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Mephiston has become a war gawd!

Steel Angel

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He already has a 2+ save. Wings are better than speed, and him, Dreadies and Vindi's are the only things that can insta-gib bikes. Nope, his powers are better than anything in the book, especially because he can't join units.


What page are the rules for his wings by the way guys?

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I have. He can get FnP reliably from a nearby priest, regrow wounds is impressive but its only a shooting assault attack. Without speed how're going to get him to shoot, your going to have to ferry him around, probably in a Land Raider or Stormraven because the assault class becomes vital. Warp Speed is nice, but a bit redundant. He already has an effective eternal warrior, thanks to T6, his only weakness is force weapon smacks.


And one or two of these maybe powers (the primaris power smite, isn't great) just means for me, three definite powers that are useful are a far better choice.

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It seems a lot of people are ragging on the power aces, and I'm not too sure why. Mind you, I have a huge habit of making tactically stupid decisions because it feels cool, but still. The axes have a really nice feel to me, it's like, a poor mans powerfist. Yes it's initiative 1, but giving it to someone with a 2+ save means you'll probably always hit, since ap2 combat weapons are harder to come by. Though this is coming from the person who's seriously considering having an all power-spear Death Company . . .
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Those Bone Swords were just as bad in 5th Ed as well. So no change there.


Whereas against Grey Knights, Mephiston is now TOP TIER GODLY. Seeing as he can benefit from his 2+ save and Feel No Pain if a Priest is nearby. CONSIDERABLY different from no save, and no FnP

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There's a Tyranid weapon that insta-gibs anyone regardless of toughness value. Bone Sabre or something.


Sure, but said Tyranid would need to be fairly lucky to even get a swing in on Meph without a lash whip to back it up.


Swarmlord. Some other sites have done the math. Even if everything goes your way, mephiston wins by .4 wounds. So, half the time Mephiston eats it. It's been my experience that the Swarmord walks around with tyrant guard with lashwhips.

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FnP from a priest dosent help against force weapons. plus cant disspell force weapons any more.


What? Why no FNP? And why does Deny the Witch not work against it?


Force weapon instagib says in the BRB you can't Deny it away.

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FnP works against anything except ID, now. The idea Steel Angel was trying to get across is the FnP cannot protect Mephiston from an activated Force Wepon, because it causes ID. And you can only Deny the Witch against powers that target friendly units. So, no, you cannot DtW buffs, non-targeted AoE's, and (important to this discusson) Force Weapon activation.
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Here's one i'm not sure of but maybe if has eternal warrior can use FnP cause it cant cause ID

even if someone is an eternal warrior, wounds that should cause instant death would disallow FNP

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I have more than just a few Power Axes in my army not to mention Dante's. OK let me mention Dantes, so his way over average initiative means spit now? Add that to the loss of initiative advantage Furious Charge once gave and I am thinking of playing shooty BA. Oh, oh how about Chaplains loss of AP from 3 to 4. Oh woe is me.


But this is about Mephy. So let me get this straight. Perils of the warp can now be negated by Feel No Pain? That's cool.

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Played a game over the weekend with the new rules, blood angels against blood angels, relic mission (capture the grail). The relevance to this thread is the highly comical spectacle of Mephiston and Sanguinor harmlessly flailing at each other for 4 turns before I could free the Sanguinary guard powerfist up to smack Mephiston.


He may be a "gawd" but keep him well clear of terminators!

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I have more than just a few Power Axes in my army not to mention Dante's. OK let me mention Dantes, so his way over average initiative means spit now? Add that to the loss of initiative advantage Furious Charge once gave and I am thinking of playing shooty BA. Oh, oh how about Chaplains loss of AP from 3 to 4. Oh woe is me.


But this is about Mephy. So let me get this straight. Perils of the warp can now be negated by Feel No Pain? That's cool.

Lets not create another Dante axe thread. But there is dispute as to whether he has an power axe or a unique power weapon. Go to the Chaos fourm, there is a good thread on it concerning demon weapons but its the same concept.

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