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Guard as allied

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If you have to put some guards units as allied to our Death Guard, what kind of unit you would deploy?


Heavy fire? some kind of Russ or artillery?


Flyer like one Valkirye?


Sanctioned Psi as demagogue?


What kind of troop? Veteran and a mod of conscript as Plague zombies?


Any idea? I have a lot of idea for conversion and to make my Death Guard more interesting to play...


I'd like to know your idea about it...

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This is the question that haunts me also. I am very reluctant to go ahead with guards, although I think they would constitute a great ally. But the CSM Dex is only 2 months or so away (according to rumours anyway), and it seems Traitor guards and cultists (and Zombies !) are apparently in. Perhaps it would be wiser to wait and see the different options. I am sure that the cultists and/or traitor units will be design in the perspective of allied forces, making them a more natural and synergetic addition to a DG force.


Who knows? While I think guard heavies will fit a nice role (Earthshakers, Leman Russ....), will the guardsmen themselves truly help?

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I already have some of those nifty Forgeworld renegades, but I was never really sure what to do with them. I also have 2 traitor-guard Russes ready to go, both with FW tank crew. I'd like to flesh it out a bit, maybe get a command squad or something, so I can play with those tanks eventually.
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I have plans for three different allied detachments, and traitor Guard is one of them

I, like, you however, have also been umm-ing and ahhh-ing as to what each mini-force should consist of. I've decided upon the Daemon element, and now I'm thinking about Guard. I think in the end, I'm going to go with the massed-Guardsman option.


I'd like to take a load of Leman Russ tanks, but, simply put, I don't want a mass of high-explosive-death annihilating my expensive Plague Marines with bad scatter roles and the like. I'm a fluffy gamer, so I don't like the idea of taking Valkyries (though saying that, you can bet that I'll be getting a Hellblade/Talon if they make it/them into plastic!).


That's my two pence.

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Yeah, you can bet on some kind of flyer making it into the next CSM codex, but rumor has it that it will be a mechanical dragon, and not a Hellblade or Helltalon, oddly. I mean, given the choice, which would you prefer? If we're talking Daemons, I might go for some type of dragon, but I don't recall any stories about "mechanical dragons" being used in the Long War, do you? I'm hoping that's just a weird rumor.
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If the whole dragon thing is true, then I'm hoping its a mount for HQs. That's the only way it'll be cool IMO... and I already know how I'm going to make mine if this is the case.

But if it's just some dragon that flies around... well, I have flying Daemon Princes for that job. In that eventuality, I'm going to build a Hellblade out of plasticard and use that instead.


I want a flyer designed to knock enemy flyers out of the sky, an interceptor if you will. Not something that should probably be in fantasy.

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Synergistically, I don't think the guard are quite as good as daemons, but they certainly have their place- commissar-led platoons, valks, and of course hydra flaks are all quite good at offering abilities that Chaos lacks. If you have the points, Leman Russ squadrons would be quite fun too.


Orders and officers aren't too great, since they only work for guard, but a primaris psyker would be a good way to get ahold of some of those warp powers that THE FACTION THAT DEALS MOST WITH THE WARP LACKS.


I'm not bitter.

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I'm not bitter.


Who would be?! :)


I certainly think that there are some benefits - I think probably looking more at a ranged point of view, given that has been traditionally what we have lacked. Leman Russes would certainly be a favoured choice. Unsure about how many Guardsmen I'd actually use, but I suppose they could be scoring fodder.

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Unsure about how many Guardsmen I'd actually use, but I suppose they could be scoring fodder.


This is what I mean! I do not care about guardsmen at all, all we want are tanks...so perhaps zombies and traitor guards in the new codex will turn out to be a better choice. Dont you guys think so?

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Regardless of that, cultists are a solid rumour. I can paint up some IG renegades and still use them as cultists with (I suspect) minor changes. If not, I have some chaos renegades on hand to use for IG allies. I'll get the cheapest IG HQ and troops possible to have a cool renegade tank squadron at my disposal. I don't see a downside of doing it, or an upside to waiting.
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Unsure about how many Guardsmen I'd actually use, but I suppose they could be scoring fodder.


This is what I mean! I do not care about guardsmen at all, all we want are tanks...so perhaps zombies and traitor guards in the new codex will turn out to be a better choice. Dont you guys think so?


Just as a cheaper alternative, then perhaps. But with 6+ saves... flimsy as anything. Guard would be a better choice than Cultists in that regard.

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Regardless of that, cultists are a solid rumour. I can paint up some IG renegades and still use them as cultists with (I suspect) minor changes. If not, I have some chaos renegades on hand to use for IG allies. I'll get the cheapest IG HQ and troops possible to have a cool renegade tank squadron at my disposal. I don't see a downside of doing it, or an upside to waiting.



The rulebook says that you can allied with imperial guard.. not a specific codex (correct me if im wrong)... so why not use Armoured Battlegroup from Imperial armour vol 1??


Im thinking making a 2500pts Deathguard+Armoured Battlegroup army with about 50 PM, 2 DP and 5 Leman russ battle tanks :P

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I've been wondering about using FWs IA army list as allies myself, actually. I'm assuming that its allowed, you'd just need you're opponents permission (as it was, and is, for fielding a standard army from IA)?
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  • 5 weeks later...

quoting myself from similar topic in ascendant...

let me make a case for the IG. Get a veteran squad, outfit them with 3 special weapons, put them in a valkyrie, have them all in reserve. On the valkyrie, have heavy bolters & multiple rocket pods. Once they're available, zoom move onto the board (up to 36") and you're able to fire 4 out of your 5 weapons. Open up with the rockets & heavy bolters. Unless he has traitor guard with a hydra or aegis defense lines (AA) he won't be able to hit you consistently. Next turn, drop off the veterans (provided they're near an objective) and keep firing! For the HQ... just get a Plain Jane Lord Commissar for saving up points.


Okay so there's an HQ, cheap troop choice & a pretty good gunship for ~350pts. After that, you go nutty with your heavy support. 3 Russ tanks fit in one FOC slot.

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While Warhammer 40,000 6th ed has allowed allies to our armies. Bolter & Chainswords dose not allowed none power armour armies on the fourm.


You can find out more on this over on Kurgan topic in the news & rumour area of the fourm






Insane Psychopath

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