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Ghost Warriors


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There’s my DIY chapter. It is based on Georgian culture and my and my friend’s fantasy.

Ghost Warriors


Ghost warriors is chapter of 13th founding. Mainly chapter was created to defend imperium from forces of chaos. The exact nature and origin of the gene-seed used in the Ghost Warriors’ creation is classified.

Home world

Home world of Ghost Warriors is Death-world Diadoch. Main territory of planet is covered with dark forests in which the deadliest monsters of planet are living. People are living in big cities surrounded by giant walls. Most of cities are divided by wars within gangs, royal families and bloodthirsting kings. This endless wars makes Diadoch good planet to recruit astartes, because here only strong people are living.

People of Diadoch:

Most of people on Diadoch have dark hair and dark eyes. Diadochians are tall and muscular, their bodies are made for fight, because there is only war… most of men(and women) are warriors.

Fortress-Monastery-home of the chapter is located on the moon of Diadoch called ‘Kutaia’*. Big part of the moon is covered by Stronghold of shades fortress-monastery of Ghost Warriors.(I will describe castle in future)


The blood night is coming-is said by Diadochians when chapter comes for new warriors. From every city young people are coming in ancient gladiator arenas(which are located near all cities) and fight against wild beasts and then against each other to become ghosts.


Ghost Warriors have a motto:

‘ar daindot’- in Diadochian language, this means ‘show no mercy’ in low gothic.

The character of the Ghost Warriors. is known to be studious, intelligent, highly honourable and above all calm outside of battle, but in war they undergo a transformation into an uncommonly aggressive force of Astartes. Also Ghosts are taking a lot of trophies from battlefield, such as skulls, helms, weapons and so on.

Their armor is covered by catechisms of hate and texts about their honours, because of that every battle suit is unique.

Ghosts are describing themselves as warriors, fire swords, and executioners of the Emperor of mankind. They see themselves as defenders of humanity and bane of it’s enemies. Life to ghost means to be vajkaci**.

Ghosts are believing that every warrior killed in battle goes to the right hand of the Emperor.


Red cloaks- tradition of wearing crimson cloaks comes from Ghost Warriors’ home- world. Diadochian warriors are wearing cloaks color of arterial blood not to let their enemies see their blood if they’re wounded.

Combat doctrine

Ghosts Warriors prefer lightning and brutal assaults from darkness, because only in melee combat they can unleash their rage on enemies. But every battle needs preparation. Guerrilla teams make terrorist attacks on enemies positions. Then they’re retreating and main power of the ghosts begin their destructive assault. Every ghost prefers hand to hand combat, but that doesn’t meant that they’re stupid berserks charging into enemy lines. Every battle is carefully planned operation. Devastators are destroying enemy forces, when assault marines are bringing chaos in their lines. Ghosts are masters of night fighting.


Ghost Warriors are divided into ten companies( first elite, tenth scout) and led by captains. Companies are divided into squads led by sergeants.


1.First company ‘monaspa’***- elite veteran company led by captain Yosef. Company consists of 8 terminator and 2 veteran squads.

2.Second company ‘defenders of Diadoch ’-led by captain Estman. Company earned this name by defending Diadoch from vast ork invasion.

3.Third company ‘Knights of Diadoch’- led by captain arqanus.

4.Fourth company ‘haeresis mortiferis’(killers of heresy or something like that)-led by captain Korin.

5.Fifth company ‘noctis specto’(watchers of the night)-led by captain Maximilian

6.Sixth company ‘blood raiders’ –led by captain Furion.

7.Seventh company ‘ghost knights’-led by captain Augustin.

8.Eighth company ‘metsikhovneebi’****- led by captain Demetrus. Company earned name by defending imperial stronghold from chaos forces for 2 months.

9.Ninth company ‘cruor tutela’(blood guardians)- led by captain Kal Arkhen.

10.Tenth company ‘shadow hounds’-led by captain Fistes.

Special squads:

Myrmidons- honour guard of the chapter. These are elite warriors holding the deadliest weapons and protected by best armor from chapter’s armory. All warriors are wearing black cloaks instead of traditional red.

Diadochian hunters- elite squad of assault marines. Every hunter is carefully chosen for his weapon skill and warrior spirit. This ‘pack’ is led by supreme hunter. All of hunters are furious and deadly warriors. On battlefield they are mostly in vanguard hunting for enemy champions and leaders.

Darkhul Tal- elite terminator bodyguards of the Chapter Master.

