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Initial games reactions?

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Wound allocation is a killer.


Played my DG against footdar. Fortuned Eldrad sitting at the front of a Shrouded + Stealth unit of Harlequins was unkillable. Re-rollable invuls on everyone (3+ or 5+) and +3 to cover saves (so 2+ rerollable when standing in ANY cover). When I hit them with a heavy flamer, if Eldrad is at the front, he absorbs all the wounds and no harleuins die. When I managed to get a HF around the back, 5++ rereollable meant I only killed 1 from 9 hits anyway. Again, 10 hits on the unit from Sunburst (Pyro Psychic power) and no casualties because of 2+ rerollable cover save.

I took Typhus and 7 Nurgle marked terminators. My 'rock' unit disappeared to a round of fire from a couple of pathfinder units (T5 means nothing, 5+ to hit ignores armour, 6 to wound also ignores armour), whereas harlequins who are supposed to be like paper can endure an insane amount of firepower.


I can't blame my opponent. If I had an uber hard to kill character I could put at the front of a unit to absorb 95% of the firepower aimed at them I would too. The thing is, currently, not all armies can do it. And even if they could, I'm not sure I want to play 4 years of abusing and being abused by that rule loophole.


My first impressions are really quite negative.


>> Yeah, if you're up against Eldrad, use force weapons and combi-meltas. He is still the most broken character in the game (even over the GKs, for all the fuss people make), albeit for different reasons.


You might want to play a bit Tzeentchian and convince his player that "surely he wants to try out the new powers he can take this time?"

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Had a quick 500pt Astartes vs Astartes against my good lady, which she narrowly won (killed my rampaging dreadnought with 2 hits in the back from a hurricane bolter)


the system feels intuitive, fun and easy to play, the only bugbear was not remembering i can throw grenades now :))


great moment when my captain bulls-eyed her unhelmeted tactical sergeant with a precision shot in turn 3...


onwards and upwards!!!!!

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