!" 300 point unit sits and does nothing. Makes sense.


Agreed. It sucks and makes no sense.

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Uh, why don't you just separate out your character from the squad if he's attacking a lone character to challenge? THe squad does get to attack the other guy's squad, you realise? It's just the character who can't be targeted?
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Outside of that the challenge system is stupid since it creates protracted combats. TROLOLOLOL I'ma charge in with my big squad of awesome killy super pwnzors! "Challenge!" 300 point unit sits and does nothing. Makes sense.

Heck, it might even be worth it not to get a termie champion; just all 'regular' troopers. Then they can't challenge nothin'.

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Outside of that the challenge system is stupid since it creates protracted combats. TROLOLOLOL I'ma charge in with my big squad of awesome killy super pwnzors! "Challenge!" 300 point unit sits and does nothing. Makes sense.

Heck, it might even be worth it not to get a termie champion; just all 'regular' troopers. Then they can't challenge nothin'.



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Yeah, in fact, I have something to say now :P.


I don't understand the global nerf of the assault units.

The emphasis put on the shooting phase is so huge that you're not even sure to be able to charge something. And if you do, you're not rewarded because of lame challenge rules that makes no sense. I mean, the guy who challenge Khârn really expect he will play it fair and not slaughter everything in his path ? Power weapons got nerfed, like Furious charge and multi charges are suicide. The fragility of troop transports don't help.

I mean, what is the point of playing assault units ?


In 5th, the godlike armies were IG, SW and GK. Three shooting armies. I don't get the overall direction 40k is taking.

I just don't get it.


EDIT : Oh, and I have the feeling the new rules are slowing down the game. And I mean REALLY slowing it down.

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Doesn't seem to be affecting small games. Got two 500 points games in yesterday, I'm usually lucky to finish a 1500. Wound Allocation means that saves go much more quickly.


Also, you can hardly call Grey Knights a shooting army when they do everything well.

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must say myself i love the new shooting rules, its as if bolters have gone back to how they were in the old days. i do appreciate that shooting has a much bigger role now too, eg it means wyches in DE, who are primarily assault orientated, need to steer clear of large units thanks to overwatch (love the new rule on that too) like devies and tacticals and concentrate on smaller, specialist units, so watch your backs with command, assault, chosen, termies etc. beware future heavy kabalite and scourge heavy DE lists, i warn ye now!!!

love the new psychic powers too. my neighbour used a libby for the first time in our first 6ed battle, and he came away with a new appreciation, i expect horrible times thanks to him in the future. i think chaplains will become almost standard against guard and eldar, with the CA being the standard duelling weapon in most games even against PA armies.

all in all, i think the game itself is much stronger, and yes although there is no official codex for any army in 6ed at present, all armies have benefitted in the wider picture. tau hurt even more in shooting (plasma rifles), no one is safe from a wych assault range (new fleet rules), but things will change as the new codexes are released. time will tell ultimately, but this is looking like an edition i look forward to seeing pan out. 47

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must say myself i love the new shooting rules, its as if bolters have gone back to how they were in the old days. i do appreciate that shooting has a much bigger role now too, eg it means wyches in DE, who are primarily assault orientated, need to steer clear of large units thanks to overwatch (love the new rule on that too) like devies and tacticals and concentrate on smaller, specialist units, so watch your backs with command, assault, chosen, termies etc. beware future heavy kabalite and scourge heavy DE lists, i warn ye now!!!



Talking about DE lists... I'm waiting for FW to update their junk.


I play a Kabalite list (As I did in 5th) and I have some Reapers and my group is letting me use them for now... As the rules state and any changes (hull points) are for now the same as a raider until FW gives us an official answer. The funny thing is now that the focused fire (S7) causes d3 glancing hits on a successful hit... So yeah... With good roles I can take 4 HPs off a vehicle with one shot at the moment.


I also think that if terminators become more popular we might see the DE Eldar taking S5 AP2 Heavy 3 guns more often than we do now.

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Admittedly I only read the rules for the challenges thoroughly today. It seems the rest of the squad can in fact attack the other squad as normal just as you mentioned. Regardless...I'm still miffed my guy has to attack the damn challenger or risk slinking around the back until the other guy is dead. Also there seems to be a huge disparity between hull points. Speeders, trucks, walkers, predators all have 3. You take one step up to Imperial monsters like the land raider and now you have a whopping 4. What garbage. It's strange the only heavy vehicle as per the "i can shoot everything always ever" rule only applies to the monolith and not raiders.
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If you don't put a champ in the termie squads the enemy IC don't get to challenge...and he'll slaughter the whole squad instead of just one guy...
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If I'm honest Land Raiders are not that bad... Because if you are zipping around...


You can still fire one weapon + 1 more with the machine spirit and then can't the raider snap fire anyway... and their is a good chance that the weapons you are snap firing with are multi-shot twin-linked weapons... so at least they have a chance of doing something.


While the assault range of terminators in a Land Raider is about the same as Dark Eldar Wyches in a raider... woo hoo...

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Wound allocation is a killer.


Played my DG against footdar. Fortuned Eldrad sitting at the front of a Shrouded + Stealth unit of Harlequins was unkillable. Re-rollable invuls on everyone (3+ or 5+) and +3 to cover saves (so 2+ rerollable when standing in ANY cover). When I hit them with a heavy flamer, if Eldrad is at the front, he absorbs all the wounds and no harleuins die. When I managed to get a HF around the back, 5++ rereollable meant I only killed 1 from 9 hits anyway. Again, 10 hits on the unit from Sunburst (Pyro Psychic power) and no casualties because of 2+ rerollable cover save.

I took Typhus and 7 Nurgle marked terminators. My 'rock' unit disappeared to a round of fire from a couple of pathfinder units (T5 means nothing, 5+ to hit ignores armour, 6 to wound also ignores armour), whereas harlequins who are supposed to be like paper can endure an insane amount of firepower.


I can't blame my opponent. If I had an uber hard to kill character I could put at the front of a unit to absorb 95% of the firepower aimed at them I would too. The thing is, currently, not all armies can do it. And even if they could, I'm not sure I want to play 4 years of abusing and being abused by that rule loophole.


My first impressions are really quite negative.

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