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A conversion idea, alittle help please?


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Hello everyone well when I started playing 40k about 10 years ago, my first army I ever got into was Daemonhunters for my profound love to the warp lore. Since then I haved move to the better side of things, as a Daemon player for the past 4 years. Now I have NEVER like CSM much with the exception of pure thousand suns and deathguard, I just never liked the CSM models much. So I had an Idea today I want to make a nurgle army and I still have a ton of old metal Grey knights laying about. How do you think a Deathguard list would look being converted out of all Metal Greyknight with a few horns and greenstuffed bloating bodys thrown into the mix? In my minds eye the whole army would kinda of turn out to resemble Typhus (who is my favorite model in game by far).

Sorry for my 3:30 am rambling but I just would like some second opinions.

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Those 'old metal grey knights' go for a mint now. You could easily recoup the cost of them, and quite possibly turn a decent profit.


That said, I had toyed with the idea of doing this a while back, but just didn't feel that the armor was suitable. Of course, you can make just about anything into nurgle with enough corrosion, tentacles, horns, boils, and bloating.

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I am not sure. GK are very detailed, ''iconized'' models. Making them credible would ask a lot of work. An altenative idea is to go with darkened colors, rust, and very subtile conversions, like adding tiny pustules on the armor...exposing them at the turning point between loyalist and chaotic. Just an idea like that.
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I would echo what MagneticFreak suggested- less is more with GKs, since those models are already pretty busy. Some rust and/or leaking fluids would go a long way- you don't necessarily need burst guts and distended intestines everywhere. Some trophies of slain loyalists might be appropriate, as would the three-lobed mark of the Plague Father.
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