Notable members

Elias, chapter master, lord of shadows, king of Diadoch- Elias is current chapter master, legendary warrior and warlord. He is very active, leading his warriors in fire of battles himself. Elias is cold and severe man. On battlefield in his terminator armour he is fearful for his enemies and inspirational for his brothers.

Yosef, regent of Diadoch, Lord of Monaspa- Yosef is captain of first elite company. Aggressive and brutal he is machine of destruction on battlefield. he is respected and feared in chapter.

High Chaplain Janus Kain- The spiritual leader of Ghost Warriors. his face is always hided by his skull helmet. He is rarely seen in vanguard, Janus prefers to stay in central part of his warriors inspiring them with his words and presence.

Agriphas, chief librarian- he’s mysterious warrior. He is wise and intelligent, all of his combined with his psyker skills makes him very important to the chapter. To see Agriphas on battlefield is nearly miracle, because he is more prognosticar than warrior-sorcerer.

Chapter's Fleet

there is some of the chapter's spaceships:

phasmatis rex- Battle barge

sword of vengeance- battle barge

Lionheart- battle barge

Dark Hunter- strike cruiser

Fist of Diadoch- strike cruiser

watcher from the dark- gladius frigate

Shadow walker- the fastest ship of the Ghost Warriors.

Artifacts and relics:

effigia talio- giant power sword and powerful relic of war. It’s blade is carved with mysterious runes. But what makes this blade so special is it’s power field. When activated it flicker with ghostly light and can cut through most of armors and protective fields. This power field is mystery to chapter’s tech-marines. Golden hilt of sword has a for of wings. effigia talio is wielded by chapter master(surprise!) Elias.

Wolven helm(at first I want to say to them who think that I stole this from space wolves, that Georgian king David Gorgasali(wolf-headed)- wielded helm in form of wolf’s head)- it’s a helmet in form of wolf’s head. Only sight of warrior in this helm is enough to fear the bravest foes.

Banner of shadows- chapter banner of Ghost warriors. it’s rarely seen outside the chapter’s fortress-monastery. purple banner is carved with runes describing victories of the Ghost Warriors and golden skull, symbol of the Ghost Warriors.

Dragonstrike- it’s master-crafted Kombi-flamer gifted to the Ghost Warriors by Salamanders chapter. Name of the weapon comes from barrel in form of dragon’s head. Currently weapon is used by first captain Yosef.


Ghost Warriors’ gene-father in classified. Their gene-seed is stable but there aresome mutations. All ghosts have pale skin and oversensitive occulube, they can see in full night conditions but without helmets on light their eyes are aching.

Chapter colors

Ghost Warriors are wearing dark purple armors with golden ornaments. Armors of veteran battle-brothers are covered by Diadochian Runes. Ghosts are wearing red cloaks by the tradition of their planets.


Chapter badge

Symbol of the Ghost Warriors is Skull with long and sharp fangs.

Battle cry

‘Imperatoristvis’-meaning ‘For The Emperor’ in low gothic.

‘Hail the Ghosts’


*Kutaia-Old name of my city, also in this city(according to legend) Argonauts met King Aieth.

**vajkaci-means man of honour, defender of weak people and warrior. So vajkaci is knight on Georgian.

***monaspa- elite warriors of King David The Builder.

****metsikhovneebi-castle guardians in old Georgian army.

Thank you all, and Waiting for your comments and a lot of critique.

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How did the SMs manage to forget something that is one of the most important part of a SMs life .... in other words, how did they forget exactly who their primarch was? Also, how did the AdMech forget? Also, how did the High Lords of Terra forget? Also, .... you see where I'm going with this?
  Ecritter said:
How did the SMs manage to forget something that is one of the most important part of a SMs life .... in other words, how did they forget exactly who their primarch was? Also, how did the AdMech forget? Also, how did the High Lords of Terra forget? Also, .... you see where I'm going with this?

yes I see. well, I haven't decided it yet, so you will see it in next update.

  Ecritter said:
Yeah, I'm not saying you can't have the 'unknown primarch' thing .... just that you'll have alot of explaining to do to get it. Sometimes it's just best to make them UM successors. :cuss

that's right, but when i thought about it...really it's better to have primarch, than to be with unknown gene-seed. thanks for advice!

To be honest I cant see anything wrong with having a Chapter of unknown origins. There are a few Chapters that are of the 'unknown Primarch' category.

And as for the reason for not knowing who their Primarch is, simple, the files were lost or expunged from Imperial records.


- EgoDraconumNigrorum

  EgoDraconumNigrorum said:
To be honest I cant see anything wrong with having a Chapter of unknown origins. There are a few Chapters that are of the 'unknown Primarch' category.


