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No tanks against necrons?

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Just thought of this yesterday, but necron warriors glance tanks on a 6 to hit or wound (not a necron player myself so i don't know exactly). With hull points which act as wounds on tanks, 4 6's will wreck a land raider as soon as it is in LOS. Is there any way that we could take tanks and SR against our bromance?


Yeah buddy! Shield of Sanguinius, serving your deflection needs since 2009.


But seriously, no matter how you look at it, hull points kind of balanced the game a little bit. Before, it was mech up or suck up. Now, I feel like tanks are a bit more fragile but not overpowered. Think about it, BAs can field 4-5 razorbacks, and 5-6 other vehicles at ~1750. That 27-33 HPs! So they still need to do serious damage before you are toast. Also, with shield in the factor, that can change things drastically. Keep in mind the Techmarines are actually useful in 6th ed. They not only restore damaged vehicles, but restore HPs too! So maybe think about that...

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And as I am quite frequently fighting my wife's necrons, I must tell, there is not much of other anti-tank weaponry for necrons to muster.

On our first battle, I have managed to have my rhino (1000pts battle) till 5th turn.

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And as I am quite frequently fighting my wife's necrons, I must tell, there is not much of other anti-tank weaponry for necrons to muster.

On our first battle, I have managed to have my rhino (1000pts battle) till 5th turn.

She doesn't have a Doomsday Ark? That looks pretty anti-tank to me, although you could argue that something that destructive (S9 AP 1 pie plate, IIRC) is anti-everything.
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My Necron 1500pts list has 6 Heavy Destroyers (S9 AP2), an Eldritch Lance, two Annhilation Barges as well as 24 Necron Warriors and their Gauss weapons. Not to mention Warscythes on my Command Barge and Destroyer Lord and Wraiths who are S6 and rending (which go to AP1) - Bascially Necrons have great anti-tank abilities!


Still, a Blood Angels list with the masses of vehicles it can put on the table is still no walk over! Gauss weapons are indecisive, as they have to be concentrated upon vehicles to "wound" vehicles and finish them off. Taking 9 or so tanks will be like 27 HPs!

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Are you sure Techmarines can't restore Hull Points? I'm looking at the Blood Angel FAQ Right now.


If the result is 5 or more, you may restore a Hull Point lost

earlier in the battle, or repair a Weapon Destroyed or

Immobilised result suffered earlier in the battle; this is effective





I think you were looking at the Rhino rules, where it states a successful Rhino repair does not restore hull points. I'm pretty sure that refers to the Rhino self-repair ability.

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Just looking at the Cron faq, they have an amendment which is called entropic strike. This glances AND penatrates squadrons of vehicles. So if one of your SR's is on 1 HP, it could be taken on the 1HP?


Except that's for squadrons of vehicles, like Imperial Guard Tank Squadrons or Land Speeder squadrons. Storm Ravens are individual units so the hits will go on the one that is hit.


Although as long as your Raven is Zooming it can't be assaulted.



And yes, as every Necron basic gun can knock a hull point off we'll all have to be very careful in how we place our vehicles in the future.



On the other hand, with disembarking models basically getting out within 6" of the tank, our Land Raiders don't have to get so close any more.




EDIT: Darth_giles, nobody said Gauss == Rending. Cap'n Idaho was talking about his Wraiths who are strength 6 with rending.

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EDIT: Darth_giles, nobody said Gauss == Rending. Cap'n Idaho was talking about his Wraiths who are strength 6 with rending.
My mistake. I've seen a lot of people actually playing Gauss = Rending before the new codex was released, and had to give a lot of RTFBB to people. Seeing "rending" and "Necrons" in the same sentence must still trigger it.
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The early cries are suggesting that Necrons have the most powerful codex. It is way too early to tell, but this could become the WAAC players top choice in the near future. If they dominate the meta, and they are as effective as anti-tank as they seem, it could really push us towards jumping across the table.


Things to be concerned about: Transport that can go 36 inches and drop their troops off. Flyer spam: they can run 10 flyers at under 2K points. Glancing vehicles everywhere. Synergy with night fighting combined with lots more night fighting every game.


Thankfully, I feel like a BA jumpers list could do pretty well against them.

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Rending is ap2, unless necrons got faq'ed otherwise?


No they didn't, I just pressed the wrong button and didn't notice when I reviewed it, since it always used to be AP1. Point still stands though (AP2 is pretty good!) :)


I think BA will do fine against Necrons, probably better than most, because they can be mobile even without vehicles.

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Its made gauss a little nastier, but not that much surely?

Multiple glances were always going to mission kill your tanks, now, with hull points, they will blow them too.


An improvement, but unlikely to be "game changing"

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I dunno, I could count using the fingers of one hand the number of times I've glanced a tank to wrecked in 5th but in 6th a warrior squad can easily wreck a land raider in 1 turn of shooting. And now they can do it whilst moving and at full range.
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Rending is ap2, unless necrons got faq'ed otherwise?


No they didn't, I just pressed the wrong button and didn't notice when I reviewed it, since it always used to be AP1. Point still stands though (AP2 is pretty good!) ;)


I think BA will do fine against Necrons, probably better than most, because they can be mobile even without vehicles.

dont think i ever rember rending in my years playing since 3rd...? wonder does this mean my store will finally have a proper necron player(and chase off the grey knights...)

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Its made gauss a little nastier, but not that much surely?

Multiple glances were always going to mission kill your tanks, now, with hull points, they will blow them too.


An improvement, but unlikely to be "game changing"

I think the main difference is 5th had a lot of "stun-locking", while 6th has converted this into a Wreck. Problem is - "stun-lock" only lasted a turn while Wreck is permanent. So before you had to decide on tasking a unit to "stun-lock" a vehicle every turn while risking a set of bad rolls which prevented you from getting the "stun-lock" or re-task your unit elsewhere accepting that the vehicle could then carry on with its mission. Also, in 5th, Glances could only Wreck certain fragile vehicles with three Glances (1 Weapon vehicles could be Weapon Destroyed/Immobilized > Wrecked with three Glances) while most vehicles required more than three.

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I think with the change in the assaulting of vehicle. We will be having a much different play style. IMO I will be sitting in the back until turn 2-3 then start moving forward instead of the early push with shield and the speed of vehicle to deter CC results. Necrons are not the only ones that will be come more annoying to vehicles. Such as Deamons charging are tanks with rending claws and tearing through that weak rear armor.
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