Like who?


The Blood Ravens is the most common answer and also wrong.


And as for the reason for not knowing who their Primarch is, simple, the files were lost or expunged from Imperial records.


It's the Imperium, nothing is forgotten or lost; someone, somewhere, always knows.

  Captain Juan Juarez said:
  EgoDraconumNigrorum said:
To be honest I cant see anything wrong with having a Chapter of unknown origins. There are a few Chapters that are of the 'unknown Primarch' category.


Like who?


The Blood Ravens is the most common answer and also wrong.


And as for the reason for not knowing who their Primarch is, simple, the files were lost or expunged from Imperial records.


It's the Imperium, nothing is forgotten or lost; someone, somewhere, always knows.

Black Dragons – OK, admittedly, probably not the best example to start with as they are strongly suspected to be Salamanders Successors. But still, it’s not officially stated that they ACTUALLY are of Salamanders gene-seed, thus making a case for the Black Dragons to fall into the category of ‘unknown Primarch’.


Minotaurs – Another Cursed Founding Chapter who’s gene-seed origins is unknown. According to the 40k wiki their records were either lost or locked down so tight that no one knows.

(I have yet to read the Imperial Armour 9 and 10 Badab War books, so if there is any fluff stating that what the origins of the Minotaurs are in them, I do apologise)


Sons of Antaeus – Yet another Cursed founding Chapter which is stated to have its origins unknown.


Death Spectres – created during the Dark Founding, the Death Spectres are strongly hinted and suspected to be Raven Guard Successors, but again, it’s not actually officially stated that they are. So they have a case of falling into the ‘unknown Primarch’ category too.


Dark Crusaders - The Dark Crusaders are a Chapter of unknown origins and Founding. Nothing else is currently known about them in Imperial records.

(Classic example)


The Star Dragons – Another Chapter with very little official fluff, stated as having their origins as unknown.


Dark Sons - Another Space Marine Chapter of unknown Founding and origin. Apart from their homeworld being stated as Darkhold in the Segmentum Obscurus, little else is known about the Chapter in current Imperial records.

(Classic example)


The Dragon Lords - Another Chapter of unknown Founding and origin. Almost nothing is known about this Chapter in Imperial records apart from contact being lost with the Dragon Lords' Chapter planet, Erwynn's World.

(Classic example)


Sons of Guilliman – Another very, very mysterious Chapter. I mean who knows where their origins lie?? And for certain I don’t have a clue who their Primarch could be!!!??? :D


The list can go on still, not trying to start a debate here mate, but I am purely stating that having a Space Marines Chapter of unknown origin is not unheard of.


- EgoDraconumNigrorum

  EgoDraconumNigrorum said:
The list can go on still, not trying to start a debate here mate, but I am purely stating that having a Space Marines Chapter of unknown origin is not unheard of.


I didn't want a debate either.. I was just planning to verbally murder you if you mentioned the Blood Ravens :D

  Captain Juan Juarez said:
  EgoDraconumNigrorum said:
The list can go on still, not trying to start a debate here mate, but I am purely stating that having a Space Marines Chapter of unknown origin is not unheard of.


I didn't want a debate either.. I was just planning to verbally murder you if you mentioned the Blood Ravens :P

Wouldnt want us to start WWIII now, would we? B)


- EgoDraconumNigrorum

Well, you did ask. ;)


  Elias said:
Ghost Warriors


Too dark to easily read .... lighten up or put on a lighter background.


  Elias said:

Ghost warriors is chapter of 13th founding. Mainly chapter was created to defend imperium from forces of chaos. Chapter gene-father is Corvus Corax.


I'm hoping more is coming here.


  Elias said:
Home world

Home world of Ghost Warriors is Diadoch-primitive and severe planet with strong people. Main territory of planet is covered with deadly dark forests in which the deadliest monsters of planet are living. People are living in big cities surrounded by giant walls. Most of cities are divided by wars within gangs, royal families and bloodthirsting kings. This endless wars makes Diadoch good planet to recruit astartes, because here only strong people are living.


Not really sure how a planet can be 'severe'.

How exactly is the forest 'deadly'?

If all the monsters are in the forests, why surround the cities with 'giant' walls?


  Elias said:
People of Diadoch:

Most of people on Diadoch have dark hair and dark eyes. Diadochians are tall and muscular, their bodies are made for fight, because there is only war… most of men(and women) are warriors.


Okay, so there are these cities in which there is only war. So ... how do the cities operate?

Its not necessary to tell us what all the people look like. Not important but no real need to remove either.


  Elias said:
Fortress-Monastery-home of the chapter is located on the moon of Diadoch called ‘Kutaia’*. Big part of the moon is covered by Stronghold of shades fortress-monastery of Ghost Warriors.(I will describe castle in future)


So is the moon really small, or is the FM exceedingly big?


  Elias said:

The blood night is coming-is said by Diadochians when chapter comes for new warriors. From every city young people are coming in ancient gladiator arenas(which are located near all cities) and fight against wild beasts and then against each other to became ghosts.


Why? I mean why would these kids close to 8 years old, want to do this?


  Elias said:

Ghost Warriors have a motto:

‘ar daindot’- in Diadochian language, this means ‘show no mercy’ in low gothic.

Ghosts are describing themselves as warriors, fire swords, and executioners of the Emperor of mankind. They see themselves as defenders of humanity and bane of it’s enemies. Life to ghost means to be vajkaci**.


This is not really a belief at all. Need to move and come up with some real beliefs.


  Elias said:
Combat doctrine

Ghosts Warriors prefer lightning and brutal assaults from darkness, because only in melee combat they can unleash their rage on enemies. But every battle needs preparation. Guerrilla teams make terrorist attacks on enemies positions. Then they’re retreating and main power of the ghosts begin their destructive assault. Every ghost prefers hand to hand combat, but that doesn’t meant that they’re stupid berserks charging into enemy lines. Every battle is carefully planned operation. Devastators are destroying enemy forces, when assault marines are bringing chaos in their lines. Ghosts are masters of night fighting.


So, during the daytime .... easily killed. I'll make a note of that.


  Elias said:

Ghost Warriors are divided into ten companies( first elite, tenth scout) and led by captains. Companies are divided into squads led by sergeants.



1.First company ‘monaspa’***- elite veteran company led by captain Yosef. Company consists of 8 terminator and 2 veteran squads.

2.Second company ‘defenders of Diadoch ’-led by captain Estman. Company earned this name by defending Diadoch from vast ork invasion.

3.Third company ‘Knights of Diadoch’- led by captain arqanus.

4.Fourth company ‘haeresis mortiferis’(killers of heresy or something like that)-led by captain Korin.

5.Fifth company ‘noctis specto’(watchers of the night)-led by captain Maximilian

6.Sixth company ‘blood raiders’ –led by captain Furion.

7.Seventh company ‘ghost knights’-led by captain Augustin.

8.Eighth company ‘metsikhovneebi’****- led by captain Demetrus. Company earned name by defending imperial stronghold from chaos forces for 2 months.

9.Ninth company ‘cruor tutela’(blood guardians)- led by captain Kal Arkhen.

10.Tenth company ‘shadow hounds’-led by captain Fistes.


Special squads:

Myrmidons- honour guard of the chapter. These are elite warriors holding the deadliest weapons and protected by best armor from chapter’s armory. All warriors are wearing black cloaks instead of traditional red.

Diadochian hunters- elite squad of assault marines. Every hunter is carefully chosen for his weapon skill and warrior spirit. This ‘pack’ is led by supreme hunter. All of hunters are furious and deadly warriors. On battlefield they are mostly in vanguard hunting for enemy champions and leaders.

Darkhul Tal- elite terminator bodyguards of the Chapter Master.


Can easily be replaced with the following, "The Ghost Warriors are a Codex Adherent Chapter."

What is the purpose and orgins of the Special Squads?


  Elias said:
Chapter's Fleet

there is some of the chapter's spaceships:

phasmatis rex- Battle barge

sword of vengeance- battle barge

Lionheart- battle barge

Dark Hunter- strike cruiser

Fist of Diadoch- strike cruiser

watcher from the dark- gladius frigate

Shadow walker- the fastest ship of the Ghost Warriors.


Nice, but completely unnecessary.


  Elias said:

Ghost Warriors’ gene-father is Corax. Their gene-seed is stable but there are some mutations. All ghosts have pale skin and oversensitive occulube(they can see in night).


Why? What caused the mutations? And remember, that 'oversensitive occulube' would also mean nearly blind in daylight.


  Elias said:
Chapter colors

Ghost Warriors are wearing dark blue armors with golden ornaments. Armors of veteran battle-brothers are covered by Diadochian Runes. Ghosts are wearing red cloaks by the tradition of their planets.


Can easily be replaced by a pic.


  Elias said:
Chapter badge

Symbol of the Ghost Warriors is Skull with long and sharp fangs.


Doesn't sound very Ghost-like at all.

Easily replaced with this pic:






Almost forgot. IAs are written by Imperial Historians ... so this needs alot of rewirting to make it both more formal and deal with gramatical errors throughout.

Too dark to easily read .... lighten up or put on a lighter background.

it'll be fixed.

I'm hoping more is coming here.

yeah, it's coming.


Not really sure how a planet can be 'severe'.

How exactly is the forest 'deadly'?

If all the monsters are in the forests, why surround the cities with 'giant' walls?

severe, I meant 'deadly'. forest are deadly because if you walk in monsters kill and eat you. then, look if there are no walls wild animals cant's easily attack people. walls are giant not to let them attack.


Okay, so there are these cities in which there is only war. So ... how do the cities operate?

easily, by roads. there is only war, but this doesn't mean that there is anarchy and chaos.


So is the moon really small, or is the FM exceedingly big?

moon is normal, fortress is big, no BIG!


Why? I mean why would these kids close to 8 years old, want to do this?

i think every kid want to be giant warrior from skies. for people of planet ghosts are legend, they tell tales about warriors from sky and so on.


This is not really a belief at all. Need to move and come up with some real beliefs.

i write this, because not to write beliefs in article is bad. I will add more to beliefs later.


So, during the daytime .... easily killed. I'll make a note of that.

they are space marines, you can't kill them easily.


What is the purpose and orgins of the Special Squads?

I think names and origins is interesting.


Why? What caused the mutations? And remember, that 'oversensitive occulube' would also mean nearly blind in daylight.

because of their gene-seed. yeah they are nearly blind in daylight without helmet, but space marine helm can regulate light.


Doesn't sound very Ghost-like at all.

http://i051.radikal.ru/1207/65/0e1dc8eb50a5.jpg badge is something like this, without horns of course ;)

I am pleased that you kept the gene-seed origins of your Chapter unknown, it adds a nice level of mystique to your Ghost Warriors.

I'm also unsure what you mean about the Ghost Warriors' homeworld being severe?? Do you mean its a harsh world? I would be a bit more specific.

Finally, the tradition of wearing red cloaks is fine, but having the cloaks to conceal blood from wounds isnt very feasible in my mind, for one simple reason; what if the Marine was wounded on the front his leg or chest? How will the cloak conceal the blood from that wound? Or what if the Marine had a limb blown off or hacked off? How can the cloak conceal the blood from that?


My suggestion would be to make it that the Ghost Warriors' gene-seed has somehow degenerated, causing a mutation within all the Marines of your Chapter. The effect of this mutation makes the Marines' blood to no longer be red, but instead be milky/cloudy coloured OR even clear coloured. This adds to the Ghost Warriors' theme of being ghost like and it makes it seem as though injured marines dont bleed (as the blood is not coloured or noticable)...... Just an idea!


Apart from that though, its looking good.


- EgoDraconumNigrorum

thanks for comment. about homeworld, in next update I'll change it. about red cloaks, spartans wore red cloaks to hide their blood, Diadochian warriors are doing so, but for marines it's only tradition no more.

about your suggestion, yeah it's really interesting, but I don't want to make chapter so degenerated. oversensitive occulube and pale skin is enough for me.

  Elias said:
thanks for comment. about homeworld, in next update I'll change it. about red cloaks, spartans wore red cloaks to hide their blood, Diadochian warriors are doing so, but for marines it's only tradition no more.

about your suggestion, yeah it's really interesting, but I don't want to make chapter so degenerated. oversensitive occulube and pale skin is enough for me.

Fair enough, valid points.


One last thing though, you could actually incorperate the pale skin and the clear blood together; The mutation has caused ALL pigment and colouration genes to die off, resulting in completely "extreme" albino Marines. Pale white skin, hair, eyes, blood, gums, organs etc. EVERYTHING is pale white/clear.


- EgoDraconumNigrorum

  Elias said:

Ghost Warriors’ gene-father in classified. Their gene-seed is stable but there aresome mutations. All ghosts have pale skin and oversensitive occulube, they can see in full night conditions but without helmets on light their eyes are aching.


This is similar to the gene seed mutation that occured in my DIY chapter.

I find there is a need for filtered lenses in order to protest especialy sensitive eyes from harmful light.


Im also quite curious as to how they know the exact founding the chapter was created but not who by.

It stands to reason that a chapter of an unknown parent has an unknown age.


This is just me being picky.


It is completley possible that the chapter ws one of the Cursed Founded chapters, explaining such severe mutations to the gene seed and its unknown parent. It could also be possible that all recordes of the chapter were wiped soon after of its founding. You can only wonder.


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